Strike Back

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Pleiades P.O.V

I felt a wave of relief wash over me the moment Reinhard arrived. Well, I might have felt it a bit more if my leg was still attached to my body and I wasn't in a large amount of pain.

Fuck, I always wondered what it would feel like to have one of my limbs cut off, not that I actually wanted it to happen, but I was always somewhat curious.

And god fucking damn it it hurts. Due to the pain, I hadn't noticed when the battle between Reinhard and Greed had started, but it was apparantly happening since they weren't in their original location anymore.

I was about to let out another groan of pain, that was until I felt... A lack of pain? I turned my eyes to my missing limb and noticed that Felix had grabbed it and had started to heal it in a similar manner to when he healed Wilhelm's arm.

I felt slightly surprised that he was healing me, since he didn't seem to like me all that much. But the cause of this was probably him witnessing the fight or his desire to heal people that made him heal me. Either way, I'm not going to complain one bit.

Pleiades:...Congrats, you're now in the "potential acquaintance" relationship with me.

Felix: What are nya even talking about?

He didn't seem to like my banter, or atleast didn't like it due to our current situation.

Just like Wilhelm, he lived up to his "Blue" title when he managed to reattach my leg in only a few short moments.

While I was waiting to regain feeling in my leg, I looked around the battlefield and made notes of what was happening.

Behind me, Lucifer and Wilhelm were fighting against Gluttony.... Who looked strangely slower than he did while fighting me, I managed to catch a glimpse of him when he slowed down for a moment and I realized why.

His right leg and left arm were fucked. The fact he was even able to use them to some degree was incredible. Clearly, he hadn't come out of my blast uninjured, but the fact he was even alive at all was incredibly impressive.

Glancing at the soldiers around us, they seemed defeated, not in a sense that they think we'll lose, the Sword Saint is here after all. But they seem to feel useless in this situation...Well, they kind of are. I'm not even saying that to be mean, they lost such a huge number of troops in the battle with the White Whale that they couldn't even be called a small army at this point. Their numbers didn't even surpass a hundred at this point.

Taking a last glance at Reinhard and Greed... Uh, where are they?

I know they moved from where they first stood, but they are quite literally missing right now. Where did they g-


A large amount of dust was thrown into the air due to something crashing into the ground from above.

Right, I guess they were in the air somehow. Well, I've learned a while ago that I shouldn't apply physics to Reinhard as that would be pointless and a waste of energy.

Anyway, I left Reinhard to his battle with Greed. Considering how strong Reinhard is, or atleast from what I've seen, I'd only get in the way.

So the best strategy would be to help Wilhelm and Lucifer strike down Gluttony.

But right as I stood up, Felix grabbed my face without warning or saying anything.

Pleiades:...What? Please don't kiss me, I'm not into tha-

A similar wave of relief and relaxation could be felt just like when he healed my leg. After about a second I blinked and noticed the lack of the awful itching in my eyes. He had most likely healed them with his magic, he really is useful.

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