Chapter 1: Costia

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Costia is traveling with a caravan of children, goufas, to TonDC to train as a warrior. She is the smallest of her age, skinny, and frail. She will not make a good warrior. But Indra insisted and named Costia her second when she met the girl a few years ago. It is an honor for Costia's family. Still, surely anyone can see Costia would be better off training as a Healer, a Fisa. Costa, while meek, is bright and has a rare gift of empathy and compassion. More importantly, she has a healing touch despite her age. Once, their family doe walked into a hunter's trap and was injured. It was Costia that nurse it back to health, even though her father wanted to put it down from its misery. Good thing Costia intervened. Later that year, the doe had some billies and fetched the family a good price for an otherwise harsh Winter. Had Costia not expressed that she also wishes to become a warrior, Costia's mother would not have let her go.

On the carriage, Han, another goufa, steals a sideways glance at Costia. She is very pretty, he thought. Her sunkissed hazel-color hair is neatly braided. Her flawless feature and smooth hands show she has never wielded a weapon and have never gotten into a fight. Little did he know Costia always prefer to talk her way out instead of resorting to violence. Costia's olive-color eyes lite up with anticipation as they approach TonDC. He pities her. If Indra's reputation proceeds her, Costia will probably die from training before she even sees the battlefield. Maybe he can protect her. Boys always have a thing for pretty girls.

It was dusk when the caravan arrived at TonDC. The teachers, Sedas, are already at the entrance waiting to pick up their Seconds. The Sedas are an imposing group of warriors. At the head of the group is Indra, and behind her is Anya and a dozen other warriors. One Seda for each Seken. They are an intimidating group. Together they look like a pack of wolves circling their prey.

The goufas are quickly ushered off the carriage and lined up along the dusty road facing their Sedas. Han stood as straight as possible. He is chosen to be Anya's next student. He wants to impress her. Anya's last Seken, Lexa, is a Natblida. She was taken away from Anya about two years ago to train with the rest of Natblida. If he is lucky, perhaps Lexa will become the next Commander. He will have a chance to serve under her through Anya connection. It will bring great pride to his village.

Indra surveys the group of goufas, and none of them dares look straight or away from the Chief. Some shift uncomfortably under her gaze. When Indra's eyes land on Costia, her look remains sharp like the tip of a knife ready to draw blood. Han stole another glance at Costia at his peripheral and was shocked to see that Costia held Indra's gaze with much ease. If anything, Costia is ... smiling? Is she crazy? She is going to get a beating by challenging her Seda so publicly.

"Sekens! You are chosen to train under my unit because the spirit has recognized each of your unique strengths."

"Never question your Sedas, and if you are willing to do whatever it takes, we will make you all a great warrior. Now, follow your Sedas to your quarters. Costia with me." Indra turns and starts to walk towards the first building beyond the entrance of TonDC. Costia scurries along, and Han feels sorry for her.


Costia hurries and follows behind Indra. It is really not fair for Indra to walk so fast, given her disadvantaged height. The warrior didn't slow down. She walks into the building, down the hall, turns the corner, and continues her tread towards the war room. By the door are two guards, and they stiffen at Indra's approach. Costia recognized the room when they had their meeting.

"Leave us," Indra commands. The guards looked at the poor goufa and wondered what the timid new seken has already done to offend their Chief. The two guards nod at Indra and march towards the exit of the building. When the two guards are out of sight, Indra closes the door behind her, and her eyes soften at Costia. "We meet again, Clarke. It is good to see you."


Two years ago.

Indra was en route to escort the 8-year-old Lexa to Polis for her continual training. Indra knew who Lexa will become and what she meant for Clarke. So even though she can account for all disparities, she was on high alert at all times. They needed to stop at Bowie for a few days. She knew this is where Lexa would meet Costia for the first time. This is where they will forge a friendship and later rekindle that friendship and become lovers. Indra knew Costia is a major player in the pre-Coalition war. However, the warrior still had plans to avoid staying at Bowie to sabotage Lexa and Costia's relationship. Not only to spare Lexa for the eventual heartbreak but also for her loyalty to Clarke. Unfortunately (or fortunately), rumors of a Pauna on the alternate route had thwarted her plan. Her primary objective is to keep Lexa safe, so she had no choice but to pass by Bowie and restock before their continual march. Costia, as she recalls, will become Nyko's star student because she helped or will help Nyko gather medicinal herbs during their stay at Bowie. She will have other chances to sabotage them. It wasn't until Costia came running towards Indra to reveal herself did it shocked Indra out of her scheming.

"Indra, do you remember?"

"What?" Indra looked down at the young Costia.

"You know," the young Costia lowers her voice, looking unsure, "the trans-cee-n-dence?" Costia can barely enunciate the word given her missing baby teeth.

Indra's eyes widen. Did she hear correctly? There is no way Costia said transcendence. This memory or knowledge is only for a privileged few, and she is sure Costia is not there with them. Or is she?

"Who are you?" Indra loses her composure for a split second but quickly regains it when she puts two and two together. They say eyes are windows to the soul, and there is only one soul with that kind of intelligence behind those olive-shaded eyes. Besides, being the eventual lover of Lexa is also a dead giveaway. "Clarke?" 

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