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The Kiss

Adora battled her nerves as she walked onto the set on that fateful day. She cringed watching Sea-Hawk spread his 5th or-so coat of chapstick across his lips, and began to regret auditioning for the show in the first place.

And if it weren't the looming threat of the kissing scene that made her nervous, then it was catching Catra's eye that did the trick.

Catra desperately waited for Adora to bring up their unexpected encounter at the rehab, but she never did. During their meetings Adora would speak to her as if she hadn't a clue as to who she was.

As if she were a stranger.

If anything, Catra just wanted a reason to hate Adora. She wanted proof that she was unlikable just to convince herself that she was more worthy of the role than Adora was, but Adora didn't budge. She was a saint. So if Adora wanted to play the hero, then Catra would have no other choice but to take the role of the villain.

She went up to Sea-Hawk, "Hey, you ready for the kiss?"

"I was born ready." He replied smugly.

"Well, I overheard Glimmer saying that she wanted the kiss to be big. She is aching to see some passion come from you guys, tongue and all."

Sea-Hawk scoffed, "Oh trust me, Catra. I can do passion."

"I never doubted it for a second."

Catra smiled deviantly as Sea-Hawk ran off. She couldn't wait to see how this would play out.

Meanwhile, Adora was hiding in her trailer, leaving her hair and makeup artist knocking on the door repeatedly.

"Leave me alone, Bow!" She cried out.

Despite her wishes, Bow stepped inside, "Come on, Adora. I know it's nerve wracking but you can't hide in here forever."

Adora lifted her head up from her arms, "Can I confess something to you?"

"Um, sure?"

Adora sighed, "I haven't had my first kiss yet."

Bow held in a laugh– surely Adora had to be joking. However, the look on her face told him that she hadn't been lying.

"Are you serious?! Adora, you're 21!"

"I know, I know! I just haven't met a guy I've really liked yet. I honestly don't think I ever will. I'm not even attracted to Sea-Hawk – and he's supposed to be the hottest guy of the year or something."

Bow raised an eyebrow, "Adora, have you considered the fact that maybe you aren't into men at all?"

Adora's head perked up, "What?"

Bow regretted his decision of bringing up the topic to Adora, he needed to rush her out of there and now there was no way that was going to happen.

"Listen, I'd love to chat about your newfound identity crisis, but Glimmer needs you on set right now!"

"Wait a minute you can't just–"

Bow interrupted her by yanking her arm and dragging her out of the trailer, ignoring Adora's complaints and constant kicking.

"Alright, have fun!" He shouted out as he dropped off Adora at the set.

Adora looked at Glimmer pleadingly, "Glimmer I don't think I can do the scene right now, I think I just found out that I'm a lesbian."

"Oh, awesome." Glimmer replied without looking at Adora. She clearly hadn't been paying attention to her, as she was being kept busy by the crew, "Alright, let's get started!"

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