Adventurer Shera

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Rimuru POV

I walked trough a few streets and wanted to see what this Tokyo has for me .. well i must say the food is fucking delicious.. really i could eat everything here 24/7 i could not stop myself until Ciel said something ..

/Aren't you eating yourself now Master?/

Gross that was the point i stopped eating this delicious food and went on the streets again. Money was a problem too .. of course with the help of Ciel i can create it but that would be a huge problem if i overdo it.

/Money crash you remember these thing?/

Ciel only said that and forbid me to creat money so what should i do. Well i have a few Shuan left. Shuan is the current currency in this land.

'I should by a smartphone from this .. to gain information' sigh

/You could just ask me Mas../

/NO! you're telling me to much and that would kill my fun/


So i did what i thought and buyed me one of the smartphones .. well it really looks like a I phone , and it was a huge pain to buy it because i look like 12. In the end i created an Ilusion and said it was my Mother. {Illusioon Creation} is one of the Skills of the Darkness Magic Core. Well it went without problems .. that is what i thought but an young Adventurer or Hunter how they call themselfs noticed that i used Magic and followed me since that.

Careless how i am i ignored it. And walked to the park where i started and sat down on a bench , i activated the Smartphone and looked for information. Suddenly the Woman which followed me sat down next to me.

"So .. where is your real Mother child , did you got lost?" she asked with a soft voice.

"It's none of your business is it?" i replied

"But it is to dangerous for you to walk around here even if you can us Magic of the Darkness Core" she looked at me with a seriouse expression

"I don't have a mother nor a Father" i looked back at my new phone

"Oh.. I am sorry .. but how did you get the money for this phone"

"I stole it" well it's better then to say i created it , is it? I could see how she flinched at my words

"Y-You did what? Why are doing something like this?"

'Argh it's really hard to look like a child ..' i looked her with the most serious face i could make with this body "How should i survive without money."

She was silent after that and i looked for information again .. it was dark already.

"My Name is Shera a Hunter, how is your name ?"

'Mh.. I have a lot of names .. Rimuru Tempest .. Satoru Mikami .. The one who devourse all .. Demon Lord .. well i think i will go with my name of this live.'

"My name is Ciel"

"Ohh .. like the name of this Planet , that's unique i never heard someone who named there child after the Planet itself"

'Well girl.. I am the fucking planet'

Shera POV

I followed this girl who fooled the guy in the shop with an {Illusion Creation} spell .. well it was so perfect if i didn't saw her casting it i would've been fooled too and I am one top of the S-rank Adventurers. Well it wasn't because she fooled him that i followed her but i was curiouse where her mother is .. it was late and she is walking alone. After i started talking with her i got a feeling that she must have gone through many hardships she answered quick and short don't looking at my eyes not trusting me. Well i wouldn't trust a randome woman too..

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