Adventurer Guild

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Rimuru POV

Here is what i did the last few days.. well you could say i did nothing , just watching my TV World Livestream. I called it so because it is literally a World live stream and my view of humans didn't changed they are greedy don't care about others and destroy the planets live .. well they are lucky that I am the planet so they wont destroy the Planet.

"Don't they understand that the dungeon appeared out of the negativ emotions of Humans , why can't they respect each other and live a peacefull life?" i said while looking at the TV

"Oh is that really so?" Shera answered suprised "well i think humans can change but money is poisen for the most humans."

'Well she is right after all i've lived as a human so i know what she means capitalism'

"Ahh Shera you are here again ?" i asked suprised after i noticed that i spoke with her.

"Haha didn't you noticed Ciel?" she answered and giggls

Well that is emberassing but i can't do anything against it.

"Say Shera did you met the President of the Adventurer Guild once?" i asked curious

"No , she is a shut in .. i think she barley goes out of her office. It gives rumors that she regrets that she lost someone important to her. Well i know her name and how she looks but i did not talked to her"

"Yet when i look at you , you really resembles her" she said

"Huh ? Really what's her name?" i asked 'someone that looks like me and Shizue heh?'

"Shizue Izawa , i think"

That was really unexpeceted and i jumped from the couch. "Are you sure ? Is her name really Shizue Izawa!" i said while activating the Skill {Worlds Haki}

"H-H-HIII I am s-sure its h-her name" she said while her entire body was trembling.

After I saw her I calmed sown and asked Ciel what she was thinking.

/She's right Izawa Shizue got reincarnated in this World , not only she i can feel a few familiar souls on this Planet , but i can't detect them in the moment./

'So not only Shizue is here ? I need to go and see her it's so long that i saw her' i remember this day if it was Yesterday when she lied on her Deathbed.

'And others are here to? Is she living as a shut in because of me ? no way right? As if she would loveme.. haha we only saw os for a few days and then she died and i coudn't do something about that.'

"Fufufu Shera the day has come , i will sign in as a Adventurer" i said with a huge smile on my face

Shizue POV

I was sitting on my Office chair like the last few Years. I was born as a human you can belive me that it was really disturbing to be reborn as a baby with all you memorries of my past live. And there was one Slime .. i hope he is living now a peacefull life.. As i died my Soul wandered a 2 more Year around in Tempest. That was something against the Law's of the World normally a Soul would perrish instantly after you die but i was able to watch 2 more Years how Tempest evolved then the Slime was in Ingrassia to fullify my last wish it was then when these humans attacked his City. It was all because of me he wasn't in Tempest because of ME they killed even Children and Shion died because of ME. Then my Sou left the World i couldn't see how Rimuru react's to the things that happened. I am sure he is hurt .. and that only because of me.

I hate to be alive , at my 10th Year i awakened my Powers and i know that I am something special. Currently I am an SSS- Rank adventurer and everyone looked at me like i was an hero.

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