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A couple weeks later, Taehyung decided to take Jungkook out to a nice resturant

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A couple weeks later, Taehyung decided to take Jungkook out to a nice resturant.

On top of needing a small break from his hard work, Jungkook deserved to go out too from being cooped up in a house all day and almost everyday. Plus they've never really been on a date either, so this was a good opportunity.

The raven looked around as they entered this restaurant, he was just in pure awe. He's never been to a place this fancy before and he was even dressed well enough to be in here. It was like he fit in.

"2?" The host asked, looking at the two.

Tae nodded and the host grabbed to menus, guiding them to a table.  The host just set the two menus down and walked away.

Taehyung pulled the chair out for Jungkook and even pushed him in, making sure to not push him in too far, he didn't wanna hurt the now 24 week baby boy that was growing well.

"Thank you.." Jungkook said, small blush appearing on his cheeks.

"You're welcome." Tae replied, sitting down in his own seat and picking up the menu. "Order whatever you want." He added.

"Oh.. Alright.." The raven said, opening the menu, eyes widening at the prices of the food. He wasn't going to say anything though, he's learned his lesson on that.

"I want something spicy." Was all he said. "Oo~ Spicy Buffalo Shrimp Skewers as an appetizer.." he added.

Tae kind of chuckled at Jungkook, he was cute when he was like this. Reading over his menu he decided what he wanted and pushed it off to the side. The waiter came and took their drink order, leaving them alone again to decide on food.

The raven kind of looked at his menu, he figured out what he wanted, but he was reading it and thinking about what he wanted to talk about with Tae. It would be a great time to ask about the guards and their relationship, but how do you bring that up? He just has to say it, it's now or never.

"I have a question.." Jungkook said, looking up at Tae.

"What's that?" The older asked, fiddling with the menu.

"Why do I need guards when I leave the house? Every time I try to leave they just follow.. it's weird." The raven said.

"It's for your protection, incase Jiho decides to show up and try something we wouldn't suspect." Taehyung said, causing the younger to nod.

It did make sense, but at the same time it didn't make sense. It's been a few months since he's been away from the guy, wouldn't have Jiho tried something when he left? Unless he is planning something and he didn't know, but.. how would Tae know?

"How would you know if he's coming?" The raven asked, confused look on his face due to the thinking he's been doing.

"The guards keep track of that and tell me any feedback." Tae said. "Just keeping you safe that's all." He added, small smile on his face.

Jungkook just nodded again and sipped the water that was sat in front of him, he didn't really wanna question it any further. It was still half and half on making sense.

Soon the waiter came over and took their orders and menus before leaving to two alone once again. The younger wanted to bring up their relationship, but Taehyung beat him to it.

"So, I've been thinking about some things." The golden haired male chimed in.

"Like?" Jungkook asked, running his hands across his bump, concerned on where this was going.

"Us.." Tae said. "I know I'm the one who suggested that you wait until you're ready to move forward, but with how we've been these past few weeks.. I think it would be safe to say we're ready." He added.

The raven blushed a bit. It's funny how he was going to tell this man he felt ready enough to start dating again and here he is saying he feels they're both ready.

There was still that thought that lingered in the back of his head though:

He only liked Tae because he was his savior.

"Well thats if you are ready, of course I don't wanna pressure it. Sometimes my mind goes farther than it needs to." The older said with a small laugh.

"No.. actually I was going to tell you I felt ready. I have been doing some thinking honestly and I feel ready to move on." Jungkook said, small smile appearing. Taehyung smiled and nodded.

Just like that, the two were made official. This felt like the right choice made by them both. They had all the time in the world to get to know each other more during this as well.

Those thoughts they both have had will hopefully disappear as they grow together.

• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– •

Taehyung pulled into the driveway of the mansion. After stopping the car and shutting it off, he got out and made his way to the passenger side to open the door for his now boyfriend.

"Thank you." Jungkook said, getting out of the vehicle and making his way to the stairs to the mansion.

"You're welcome." Tae said loud enough for Kook to hear.

The golden haired male then shut the door and caught up to the younger who was halfway up the stairs. Pulling out his keys as he made it to the door so he could unlock it.

"Hey, thank you for a great night." The raven said, watching as Tae put the key in the lock.

"You're welcome. We can do that anytime you want." Taehyung said, turning to face the younger. "Or whatever kind of date you want, I'm not picky." He added.

"I don't really know what dates I like.. I used to just do movies with Jiho until well.. You know." Jungkook said, shrugging his shoulders. The older just nodded, in understanding.

The two then stared at each other, obviously they both wanted the same thing.

The moonlight shining on them, fountains running on either side of them and small lights shining out of the fountains.

It was a pretty scene for a kiss, which was something they both wanted, it would end the evening perfectly, but the issue was.. Who was going to make the move first?

After a couple seconds, they both leaned in, Tae gently putting his hands on Jungkook's waist and Kook holding onto Taes biceps. Lips connected for just 30 seconds.

When they pulled back, the younger looked hesitant to say something, but it was now or never. He just stared up at Tae and said.

"I love you.."

In which Tae replied.

"I love you too.."
I know their relationship may seem rushed, but honestly if you think about it, it's really not lmao..

(My ass is too lazy to explain lmao)

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed! Next chapter will be out soon! I love you all!
-Chrissy 💜

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