Chapter 19 - Meeting

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It was cut and dry what happened after not seeing his father in months. Mai let Kuma cry and let him process everything being the motherly girlfriend she was. Though this was only going to get harder and harder as the days went on. But she prevented the worst thing he could have done. He almost hit his old man causing that nightmare Mai had that night to become a reality. School came around and Kuma knew who he already had to talk to.

Walking into Mrs. Kuroyama's office he sat down. She was surprised that he was there. Thinking that since the agreement had been made and he's been good about keeping his promise he wouldn't have a reason being there. But sure enough, he took a seat as she took a sip of her tea.

"Marik. Good morning. Funny I see you here. Anything I can help you with?"

He nodded. "Well Mrs. K, I want to see if you could call Coach in. I wanted to speak to both of you about my situation. Things have changed." He said sadly as he took a seat.

"Marik what's going on?" She asked.

"I want everyone to hear at once. I won't say it again. I don't have the strength. It took me a long time to get here for this. I'm at my end."

It got quiet and dense. Mrs. Kuroyama dialed the phone. "Yes Coach? It's Kuroyama. I need you in my office." The two of them sat in silence. Only for a moment when the door knocked. "Come in." She replied calmly.

"Boy? What's up?" Asked Coach.

"I am, well, bringing my father to court. I have found a guardian." He took a huge breath. "Coach I'm sorry. But I want to get on the team. I want to hit, run, and field. I miss it all. I'll work things out at my new place. I promise."

Coach looked at Mrs. Kuroyama and then back to Marik. "Kuma I thought one of us did something wrong. Part of a team is family. I don't usually get to an emotional level, but I care. You and the team. Your teammates care too. I need you set and happy before you take practice. Remember that."

Just then I remembered how I didn't cry and spill my guts out in that office space. The fact that Mai couldn't have been there made me more nervous and scared. It feels weird saying this but ever since that first book hug I've loved it. Not that in a pervy matter but the feeling. Hugging her whole being into me. I loved her. Needed Mai well more than she needed me. She was more than just an angel or a girlfriend. I felt that she was my soulmate. And with her father on board I was ready to go to court. To a degree.


In a day your suit dry cleaned with again from the source of Mr. Tanaka you stand next to him as plaintiff. Mai is sitting in a chair next to you as your father with an evil glare stands as the defendant. Many people in attendance of the courtroom. School staff, Mrs. Kuroyama, Coach along with the whole baseball team, and the girls.

The bailiff stood in front of the courtroom. "All rise for Judge Kei Sakura Maeda." A beautiful female judge walks into the room from her chambers and sits down. "You may all be seated. Your honor Tanaka versus Iwakuma."

"Thank you." Smiled Judge Maeda. She read over the case file briefly once again. "So, Mr. Tanaka?"

"Yes your honor."

"We are here today because you want to legally be guardian of Mr. Marik Iwakuma who is at your house. Is that correct?"

"Yes your honor."

"Now Marik. How did this occur? Why is this man claiming guardianship? Did you run away? What transpired? Take me back like when you were at home."

"The stupid kid ran off on his own." Huffed you father.

"Excuse me." Scolded the Judge. "Mr. Iwakuma you are in MY court. You will not speak out of turn. Thank you." Then returned to the boy. "Marik please. I would like to hear from you."

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