Queen of "Hell"

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Pandemonica stared at the black ball in Pleiades's hand with a confused expression while Modeus didn't seem too bothered by it as she only kept clinging to his left arm.

The trio infront of him seem nervous, maybe they can tell whatever it is in Pleiades's hand is dangerous? Pleiades wouldn't know, but that didn't matter much.

???: Ehe...Funny story...

???: We may...or may not...

???: Have eaten the appa's?

Pleiades stared at the trio with a expressionless face for a few moments before he sighed and turned off his ability and put a hand back in his pocket.

Pleiades: Whatever, I can't be bothered to care about that anymore. My name is Pleiades, nice to meet you, and bye.

His voice sounding extremely insincere as he walked off with Modeus still holding his arm and Pandemonica following behind them.

???: Wait!

???: You don't even know our name!

???: We are Cerberus!

Pleiades: Look, I don't really ca-

He stopped himself as he turned his head to look at the trio with a questioning gaze.

Pleiades: Cerberus? Like the demon dog with three heads?

Cerberus nodded their heads proudly at the question, that is until all three of them had sudden wonder and excitement in their eyes.

Cerberus: Wait! You're from earth?!

Pleiades nodded as he turned back to make his way to the fourth floor, that is until he felt something crash into him from behind causing both himself and Modeus to fall to the cold hard ground.

Cerberus: Holy shit! / Can we come with you?! / Can we have more appa's?!

Pleiades grunted as he slowly got off of the ground with an annoyed expression present on his face.

Pleiades: No and no.

They started to give him sad puppy faces which might have worked on any other mortal man, but such a thing would never work on Pleiades.

He shrugged them off and just continued walking away as Pandemonica followed and Modeus got up from the ground and followed them too.

The dog trio were panicking and trying to find a for Pleiades to take them with him.

There was only one way in their mind to force Pleiades to take them with him.


Cerberus: Please! / We'll behave! / just take us with you!

Currently, they were about to enter the fourth floor, but the journey to get there took a lot longer due to the fact that one Cerberus was wrapping herself around his right leg, the other wrapped herself around his waist and the last one wrapped her arms around his neck, almost choking Pleiades out on accident.

Modeus was looking somewhat annoyed to the side while Pandemonica merely gave a glance in his direction and sighed.

Pandemonica: You might as well take them with you. Going through six more floors like this isn't exactly efficient.

Pleiades sighed in frustration and stopped walking as he unwrapped the Cerberus around his neck that was accidentally choking him.

Pleiades: Fine, you three can come, just don't-

Cerberus: Yay! / Time to cause some chaos! / Chaos, here we come!

Pleiades glanced at Pandemonica and glared at her, but she simply shrugged it off as she continued to lead the way to the fourth floor.

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