Return to The Mansion

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Pleiades P.O.V

Roswaal's mansion... As impressive as always. While there are many things that I have to complain about in this world, one of the things I love is stuff like this. Giant, medieval manors in the flesh, or whatever the material was used to construct this, I guess.

Both me and Lucifer walked up the stairs of the mansion and stood infront of the front door for a moment. Otto had stayed behind to place the oil in some unused place. Naturally, Otto showed concern for this as we hadn't asked Roswaal for permission to do that, but I told him not to worry and that I would ask Roswaal to allow him to place it there.

Whether or not Roswaal would allow it or not... Eh, not my problem at that point, now is it?

I knocked on the front door an waited for someone to answer, hopefully Ram as she doesn't seem to dislike me as much as Rem... Oh yeah, I also gave Rem the equivalent of a restraining order a while back. So it better be Ram that answers the doo--

???: Yes, one moment, please.

A new voice? Female for sure, but not one that I had ever heard of before. Perhaps a new maid? It would make sense as the idea of Rem and Ram being the only two maids was beyond ridiculous.

The door suddenly opened, revealing a maid with long blond hair. She gave a slight bow while courteously lifting up her dress slightly.

???: Pleiades-sama and Lucifer-sama, I presume? It's a pleasure to meet you. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Frederica Baumann, I was employed here in the past. I hope that you'll enjoy your stay here.

Her posture, tone and overal demeanour showed no sign of falsehoods and lies. As far as I can see, she's acting as she should be, a maid. Rem and Ram should take tips from her.

Also, WOW those teeth are sharp. So sharp in fact that it shouldn't even be humanly possible. It wouldn't surprise me if she was a demi-human.

Pleiades: Well, you already seem to be aware of my name, so there is no need for an introduction then. I assume that you're aware as to why we've come here?

She nodded and stepped aside.

Frederica: Indeed, but please, step inside so that we can discuss this over a cup of tea, or any drink that you would prefer, sir.

Yup, Rem and Ram, get some notes.


While me and Lucifer waited for Frederica to return with our drinks, I briefly thought about something that had been bugging me for a while, ever since Frederica spoke her first words to us.

She mentioned me and Lucifer by name.

Now, it's not strange that she knows me. I'm a Royal Canditate and had been personally invited to come here, so it's only natural that she would be aware of me.

Lucifer on the other hand? Yes, she seems to be quite famous, atleast judging by the reaction of the nobles at the start of the Royal Selection, but unlike me, who had my face drawn on paper and then mass produced as flyers around the capital for the people to see, she hadn't recieved the same treatment.

In other words, how did Frederica know who the person next to me was, a person that hadn't been personally invited by Roswaal?

Sure, yes. My cooperation with her is quite well known, and the general features of her having white hair and horns are known around Lugunica, it was still quite a leap in judgement by Frederica to just... Assume who Lucifer was.

She also answered quite confidently, like she was certain that she was right. Of course, I can't base this off of anything right now, so unless I get more clues, I won't be able to come up any conclusions. It is also still possible that she just assumed that Lucifer was Lucifer without thinking about it and getting lucky.

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