In peace, may you leave this shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passages on your travels, until our final journey to the ground. May we meet again. Clarke died years after the Transcendence event, and learns that the Traveler's Blessing is...
"Come on, I've been watching you and your friend all night. I can tell you ladies are looking for some fun." A large man has backed Costia up against the counter. His eyes are wild and lustful as he holds Costia in place, inching into her personal space. One of his hands is swimming the length of her body, and the other pulling Costia in by her sash. He has a blue tattoo on the side of his face running from his temple to his cheek, his greasy brown hair unkempt with random strands of braids.
"Let gooooo ... said e'm not interested. Go float yourself... " Costia protests, slurring her words. She is too drunk to fight him off. She tries to push him, but her limps are stumbling without aim. Costia can't even think straight and has resorted to using Skaikru's profanity that no one understands.
Skrish, where are my daggers? I think I'm going to be sick ...
"I promise I will give you a hell of a ride." The man growls like an animal as he sticks out his tongue out and licks the contour of Costia's cheek and jawline. His hands are now groping Costia's buttocks, and he braces his bulging manhood between her, breathing down her neck. His breath reeks of alcohol so do Costia. But his is repulsive, like piss and bile.
Niylah is out cold, spilled over the bar - unaware of the situation. Costia is not far behind from passing out herself. But she can't, at least not right now, and fights to regain her dexterity.
"Come on, Rufus" A samaritan taps Rufus' shoulder and tries to coax him off of Costia. The locals have never seen Costia before. With the Commander's army marching into town, anyone with half a wit can guess that Costia might be someone important. And any disturbance can be seen as a direct challenge to Heda or to the Kongeda. The result of which can be dire. A few other patrons are ready to get up to help. They don't want any trouble either.
But Rufus will not hear it. He had his eyes on Costia all night, and his appetite is insatiable. He swats the hand away. "Mind your own busine... "
Rufus was thrown onto the ground. A shadow had made its way across the room, grabbed his hand, pivoted, throwing him over the shoulder.
He looks up dumbfounded. Rufus is on his back, and a hooded figure in black is standing over him, staring back at him with piercing eyes.
His face contorts to anger. "You bitc.." a sword points down at Rufus, by another warrior that caught up to the shadow, stopping him from finishing the sentence and from getting up. Rufus swallows his word and quickly puts his hands to the side in a surrender pose.
"Mind your tongue!" The warrior barks.
"General Indra!?" Rufus recognizes the dark warrior. She is the leading general in Veland, sent by Heda to keep the peace. Many of the warriors locally serve under her command.
The dark figure makes its way to Costia and catches the brunette before she tips over her chair.
"You fool. The girl is my Seken and under the Commander's protection." Indra hisses.
"I swear -- I didn't know. She is friends with Niylah, and I thought," Rufus explains, his face twists in fear. Niylah had been trading in Veland for a few months. The locals would never guess that she has friends in high places. Indra and her would only meet in secret, and none of the ruffians in this dive bar saw the playful kiss at the marketplace earlier today.
"You thought what?" The dark warrior snaps. "Surely you know she is Trikru, and she marched in with the Commander today. Do you have so little respect for the Kongeda? For our Heda?" Indra inches her sword forward, her words full of venom. She glances up at the hooded figure for her next order.
The hooded figure is none other than Lexa. Indra had sent out spies to Delfi, and none of them had returned. She thinks they may have been compromised. This is unsettling news; that would mean there might be traitors in their midst. The strategic advisor needs to hear this, so Lexa sent for Costia. When they learned that Costia had not returned from the tavern, Lexa got worried. Even though Costia is more than capable of handling herself, Lexa was concerned about hidden danger in light of Indra's news and recent development. It is also unlike Costia to be so thoughtless and not report back to camp by this hour. So Lexa decided to sneak out with Indra to look for her. They snuck out because a part of Lexa is also afraid of what she will find - an indecent Costia in the arms of Niylah. What she saw was worst.
Slumped over, Costia is leaning on Lexa, and her arms have found their way around Lexa's torso. The Commander kept still, bracing Costia from falling.
"Oh, it's you," Costia mutters as she nuzzles into the Commander's waist. She recognizes the scent of sandalwood and pine. This is much more pleasant than the intrusive smell from earlier.
Lexa stood there, with her hands to her side, staring at the girl before her in disbelief. Lexa gathers her thoughts, noting the empty bottles on the counter, and contemplates her next move. The offender will not be excused for his offense to Costia and to the Kongeda. He will be made an example. She looks up, her face impassive. "Take the hand."
It is the order Indra is waiting for. It is an order she is more than willing to carry out. No one touches her Seken and her fellow soul-travelers.
Followed by an anguished howl and a pool of blood gushing out from an arm, now absent a hand. The man rolls to the side, screaming in pain.
"Take him! I will deal with him in the morning," Indra commands, and a few warriors from the back of the bar rush forward and scoop Rufus up under both of his arms to drag him out.
Indra kicks the severed limb aside, puts away her sword, and steps over the puddle of blood towards the bar counter. She stands next to Niylah and points her chin towards her, "I'll take care of her. I know where she is staying. I'll come back after." Indra offers the Commander.
Lexa studies the warrior. Indra knows of her? Is she really Costia's ... ? The Commander nods silently and turns her attention to the tavern keeper. "Do you have lodging?" Lexa is not going to haul a drunk strategic advisor back to camp. It will not boost confidence amongst her warriors and subjects.
"Yes, we do. Upstairs." The keeper answers quickly with reverence. It is clear to him that these are no ordinary guests.
"Lead the way." Lexa scoots down and swings Costia's arm over her shoulder to lift Costia up.
"Hmmm, where are we going?" Costia groans as she stumbles onto her feet.
Indra points at a few warriors she recognizes, "Stay and stand guard."
"Sha. General." The warriors answered.
Lexa nods in approval of the arrangement as she follows the tavern keeper upstairs, with Costia in her arms.
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