Underestimated Evil

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Third-person P.O.V

He didn't pay attention to the Archbishop's growing grin, rather he thought about all the possible outcomes of this battle.

The most important questions were whether or not he could still use the eyes. He wasn't willing to bet on it as he quickly noted the bluriness in his vision. It was as if he was someone that needed to wear glasses despite having perfect vision mere seconds ago.

What he could figure out for sure was that his ability had been overused in this battle and it wasn't caused by the amount of time he used it for but due to the amount of times he used it to avoid his opponents attacks.

Once again wiping the blood off of his face, he looked back up at Gluttony who was slowly approaching him...Like a hunter approaching his prey.

Pleiades P.O.V

This is...Less than a pleasant situation for me. While I appreciate the discovery of my weakness, since I would be able to better adjust for the future...It was quite the poor timing for me to find this out.

Lye: It's a pity indeed, but it appears that our king has lost his ability to fight back, tsu~

Underestimating me, eh? That's fine. I don't mind it if he makes it easier for me to win. I need to take care of him quickly before something happens with the other Archbishop.

Lye lunged at me, intending to stab me with the knife on his wrist, without the Eyes of Envy I won't be able to dodge!

Luckly for me....I don't need to dodge.

Putting my arm forward and raising my palm a black sphere formed in my hand.

Pleiades: Absolute Annihilation!

A blast that tore through the ground itself was launched at the Archbishop. The last thing that Pleiades saw of him was the image of his widened eyes as the blast hit him head on.

After a couple of seconds, nothing but silence could be heard as I looked at the raised dust with a perplexed expression.

Normally, I'd atleast see a body part or two on the ground somewhere...Sure, this time I might have blasted his entire body away...But it just felt off to me. I was about to launch a second blast until something crashed right beside me.

Not only that, but whatever it was was also on fire, but only for a second as the flames dissappeared without explaination. As if someone had just sucked all of the oxygen away from the flames.

The one who crashed beside me was noneother but the Sin Archbishop of Greed. And judging from the way he sat up and the ugly expression on his face, he certainly wasn't pleased. A strange thing to note was that not only wasn't he injured, he looked....Clean... Too clean for a guy that had just crashed into the dirt at high velocity.

Regulus: You! You whore! I was kind and generous enough to offer you to marry me, but you spat in my face and blasted me with your petty fire?! Do you understand how forgiving and understanding I must be to have had been willing to forgive you for throwing that first fire ball at me?! No, of course you don't. I suppose it is to be expected from a demon such as yourself. Don't get me wrong, I am not the kind of person to judge someone based on petty judgements such as race or anything of such pathetic caliber. But clearly a trend has formed with you wastes of oxygen! I still remember, despite your appealing appearances, you fail horribly at being wives. You keep scowling, feeling angry in front of me while I had clearly instructed her to behave. And yet, she did not. So to my own misfortune I was forced to...Split off with that demon. I had truly hoped that you would be different, someone that possessed an even better face than the last one, but alas. How I should really look at you is that the more beautiful you are, the more nasty, pathetic, annoying and frustrating you are! I simply cannot comprehend how you can opperate on a day to day basis with your behaviour. But, I suppose that someone as great as me has no need to comprehend those that aren't willing to respect even the most basic of my human rights. What you truly are is trash that should be disposed of. In reality, we wouldn't even be facing this issue had you decided to accept my proposal and act as a normal human being, rather than like an animalistic beast that lacks any form of intelligence or basic human decency. Now that I think about it-

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