Time Together

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Alice POV

We were searching for Shizue after all she is the Guild Master and got kidnapped. I didn't thought they would be on this Continent but I folowed the rescue Team.

And then they died all .. well they weren't close to me so that's not hard for me and it's a normal Hunter's life to die in a battle.

But the way they died .. all killed by a single being with an spear that clearly wasn't a normal one. And besides that this being was way to strong. So I followed her as ordered to a town.

'It looks like an old Japanese town ..' I thought while walking through the streets. I also saw a few Hunters from the Arcane Guild 'Did they do this ? But why ?'

Then after a long walk the Being bowed "I've brought the introuder Rimuru-sama" she said

'Wait what ??? Rimuru-sama ? So Rimuru is here ? Wasn't Rimuru that girl named Ciel ?' I thought but then an unexpected voice said "I'm glad that you are okay Alice , I missed my Secretary" I saw Rimuru but next to him was Shizue.

"Ehhhhhhhhh ?" Was the only thing I could bring out of my mouth.

Rimuru laughed "Seems like you suprised her .. well I will let you two alone" he then took Hikari with him and I looked at Shizue with tears in my Eyes

"Shizueeeee.. I thought you could be killed I was worried !" I shouted but received only a hug from her "I am sorry Alice .. I wanted to quite the Job as Guild Master for a long time but I couldn't find the right moment" she said

After that we stayed like this for a few minutes and then talked with each other .. she told me that she freely accepted Ciel's request and I asked her what that double name thing is about.

"You see it's to help to make a new Personality .. we know him as Ciel but that woud be a problem if Ciel would be the Ruler of this Nation so he decided to take a new name from now on" Shizue said

Well .. I kinda can feel that this wan't exactly the truth but it was okay for me after a few miutes I then looked at Shizue

"Please let me help you here" I said bowing

"Ara Alice you know that you are more then just my Secratary you are my friend of course you can stay here and help me out" Shizue said with an kind smile on her face.

Rimuru POV

After I decided to let Ciel be my Queen I had a big Problem .. my name is Ciel too so I decided to change the memories of everyone here and name myself Rimuru again after all maybe my old friends so will find a way here when they hear something about this Nation with my Name.

Of course I could have changed Ciel's name but .. I like her name too much to do something like this.

After Hikari's mission was over I gave her a reward , she wanted a few days off to train herself , well I of course accepted it but to ask for something like this as an reward

'She really is hardworking'

/I've told her about Benimaru and the Others/ Ciel said

/Heee so it's your fault hm ?/ I asked

/She asked me I just simply answered/ She said pouting

/Hi Hi .. / I said and then walked back to my Office after all I have much things to do. After we vuild up around 400 more Houses we will make an Announcment to the World that our NAtion exists.

'haaa .. So much paperwork again , well at least I can build up a City again .. and it's so good looking just as tempest' I thought smiling as I remembered a few memories from Tempest.

Reincarnated as a .. what? [On Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now