Marriage Is A Beautiful Train Wreck

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It was almost time for Spencer to come back from their portion of the tour and I was really excited to see him.

I had barely talked to anyone in the group because I felt like such shit that I didn't go to say goodbye. They had asked me were I was and if I was going to make it but I blew them off so I have to think of an excuse why I didn't make it whenever they come back.


The day that Spencer came back I was over the moon. I waited for him at the airport. Just waiting for his flight.

Not that we didn't talk everyday that he was gone. Texted, called, face timed, everything when he wasn't on stage. It was nice that we kept in touch and even nicer that the guys still don't know we were together and it had been a couple months now.

When Spencer walked threw the gates, I ran to him and jumped into his arms for a huge hug. "Hi baby, I missed you". He kissed me and smiled. "Oh you did, did you? I don't know that I believe you". I grinned. "Let me show you how much I missed you". I raised an eyebrow and smiled. He chuckled. "On that note I think it's time for us to go home".


We stumbled into the house. Tossing bags on the floor. Entangled lips and fingers ripping clothing off each other's bodies as we ran up the stairs to the bedroom. He wrapped me in his arms kissing and then tossed me on the bed. I laughed. "Oh your going to get it!". He jumped on the bed as I hid under the covers. He crawled under the covers, tickling me. "I got you!". "Stop-please". He stopped and kissed me. "Your so beautiful... Marry me".

My mouth opened a little bit. I can't believe I just heard that. That must have been a mistake. I looked at him and the horror on his face. Yup I must have heard that right. "What... Why did you say that... Did you mean it?". "I did but I didn't mean to say it... I-I don't know. Sorry shel". There was something in my stomach and I don't know why I decided to say what I did. "Yes". He looked at me just as shocked and sat up. "What?". I sat up next to him. "I said yes. I mean why not it's just like we have to get married right away. We could always call it off if something happens but I'm happy". He smirked. "So am I. So you'll marry me?". I nodded smiling as he tackled me back down on the bed. "So how this showing me how much you missed me?". I giggled as we entangled in each other for the rest of night.


"So when do you want to have the wedding baby?". "Well I wanted it to be in summer but that's in four months". "Well then let's do it". I nodded as he finished making dinner.

And my phone dinged with a text.

Ricky- We come back in a couple days. Are we actually going to see you?

Chris- I can't believe you didn't say goodbye to us.

I felt like an asshole.

-Im sorry Ricky. How about a cool out at my house?

-Chris it was nothing personal

"Sweetheart? I've got some stuff I need to do tomorrow so I won't be here and more then likely the following day. I've got business to take care of". That works perfectly. "That's fine hun. I've got some stuff I need to get done as well". He placed a pancake down on my plate. "Like the invites for the wedding and engagement dinner". "Ha I've got to get on that!".


Spencer left early in the morning before I even got up but left a nice note for me when I got up. It was really sweet. We stayed up late last night in order to finish the invites so I was kind of surprised Spencer managed to get up really early.

When I got up and moving, I decided to call Ricky and see when they were going to be back. To my surprise he picks up rather quickly.


"Hey handsome. What are you doing?"

"Relaxing in bed"

"Wait you guys are home?".

"Got in late last night".

"Oh well I was going to invite you all over to my place for dinner. If your up to it".

I could hear the cigarette burn as he thought about it for a minute

"Ok I'll tell the others".

"You can tell them but I'll call Chris myself"

"Alright. See you this afternoon".


Chris ended up coming over before everyone else and helping me get stuff together. It was nice to be able to just hang out and talk for awhile before the others came over. When I saw him I ended up jumping into his arms, hugging him tighter then I had in a long time. The others didn't ask why I didn't make it to say goodbye when they left, I guess they were just happy that I actually kept my plans.

God knows I was going to need the strength to give everyone the wedding and engagement dinner invites. Maybe I would just stick it in their mail boxes?

Seriously what I am I thinking? These are my best friends. They deserved better then me just tossing them in their mail box.

Then again I'm spineless and they still don't even know I'm IN a relationship.

I bet this goes smoothly.

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