Themio Part 3

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Rimuru POV

I was sitting on my Sofa and enjoyed a cup of coffee as Shizue knocked on my Dorr "Can I come inside Rimuru ?" She asked "Sure" I said and waited her to join me on the sofa.

After that she looked me into my Eyes "I am really gratefull that you want me to be you Queen .. but I thought about it and Ciel can leave your body right? I think it would be better if your Queen would be Ciel and not me" She said

I looked suprised at Shizue "So you don't want to be my wife?" I aaked her and she denied that Immediately "Of course I want to be your wife .. but don't your first one and not the Queen .. after all Emperor can be having more wifes right?" She asked me with an blushed face.

"And it's to risky to show me to the public after all I have been kidnapped right?" She said and I sighed "I don't like to have more wifes .. It's kinda feeling like I would say that I love Ciel more then you but I love both of you no one more or less" I said

"Wouldn't that be unfair to Ciel to let me be your QUeen and wife ?" She asked me and then I felt how Ciel created an Clone of me and rushed over to shizue hugging her while crying then both started to cry.

'Now I understand ..' I smiled 'Ciel knows that I am who I am only because of Shizue so she likes Shizue too after all most likley Ciel exist's only because of Shizue you could say' I thought and stand up , kneeling down after they calmed down.

"Do you want to be my wife" I asked while showing them two rings one with an beautiful Black Emmerald and one with an Ruby on it of course according to there Eye color.

They shortly looked at each other and then smiled saying "Yes!" In the same time , I smiled and putted both of them one ring on the hand.

So after this very unexpected morning I began to walk around our little town .. I must say I am really suprised how well they can buil the houses. It sure looks nice here .. I hope we can continue this.

"Greetings our Lord"

"Good Morning"

"Look our Lord!"

They said stuff like this and I just smiled "Good morning everyone" I visited everyone ond all like the smithy and little market place as well as the farms were we are currently planting our food for the future as well as breeding pigs and so on.

'Mhh.. I wonder when I should introduce Ciel to them' I thought while walking to an Deungeon that was located near our Town and caught my interest.

/Master it seems like this one is connected to the Themisto Planet as well but not to the Overworld of it/ Ciel said and I smiled /Mhh then let's visit that place and entered it

/I hope you won't take me to that planet in our Honeymoon/ Ciel said

/Huh? What did you say?/ I said perplexed

/Nothing. It was just your Imagination , maybe some sort of a travell illness ?/ She said

'Really ..?' I thought and just ignored it after all I can't win against her.

While I was talking with Ciel I got teleported to the Hell of the Themisto Planet while looking around I noticed the extrem heat in this place 'No wonder no one can enter a Dungeon at the Themisto Planet .. the planet is next to the Sun after all'

/Notice: Only Hunters with the Fire Magic Core and the Ability of Ultimate Heat Resistance can stay here but they also need great amount of mana to be here longer then 1 Hour/ Ciel said to me

/Is there a Strong monster with ego here?/ I asked her

/Yes it's the Boss Monster of this Dungeon it has no interest in the world behind the Dungeon so this Dungeon was not located by humans yet/ she mentioned and I then just walked through the Dungeon killing a few Hell Hounds and Fire Spirits.

'Their are kinda weak..' I thought dissapointed after I reached a Castle /Well you are the strongest Planet in this Universe even when the other Planet Cores would form a Human Form they would be weake then you/ Ciel explained

"Well then .. I guess I'll let myself in" I said as I entered the Castle and followed the only presence I could feel in this Castle. As I entered the Throne room I saw a Woman cowered in flames and an Angel Halo on her head.

"So you are the one who killed all my Children" She said looking at me.

/Who is this Ciel?/ I asked

/Analyzed. It's The Fallen Angel Amaterasu - Demon Queen of the Sun/ she said

I smiled "I am sorry Demon Queen of the Sun , I didn't knew it were your little childs attacking me" I said she activated some kind of Skill that emmited her flames trough the whole Room "Beeing so unkind will cause your death Human , blame your mouth for your Death"

'hmm only Human? So she herself has no hatred against humans? Normally monsters would call Humans lowly or weak.

"let me ask you a Question Amaterasu , What'S the place where light can't reach?" I asked her smiling.

"What is that kind of Question .. obviously my Flames and Light can reach you" She said

"Well .. the answere is pure Darkness" I said while showing her an Aura where even Light stops only revealing me inside of .. nothing because your eyes can't see something in absolute darkness.

"Who are you ?" She asked a bit frightened

"Me I have many names it's better if I show you were or what I am" I said and Ciel showed her my past. As she saw me creating the Univers , the Planet and even creating Anges and Demons also Humans and everything on the Planet Called Ciel.

"I see .. so you are basicly God? After all you created the Universe in which we are living" She said kneeling in front of me "I apologize for beeing rude to my creator"

/Ciel do I have still the power to name and evolve monster ?/ I asked

/Creating Special Magic Taming , completed. Locking Special Magic Taming for Humans and Monsters./

/Oi Oi I didn't meant that you should create a new Magic just like that!/

/Don't worry Master this Magic is only availible for you and it has the same function as naming a monster in our old World/ she said proud.

I sighed and looked at Amaterasu "Your name from now on will be Hikari (Means Light) and you wills erve me from now on"

After I said that a lot of Mana were consumed by her and she involved into Demon God of Sun , Hikari. After that a body got revealed with Red hair and blue/green eyes.

"Thank you Master" She said kneeling in front of me I immediately gave her clothes because Ciel would kill me for looking at such Body.

"1st You don't need to kneel in front of me , 2nd You will come with me to Planet Ciel , 3rd You won't kill Humans only when they have ill intensions and 4th you will be the Leader of the Guards of Themio" I said

"Of course Master ,I won't dissapoint you" she said and then I walked with her back to the portal. As we left and got teleported back to Ciel the Dungeon entrance dissapeared next to us well I don't really care.

"What weapon are you using Hikari ?" I asked her while waking to my little town

"I prefer to use a Spear Master but I would gladly take everything you gave me and make use of it to Guard you" Hikari said

After i arrived with Hikari I explained Shizue who she is and Hikari swore to guard and serve Ciel and Shizue. Then I asked Ciel to create a Spear good enough for Hikari so Ciel let the Smiths learn a few technics for forging.

Actually we have on of the best Metalls here on the continent it is immune against fire attacks and it store the heat as Mana when it is turned into an Armor or Weapon.

So we also began to build up Mines in Themio and slowly we are building up this Town more humans are gathering in this Town and helping to build it up or help out at shops or the farms.

Then the next thing I need to do is introducing Ciel as my wife and Queen of Themio when we have build up a large enough City .. after that we will build a whole nation with many Citys on this Continent.

I smiled thinking to rule it and do politics with other Countrys but I already now one thing that will kill me .. Paperwork. Also we still need to make sure that we can defend against intruders Humans or Monsters it doesn't matter.

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