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Rimuru POV

<Ciel ? Can you come out ?> I asked her and right away there were standing a beautiful woman with red eyes

"Yes Master?" She asked and I sighed "Just call me Rimuru already ! We are married" I said and she seems to think about it

"Then , Yes Rimuru?" She tried to smile really she becomes more and more human like!

"Today we will announce that you are my wife" I said and she hugged me "And what's with Shizue ? After all thanks to her I am what I am today" Ciel said

"I really like her , but no one could be my first wife ... only you can be it Ciel" I said and patted her head.

Then Hikari entered our House "Rimuru-sama?" she said while entering our room looking at us.

"What is it Hikari-sama ?" I asked a bot annoyed

"We have scouted a few Humans observing this Continent" Hikari said

"Hee Scouts? Is it maybe because of Shizue ? Mhh" I sighed "Seems like we need to postpone it Ciel"

"That's okay Mast .. Rimuru" she said

"Hikari you will observe them for now , I teached you good enough to keep yoir presence down right ?" I asked and she nodded "Of course Rimuru-sama"

Then she left and I sighed "Ciel where is Shizue ?" I asked her and she told me that she is on the training ground with Testarossa.

I went to the Training grounds and looked at there battle , I must say both of them are ob equal Strengh.

'What a beautiful battle' I thought and continue to look at there Battle between Testarossa with her Magical Sword and Shizue with her swordsmanship and Fire Magic.

Both seemed to have fun with the battle bit I think it's time that I intervene after all the others on the trainin grounds are terrified.

So I teleported right between them and stopped both of ther swords with my fingers. Both were suprised and immediately took back there swords.

"Rimuru!" Shizue shouted suprised

"Master , I am sorry please punish this humble servant of yours" Testarossa said

'That really feels like in the good old times' I thought and smiled "Enough you two , the others are scared and Shizue I need to talk to you" I said and she then followed me

"What is it Rim-" she couldn't finish her sentence as I suddenly kissed her and she blushed afterwe parted away.

Then she smiled 'It's the best to see the smile of those you love' I thought anf smiled too bit then I got serious

"Some guys are searching for you , they even are here on this Continent" I said and shizue looked worried "When they find out .. they will böame you and your nation before the world even knows you exist" she said

"I see .. I guess I should have tould Alice about the plan I am sure she is under those guys" Shizue said and I giggled "That really reminds me of you when you entered the Forest with Elen and the others" I said smiling

"Ah .. you saved my life back then .." she said and I patted her head "So what do you want to do to these introuders .. are they guests or Enemies ?" I asked her and she thought about it "Everyone besides Alice is an Enemie but she is an Guest"

"I see .. that's a good point" I said and gave orders to Hikari.

Alice POV

Our Investigation brought us to this Continent .. a Continent where we thought that no humans are living on it .. after all it's the most dangerous place on Ciel. But we found out that was simply wrong .. there where Human beings and .. they even captured my Master !

'I won't forgive them' I thought after all Shizue is my MAster .. she even once saved my Life and now .. without knowing it she got kiddnaped.

But then suddenly someone was standing in front of us .. the Heat she was emitting was really warm even at that distance.

"W-Who are you?" I asked and the hunters around me got into a fighting stance.

"That's not Important Humans , I will give you a Chance return and you won't die but the one named Alice needs to stay" Hikari said

"Huh? Why should we do it?"

"You are really enough to kill us "

"Do you think that small heat is scarying us ?"

That was what a few of the Hunters said and I stayed silent 'Why does she want's to keep me here ? Why is she reffering to us as Humans ?' I thought and looked at her but then suddenly she throwed her speer right through one of the Hunters .. It pierced through his Body leaving a hole and then .. as it wouldn't be enough he began to burn down.

"Whaaat!??!?!?!" The hunters shouted suprised and began to run away.

"I gave you a chance" Is the only thing she says and then suddenly we were Circled in a Wall of Flames those who touched it immediately burned down 'What is that for a Monster ?' I thought and my Legs couldn't stand the pressure anymore and I flew on the ground.

After a few Minutes of Screams and shouts It was silent .. I knew that everyone died I opened my eyes after I couldn't feel the Heat anymore. What I saw was corpses that are not to identify anymore

'Rest in Peace# I thought and then looked at the beeing in front of me "My name is Hikari , Sorry for this mess were they close to you ?" She asked and I was suprised by that question.

"No not .. really but they worked for me" I said and the Human looking Monster said "I see , I will arange it that they get a good tomb here , Anyways my Master ordered me to bring you to him so pleace follow me"

Shizue POV

I could saw .. thanks to Rimuru and his TV were he can look at any place at the Earth what happened.

I must say I really was suprised by Hikari's way of dealing with it.

'First she gave them a chance to live and as they declined it she gave them a fast Death and is promising them a good tomb .. she really is someone special .. like every Monster under Rimuru' I thought and Giggled

'I hope you didn't get scared Alice .. just wait for a few Minuted I will be there for you' I thought and then nodded to Rimuru who sat besides me resting on his lap Ciel.

"You two are really cute together" I said and Rimuru looked up to me and Smiled "Thank you Shizue .. you know Ciel would never allow me to have morew wifes" he said

"Huh ? But then .. why ?" I asked suprised

"She always said things like , thanks to Shizue I am who I am and Master is like Master is. And I am not sure if I would even have thoose feelings without Shizue. So I am okay to let Shizue be your wife."

I looked at the sleeping little Ciel .. even when she looks like Rimuru she is smaller and it's really cute.

"I think she is exhausted like this because she was working so hard to find a way to let me live with you withoutjust reviving you against your will" He said and patted Ciel's head and smiled "But we have some things to do now so let's go" I then watched Rimuru Princess carry Ciel to her bed and followd him.

And then I finally saw my Alice again 'I really let her endure much Pain hm?' I thought looking at her "I'm glad that you are okay Alice , I missed my Secretary" I said and Alice then looked up her eyes widened and she shouted suprised


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