Chapter 2

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If you ever told Saiki that he would end up, willingly, sitting across the school's most recent idol in a café he's never heard of, for reasons that would seem to outsiders to be a date, he'd likely call you crazy. Not to your face of course. . . Well maybe.

Yet here he was. Sitting in a quiet cafe, adorned with plants and colorful knickknacks, across from the most confusing boy he's ever met.

"Thanks again, Saiki. I owe you big time." [y/n] signed cupping the glass of some overly sweet coffee-based drink in front of him.

"It's fine, really." Saiki wouldn't have minded having to deal with this if it were actually an issue.

He had just evaded Teruhashi's advances and Nendou when he ran into a frantic [y/n], "Would you mind walking with me a bit? I think I'm being followed."

And he was. He wasn't in any sort of danger, just some girls from school that caught sight of him. But how could Saiki tell him that, and he couldn't just leave him there to work himself into a panic? No, he sighed and followed the boy to a café nearby, and here they sit.

"Seriously, you're a Saint! Anyone else probably would have kept walking. The guy I asked before I ran into you just told me to 'man up'." [y/n] smiled at Saiki who hummed happily at the coffee jelly in his mouth.

'Saiki is really nice, I'm glad I ran into him instead of someone else. Maybe I'll make him something as a proper thank you later. He seems to really like coffee jelly? I'll have to find a recipe.'

"Your welcome, it really was no problem." He gave a small smile in return. Anything to get that coffee jelly.

'Wow, I've never seen him smile!'

"Has anyone ever told you how handsome you are?" [y/n] complimented. That made Saiki hesitate. Nobody besides his mother or Yumehara has ever said those sorts of things to him. Or rather about him.

"I'm not trying to make a pass at you!" The panicked [color] haired boy waved his hand defensively. "My grandmother just has this motto, 'If you think it you should say it, because you never know if someone needs to hear it'."

"Oh, thanks."

Now, as you know, Saiki has no interest in his image. He doesn't care, the people around him will always perceive him as normal no matter how he looks, thanks to his mind control. Yet he can't help but feel rather good about himself after hearing a genuine compliment from someone other than his obviously biased mother.

"You're not too bad yourself." He decided to return the sentiment. After all, 'if you think it, say it'.

"You think so?" [y/n] faltered, taking in what had just been saying. 'Really? I didn't think I was anything more than average. He could just be trying to be nice. I'll take it though!'

Huh, interesting. Genuinely kind (not Teruhashi 'kind'), good grades, and humble. Not to mention he might be making Saiki some homemade coffee jelly! This guy is the jackpot!

'I wouldn't mind having him lingering around if it meant a break from the morons.'


"Thanks for walking me, you didn't have to go out of your way." [y/n] grinned. Before either could say or do anything more, the door burst open to the modest townhouse, and a [color] haired woman rushed out yanking [y/n] in a tight embrace.

"Oh! [y/n], sweetie where have you been?"

"Shopping." He muttered in the iron grip of the wild mama bear. "You knew that?"

"Yeah, but it was getting late and your father tried getting in touch with you!"

'She is very loud.'

"Huh?" [y/n] blinked before grabbing his phone from his pocket to find that it wouldn't turn on. "Oh, it must have died without me noticing. Sorry!" He winced at his mother's unimpressed glare.

"Be more careful!"

He nodded vigorously in agreement before attention was turned to Saiki.

"Thanks again, I'll see you-"

"What are your intentions with my little [y/n]?" The tall, demon-faced woman interrogated.

'Oh, that's familiar. She looks like mo- wait what?'

"Mom, no," [y/n] chuckled. "It's not like that."

"Good, you can do way better!" She scoffed, looking Saiki over. The psychic had no clue how to react.

'Now to see if he has a spine! Only the best for my boy!"

'Shes even loud in her own head. How does she not give herself a headache?'

"Mom, that was rude." The [pale/dark] lad scolded. He pushed on her shoulder, herding her towards the house.

"Wait now-"

"No! Time out for being rude to Saiki." He scowled a not very intimidating glare.

When the woman was past the threshold, [y/n] turned back to the pinkett with a soft apologetic gaze.

"Sorry about her, Saiki. She doesn't mean to sound so mean, she's just one of those people you have to get to know to understand, you know?" Saiki was shocked to find himself wrapped in a firm but a gentle hug. "Don't pay attention to what she said, you're perfect the way you are."

And with that Saiki was left with a smile and a wave. Took him a moment to get over the shock of the situation just passed, before he turned to start his walk home.

What a interesting evening.

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