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And The Oscar Goes To:

Five years had passed since that night, and it would be an understatement to say that the girls's lives had turned upside down.

Adora went on to take many different roles after her performance as She-Ra. She quickly became the most popular actress in Hollywood, her good looks, kindness, and charismatic attitude made her a household name in an instant. People had a hard time deciding whether they wanted to be Adora or be with her.

Despite her success, Adora had faced many hardships throughout that period of time. The year previously her grandmother passed away, and it might have been the worst thing she had dealt with since Catra's disappearance.

Adora found it difficult to forget her. Many of her friends advised her to move on, which she tried to do. She dated many different co-stars, the longest lasting one being Perfuma, who she had gone as far as to take her as her plus one to Glimmer and Bow's wedding, but it never escalated from there. She was not lying when she said that Catra was the love of her life, and she wondered what could have been of the pair if they had met at a different time.

She gave up on contacting her a year in. It was clear that Catra would be staying off the radar for quite some time.

Until she popped right back in.

Catra made her appearance to Hollywood, not long after Adora's grandmother had passed, with her directing and writing debut on her own film titled Forward. It was about a young girl who struggled with alcohol and drug abuse who went on a mental health journey to get clean and find herself– figures. Adora only knew this because she had bought tickets to see the film about five times, leaving the theatre with more tears each time she watched it. It was the closest she got to seeing Catra – to knowing her story throughout those five years in the dark. However, her real reason for watching it repeatedly was because after all of the credits had finished, there was a small note left at the very end.

To the real life Amelie, thank you. You gave me the push I needed to help myself. Maybe you despise me, maybe you have even forgotten about me, but I never will. You are my reason for trying, and for that I will repeat this a million times more – thank you.

Love always, Catra.

The theatre had usually emptied out by then, just leaving Adora alone to read those words on the big screen, but she didn't mind. She enjoyed it actually, because the message was meant for her. She knew that.

That year Catra's film had been so critically acclaimed it had been nominated for a total of 6 Academy Awards, including Best Director. Adora had been invited to attend that year and just as she did many years earlier before auditioning for 'She-Ra', she thought, 'why not?'

Adora could barely sit still during the ceremony, her head was constantly turning as she tried to spot her old friend in the audience. Once the nominees had been announced for Best Director, however, Adora got to see Catra's face on the big screen and realized why she had not been able to find her. Catra no longer wore her large mane of hair on her head, instead it appeared that during her time away she had chopped it all off into a small pixie cut, which Adora thought was quite flattering on her.

Hollywood legend Huntara stepped onto the stage with the small envelope containing the winner in her hands. Adora crossed her fingers and said a quick prayer in her head.

For the love of Etheria, please let Catra win this.

After giving a quick spiel, Huntara smiled and slowly took off the sticker that held the envelope closed together, "And the Oscar goes too..."

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