Themio Part 2

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Rimuru POV

Currently Shizue , Ayumi , Shera and I were on a ship to the Themio Continent. I must say it's quite nice to drive with a boat I never did it once when I was still a human. I looked at the waves hitting the boat as the other three came to me.

"Rimuru?" Shizue called me and I looked at her "What do you want Shizue ?" I asled her as she suddenly bowed to me "Thank you" she said and I smiled patting her head.

I then looked at Ayumi "You did a good job Ayumi" I said and she simply nodded 'Well I guess I only haver her full trust after she sees her family again'

"Then Ciel what is the next plan ?" Shera asked me I looked at her jealous face and giggled "Well first of all we need to gather a few Humans , that won't be the biggest problem because Testerossa is there and started to gain their trust with the Adventurer also their are all japanese there. Then we will start to build up our City I will decide the design later on. That will attrack others and so we will grow"I said and they smiled

"It sounds so simply" Shera said

"Yes but I think Ciel can do that" Shizue said

"Oho is there someone in love" Ayumi teased Shizue which blushed

"N-N No I do-n't now what you are talking about" she looked away

After we arrived at the Themio continent I looked around me 'Mhh.. I kinda like this Dark Wood .. it will look grate to old Japanese like houses you see in anime's often' I thought and then I saw Testatossa which kneeled once again before me. "Stop that already Testarossa it's weird to do that in this world" I said but she directly denied it "I will kneel for you for eternity Master" Is what she said and I sighed.

"Then I heared you gatherd a few Humans ?" I asked her and she nodded "That's right they are currently in the forest near a River tjere was a smal village and it seems like the Earth here is goodfor planting things like Rice and so on" she said and I smiled 'Then food won't be a problem if we can plant everything we will need a lot of farmers' I thought

"Then bring me to them" I said and Testarossa guided us to the village we drove around 20 minutes with an car amd the walked to the village I could see that a few Guildmembers are protecting the Village I guess the others are hunting and so on.

As I walked with Testarossa and the other three through the Village they all seemed to be happy to see me 'What kind of things did you tell them Testarossa..' I sighed and then told Testarossa to gather everyone as she did that amd stand next to me I whispered to her 'Where is the Village chef ?' I asked and she whispered back 'It's you Rimuru-sama' she seemed jappy and proud about that.

Well then .. "Hello everyone My name is Ciel I am the new Village chef and on my way here I saw a few things I am interested in but first we need to build up Houses and not these ones you have here." I snapped with my Thinger and a Desk with papers on it appeared right in front of me "I want to now who of you has knowledge of House building and stuff like that ?" As I asked that a few of them streched their Arms It were 12 Humans 'Better then nothing' I thought

"Well then you guys need to look over these plans then later on , the 2nd is the Guildmembers can go on the hunt for food 3rd we need to build up many farms and fields to plant a few things that will also help us with money then 4th all of you will need to work of course not the Children 5th we will build a school for the Children and last the Human right's of course also aply here."

I looked at the croud and they seemed happy then everyone cheered for their new future , I smiled and looked at the others "You giys will help them alright ? Abd Shera you will work as Nurse in thid Nation of course only when you want to" They all agreed and I sighed

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