Mabeast Attack

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He didn't understand what happened whatsoever. He had activated his Eyes of Envy to check whether he was still cursed or not, but the moment he made eye contact with Beatrice she suddenly started screaming as she fell down from where she sat.

He turned off the Eyes of Envy as he made his way over towards Beatrice.

He quickly kneeled down next to her trying to see what was wrong, but when he tried to touch Beatrice she slapped his hand away.

Beatrice: D-Don't touch me!!

She was breathing heavily and she was also shaking a lot. It was like she had a nightmare and she just woke up.

He didn't try approaching her again, judging by the way she was reacting, it probably wasn't a good idea to try and help her. He'd probably make it worse that way.

He waited for about a minute for her to calm down. She stood up, although she was still shaking a bit.

Beatrice: Wh-What was that..? What did you do to me?!

Pleiades: I...I don't know...

Beatrice:....Why did you look at me with those eyes then if you didn't know what they did?!

Pleiades: Wait! You misunderstand, I do know how this ability works...I just didn't know it would also do something like this...I was just trying to see if you cured me of this curse.

Beatrice narrowed her eyes as she almost completely stopped shaking.

Beatrice: Betty refuses to believe that you only thought that those eyes could only allow you to see curses, I suppose.

Pleiades: I know that those eyes can do other things, I just didn't know it could do that.

There was a long silence for a while as Beatrice looked at Pleiades, although she made sure to avoid eye contact this time, even if his eyes were back to normal.

Beatrice: Leave.

After a few more seconds of silence, Pleiades obliged as he started to walk towards the exit, but before he reached the door he stopped as he realized something.


Pleiades: Beatrice. What does a curse do?

She was silent for a while before answering.

Beatrice: Why should I-

Pleiades: Beatrice. This is serious, I need to know what curses do, or to be more specific the one that I had.

Beatrice looked at him with eyes that were clearly trying to hide her fear from him.

Beatrice: Yours was the kind of curse that would activate after about half a day, after that the curse would start draining your mana to whoever put the curse on you, I suppose.


Pleiades: How does someone put a curse on someone?

Beatrice:...By physical contact.

That's all he needed to hear as he finally figured it out. He ran out of the library without even bothering to close the door. He knew that he needed to be as fast as possible, so he couldn't waste his time by closing doors.

As he ran towards the exit of the mansion, he figured that there's a chance that he might need help.

Pleiades: Reinhard!!

He shouted out, he didn't know where Reinhard was right now, but he really hoped he heard him.

He noticed that he was about to exit the mansion, but before he could he noticed Reinhard running alongside him.

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