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Short Chapter!____

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Short Chapter!

It's been 8 weeks. In those 8 weeks, Taehyung has been working his ass off to make sure Jungkook was protected from Red Moon and as he did so, the two started getting really close.

The golden haired male would sleep next to Jungkook in bed and give him small presents like clothes, shoes, baby items for the baby boy, a new phone and jewelry. It made him happy when the younger would open a present and be really shocked everytime.

The raven didn't know how to feel about all this though, it was new to him. Jiho never gifted presents, not even before he became an abusive alcoholic. He was very grateful for all of the stuff the older has given him.

Taehyung also found it as a good distraction to the raven so he didn't really question what was going on and why things were changing around here.

Right now, Jungkook and Taehyung are asleep, the raven was on the left side of bed while the other was on the right. Even though they were sleeping in the same bed, there was still a gap between them, somtimes Yeontan would lay between the gap.

The only time they 'cuddled' was when Taehyung came in during that one storm, but other than that they've just shared the bed.

The golden haired wanted Jungkook to have space even though both of them were in the process of moving their relationship forward. Before they could move any further Tae wanted to make sure the younger was ready. He didn't want to push it.

Suddenly the older woke up from his slumber, he looked at the time to see that it was 3:48 AM. Why was he awake? He should be sleeping, not awake.

He just sighed and shifted so he was facing Jungkook, he wanted to see if he was sleeping ok.

The raven was bundled under the covers the only thing you could see was his closed eyes and up. The blanket covered everything else.

By the looks of it, Jungkook was sleeping peacefully, soft snores escaping from him, but technically he wasn't sleeping well at all. The younger was mid dream.. and it wasn't a good one either.

Taehyung just watched the raven. Slowly he started dozing off again, but as soon as he shut his eyes to sleep Jungkook shot up with a gasp causing the older to jump a bit.

"Are you ok?" The golden haired male asked, sitting up slowly. The younger jumped a bit and looked back at Tae, breathing semi-heavily due to jolting awake.

"Yeah.. Just.. a nightmare.." Jungkook replied after catching his breath and laying back down. "Sorry for waking you." he added.

"It's alright, I wasn't really sleeping anyway." Tae said, watching the raven snuggle back under the covers. "Nightmare huh?" He asked.

"Mmhmm, I've been having nightmares." The younger said, rubbing his eyes.

"How long have you been having them?" The golden haired male asked. He was concerned seeing as Jungkook just laid back down and tried going back to sleep, meaning it was an occuring thing. 

"Couple weeks now.. They won't go away." Jungkook said, trying to fall back asleep. He just wanted to sleep, there is nothing you can really do about bad dreams. 

"Oh, well is there anything I can do about it? Like cuddling or something?" Taehyung asked, laying back down. Jungkook kind of blushed a bit, thank god the older couldn't see his face due to the darkness. 

"Umm well.. It might help, but I'm fine for right now." The raven said. He was new to this type of relationship, thats even if they are in a full commited relationship, and it was hard to adjust to. 

Jungkook would love to jump back into the dating feild, especially with Tae, but at the same time it's too soon. Him and Tae have been moving forward into something though and he knew the older didn't want to push it until he was ready to move forward. The raven loved it, but the same time it was weird. 

It got him questioning himself. Was he willing to jump into a relationship with the older all because he was his savior? Or did he genuienly love this man? 

As the younger rolled to his left side so he could get more comfortable, with his tummy growing it was starting to get hard to do so, he felt arms wrap around him, causing his blush to get even more pink. He looked back a bit seeing the older adjust so he was comfortable, keeping his arms around Kook. 

"Get some sleep.. Hopefully this helps with your nightmares." Taehyung said smile smile on his face as he started to doze off again. 

"Thank you.. Good Night.. Well Morning." Jungkook replied, face hot from how much he was blushing. 

The golden haired male laughed a bit. "Good Mornight." he said, causing the younger to laugh a bit as well "Good Mornight." he replied. 

Soon the two were asleep, Jungkook in Taehyungs hold. Both of them bundled into the blankets and soft snoring from how good they were sleeping. 

It was perfect.

AHHHH, I'm not really happy on how I wrote this chapter, but I got one out so that's all that matters lmao. I hope you enjoyed and the next one will be out soon! 

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