Mabeast Attack Part 2

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As Pleiades released the power held within the black ball, there was a giant explosion that caused smoke to fill the air and block his vision.

After the smoke fell, in the place where the Mabeasts once stood, the only thing that remained was a path of destruction.

In a straight line from where he had activated the explosion, the ground had been destroyed as the Mabeasts were nowhere to be found.


Except for the head of a Mabeast on the ground.

As Pleiades snapped out of his shock, he noticed that Reinhard had managed to kill the rest of the Mabeasts while they were distracted due to the explosion.

Pleiades took a deep breath as he calmed down, everything seemed to be okay now.

He ran up the hill to check on the children along with Reinhard.

Pleiades activated the Eyes of Envy as he looked at the children, he noticed that the black mist around them had grown stronger than before.

But then Petra started to move slightly, indicating that she was waking up. So Pleiades quickly turned his eyes back to normal before she could see them.

A small smile grew on her face as she saw who was looking at her, but that smile quickly turned into a frown as she whispered something and weakly pointed at a certain part of the forest.

Petra: Th-There's one more.... I-in the f-forest....

And just like that Petra slipped back into unconciousness.

Pleiades's eyes widen as he looked at each of the kids that were on the ground, there was one missing.

Pleiades: Rein. Get the kids back to the village and get Beatrice to undo the curse on them. I'll go and get the last kid.

After hearing his words Reinhard instantly tried to refuse those words.

Reinhard: I apologize Pleiades, but I cannot allow you to head into danger alo-

But before Reinhard could utter another word, Pleiades shushed him.

Pleiades: The curse on the kids looks a lot worse now than it did when I first came here, I'm not exactly some kind of curse expert, but their condition is looking worse by the second.

Reinhard opened his mouth to once again refute his words, but nothing came out as he knew that he'd be able to get the kids back to the mansion alot faster than Pleiades ever could.

Reinhard: Very well, I shall make sure to come back as quickly as I can. Please be careful, Pleiades-sama.

Pleiades: Pleiades.

Without another word, Pleiades ran towards the part of the forest where Petra pointed at while activating the Eyes of Envy, it was a lot easier for him to see in the dark with them on anyways.

He didn't truly know where he should go after he entered that part of the forest, as Petra didn't give him enough information on where Meili could be at.

Usually he'd like to go gather information before randomly charging into a forest, but due to the time constraints of a child being in danger that wasn't an option.

Then again, there was one problem.

The child that was currently missing was Meili.

The same child that for some reason was acting shy earlier, didn't have a black mist on her body from the dog and she was the only one that was missing right now.

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