Chapter 29: Penguin Globe vs Mr Koala

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After four tries, I finally casted my line out into the lake and set the rod down. I slumped on the chair and looked at my side. She was looking so focused. The tip of her fishing rod dipped sharply as line began peeling from her reel, "I'm getting a bite" She stood up and started reeling in a fish from her rod. Another trout like the previous one, but a little bigger. It had stopped struggling and was half floating, swimming slowly back and forth. She reeled the line in until she was able to net the fish and pull it on the shore.

"This is the most uninteresting and boring sport" I commented, watching her used a pair of pliers to remove the hook from the fish's mouth. She placed it inside the white bucket filled with water and took a picture, small smile on her face.

"Why all the angst against a sport that seems so relaxing and exciting?" She asked, putting her phone away.

I looked out over the lake, the water calm and still. Although it was boring as hell, the picturesque landscape made up for it. I took a sip of my beer and sighed, "All you have to do is just sit and wait. It's tiring and a waste of time"

"That's expected from you"

I heard she chuckled while baiting her hook with chicken meat. She dropped it into the water and propped up the rod. I leaned back into my seat and massaged my temple, "Don't beat around the bush. Now, tell me what you think"

"Mina" She spoke. I glanced at her, alerted. After Mina left early in the morning, I received a call from Dahyun. It was almost right on time. I agreed to join her in this ridiculous sport and told her what had happened, hoping she could provide a useful advice. Though, I hated to admit, her judgment was dependable. Besides, I needed a third point of view.

She turned to me, "Mina went out fishing without a bait. Patience is one thing, but that's fricking ridiculous. At one point, she knew you weren't coming but she kept waiting. To her, you are worth the wait but to you, she is unimportant, a waste of time. That's the kind of situation you put her through Chaeyoung. You neglected her, disrespected her, dissapointed her, again" she said, sounding entirely unasmused.

Last night was unexpected, "I had no choice"

"You did" She retorted, "That night, you could stay at Nayeon's place or fulfill your promise to Mina. Why did you choose the former and now burdened by the consequences? As far as I'm concerned, you are rebellious and crazy for control. But whenever, Nayeon is around, you changed to such an extent that I no longer recognized you. Is there something that I didn't know?" She shifted in her seat, looking at me intently. It was obvious she wanted to dive into this topic deeper. It was rare to see her in a state of total confusion and thrilled curiosity and this was one of it. Most of the time, she weighed the situation and found her own conclusions.

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