Chapter 4: A Dance of Wits & Weapons

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The guards-in-training unit is usher into the Polis throne room, lining up according to their heights. The team consists of six 12 to 13-year old goufas. They will train with Lexa and be her sparring partners as she continues to refine her fighting skills. They will also double as a child decoy when Lexa travels in case of any assassination attempts. When they come of age, those that prove themselves will graduate to be Heda's personal guard or be promoted to other posts.

The young guards stand proud as their Heda silently observes them. Lexa traces her glace at her guards-to-be; she has been craving for a sparring session. Who should she fight first? She thinks she will pick the tallest boy in the group. It would show them their Heda is not easily intimated. Or, maybe she should spar with the shortest girl in the group. If the conclave has taught her anything, it is to not underestimate any of your opponents. To be selected as a guard-to-be must mean the short girl's combat skills have earned her this position regardless of her stature. Lexa stares intensely at the girl. A memory stirs. Isn't that the teary-eye goufa that she defended from a group of bullies a few years ago? She is now a guard-to-be? It is decided. She will have to assess her skills first. She will not allow any weak link in her court.

"What is your name?" Lexa addresses the girl.

"Costia. Heda."

She is right. It is her, Costia. Lexa narrows her field of vision, recalling Costia crying when applying the cream onto her bruised knuckles. If she didn't know any better, one would have assumed it was Costia who got hurt. Lexa recalls blushing at the girl's touch and being embarrassed by the girl's excessive tears. Lexa will do Costia a favor by kicking her out immediately if she is deemed unworthy.

Standing up, Lexa walks down her throne towards the guards-in-training. Brushes her thumb in a circular motion over the pommel of her single-edge sword as her index finger traces the texture of the worn-down leather hilt. She approaches Costia and stops a few feet in front of the girl. This should be over quickly. Without warning, Lexa draws her long single-bladed sword with a backhand grip and slashes towards Costia, aiming for her jugular. The fluid movement was too fast for the girl to react. The blade stops a skin away before drawing blood.

"Indra! What is the meaning of this?" her blade still on Costia's neck. "I will not have guards by my side that cannot defend themselves," growls Lexa, clearly displeased with the defenseless girl.

In truth, Costia didn't react because she was distracted by Lexa. Lexa is younger, well older, than when she first met her, and Costia finds a sense of thrill and wonder in meeting her soulmate at a different life stage. Lexa is different at this age. She is not dressed in her usual all-black long sleeve attire. Instead, she is wearing a quarter sleeve top under an armored vest. She carries her shoulder like the world is a little less heavy, and her steps are lighter. But regardless of Lexa's age, there is one constant that draws Costia in. That is Lexa's eyes. From the moment the pair of green eyes surveyed the room to when it locked onto hers, Costia was entranced. She needs to think quickly if she wishes to stay, "If Heda wants my life, I will not raise my blade."

Lexa raises one of her eyebrows, intrigued.

"I do not want your life. Nor do I allow weakness in my warriors."

"I am not weak. Had Heda informed me that she wishes to spar, I would not have held back."

"Mere words without action." Lexa lowers her sword and takes a few steps back, settling into a fighting stance. A clear invite to fight, a gonplei.

The rest of the goufas clear the floor, leaving Costia standing in the center. The room settles as the atmosphere tenses up with anticipation.


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