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Its been a week

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Its been a week.

Taehyung was calling his team into the meeting room to tell the others his decision on the Gala. He was going to wait on this decision, but knowing him he'll forget.

So, hopefully the decision he made is a good one.

"I have decided to host this meeting because I have made my decision on the Gala our allies have invited us too." Taehyung said.

The 6 just looked at each other before looking back at their leader. It's like they knew his answer and we're all thinking the same thing.

"I have decided that we will be attending." He said. "Now before you question me, I have plans and everything all set up." He added.

"Ok.. I just have one question that I know won't be answered in your plans..I'm sure I speak for the rest of us as well.." Sun-Jin said.

"Yes Sun-Jin?" The golden haired male asked.

"I also know this might not be the time, but..Does this mean you're finally going to tell Jungkook we're a mafia?" She asked.

"Yeah, I hope you're not planning on throwing him in a room full of mafias and say it's a banquet for your 'business'." Hoseok said.

Taehyung kind of got quiet, that didn't really cross his mind at all. Maybe it was time to tell the young raven who he really is. The only thing he's scared of is a bad reaction.

"I will tell him before the gala.. I promise.." Tae replied.

"And baby Jisung? Now, even though it's been a week, Jungkook is very attached to the baby and won't let anyone else watch him or anything.." Jimin chimed in.

This kind of got the others looking at Jimin a little funny. All of a sudden a baby shows up and the blonde has a small change of heart.

"I will take care of it, I promise.." The golden haired male replied, sighing a little bit.

He gets it, he needs to tell Jungkook, but the problem is how he's going to tell him.

He doesn't just want to come out and say it, that'll scare him and possibly cause him to run off, but at the same time he feels like it's his only option.

"All I'm gonna say Tae is, don't wait too long, because if you do.. he's going to find out in a way you don't want him to and it won't be pretty.." Namjoon said.

"I know.. I got it.." Tae said, causing the others to nod slightly.

"Alright so what's the plans you got?" Yoongi asked, leaning back in his chair.

"Right.. I have talked with our allies who are hosting this event and asked for a blueprint of the building, I have labeled escape plans.. Memorize them." The leader said.

The 6 looked at the screen as Taehyung put the blueprints with all the escape plans on it.

"Now, is this for anything or red moon?" Jin asked.

"At this point it's both.. I'm hoping to have Red Moon destroyed by Gala time, but seeing as they're basically MIA, it's both purposes." Taehyung said.

"The only time I want you to fully escape is if it gets too out of hand or they're running after Jungkook and I.. Which him and I will have a very private escape." He added.

"Wait private escape? What the hell does that mean?" Jimin asked, this didn't sit right with him.

"Yeah I'm with Jimin on this one, aren't all escape routes private?" Sun-Jin asked.

"Well, yes, but-" "But wha-"

"Now listen to me.. They want Jungkook first before any of us.. So I am going to take him away privately an exit that is more secluded.. than your guys'" Tae is starting to hate being talked over.

"I'm not saying you guys aren't important or anything of that sort.. I am saying is you guys are capable of defending yourselves in a situation like this.. Jungkook will have no idea what the hell is going on." He added.

"He's right.." Namjoon said, he understood what Tae meant even though he put it in a weird way.

This is a team, Tae's family, he would never let them get hurt.

He'd kill to protect every single one of them, hell he has before and he'd do it again.

Sometimes it feels like they forget that and it bothers Tae some..

"Let me continue.." The golden haired male said, going back to his plans.

"Our hosts Monsta X and other allies are aware of the situation and are willing to help us with this as long as we repay them, which I have no problem with because I would ask the same of them." He added.

The others just nodded, they are on Tae's side as always, but this just feels off. Not the plans or anything, but the decision to go to the Gala.

They know something is going to happen, Red Moon or whatever its going to be.

Something is going to happen and thankfully they are getting prepared now.

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·

Bangtan weren't the only ones planning escapes and how things are going to go at the Gala.

Red Moon was also in their meeting room planning a very grand entrance at a gala they weren't invited to obviously.

It makes them laugh honestly. They've been under Bangtans nose and they don't even realize it. Red Moon has been 'MIA' for so long that they see this gala as an easy target for more than one reason.

Making this decision of going to the Gala was the best decision Tae has made in their eyes.

In just 7 weeks, they feel a win coming.

They will take over as the leading mafia.

And no one will stop them.
This chapter felt all over the place lmao.
Anyways! I hope you all enjoyed! I <3 You All!


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