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The atmosphere was tense around them, Pleiades knew that he would need to explain things carefully in order to not let any misunderstandings happen.

Beatrice: Hey, boy.

Pleiades: What? And don't call me "boy"!

Beatrice seemed to ignore his request as she asked her question.

Beatrice: It would be in your best interest to explain what happened, Betty only knows that there was a fight happening here, I suppose.

Everyone's eyes looked at Pleiades, expecting answers from him.

Pleiades: Well, before that we should atleast get seated somewhere, right?

Despite the likes of Ram looking impatient, everyone agreed. So they went towards the dining area to sit down and discuss what happened.

Once they had all made their way towards the dining area, they all sat down. Although what was interesting was the fact that Reinhard had sat down right next to Pleiades.

They had put Rem on the floor against a wall to lie on, directly opposite of Reinhard so that he could react in time if the maid woke up and tried anything again.

After a moment of silence Pleiades began speaking.

Pleiades: I guess I should start telling my story then, right? So I woke up in need to go to the bathroom, but on the way there I got attack by Rem.

Emilia: Huh? Just like that? But...Why would she do that...?

Pleiades: Well, she kinda told me why. She thinks that I'm the Archbishop of Pride, so she attacked me.

As Ram heard this, she instantly relaxed and looked....Dissapointed towards Rem?

Ram: I see now, I guess this should have been expected.

Pleiades looked curiously at Ram as she seemed to realize something.

Ram: My sister is rather protective of me and has a strong hatred against the Witchcult, so it should have been obvious that she would do this.

Pleiades: So you knew that she might do something against me, and yet you still let her come anywhere near me?

Ram: I expected Roswaal's orders to be enough to stop her, but I guess that I underestimated her hatred towards the witchcul-

But before she could finish speaking, Pleiades interupted her.

Pleiades: You know, I'm not showing it right now, but...I'm really fucking angry right now.

With just mere words the atmosphere in the room became tense.

Pleiades: Let me tell you something, maid.

He made sure to say the word "maid" with extra venom in his voice.

This behaviour of his surprised everyone in the room, usually he seems so unbothered by anything.

Only Reinhard has seen him become this angry when he found out that he was labeled as the Archbishop of Pride.

Pleiades: If I didn't have this power of mine, do you know where I would be right now?

Ram remained silent, indicating to Pleiades to continue speaking.

Pleiades: Well, I should be more accurate, right? If I didn't have my ability, the walls of that hallway would have a nice red color on them with pieces of a human brain on them.

Emilia especially seemed shaken up by his words.

Pleiades: Now I'll let you guess something, who's head would be coloring the walls of this mansion if I didn't have my ability?

The King Who Represents Pride (Re:Zero)Where stories live. Discover now