Chapter 2 - It Was Bound to Happen

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I made it to the lunch hour without running into him. Of course, my female co-workers thought otherwise. As Nay and I sat down with our lunches in the cafeteria, which was a room that could fit around twenty round tables and six chairs to each one around them, I was hammered with questions.

"For the last time, no, I didn't see him!" I shouted over their voices, my patience wearing thin. "He's probably out of the hotel right now and will be until a few hours after we all leave. Now please, will you all leave me alone about it?"

They all grimaced and left our table. I got out my peanut butter and banana sandwich as Nay stared at me. "Sarah..."

"I'm sorry. I'm just tired of this already. Why can't everyone think of him as just another human being?"

"Because he's a famous human being. There's no going back for him or for us."

"Unfortunately. Let's just try and finish our meals in peace."

Thankfully, no one sat with us at the table, and no one bothered to talk to me for the rest of the day, aside from Nay and my mother when I stepped through the front door to her sitting on the blue sofa in the living room as she read the paper.

"Hi there, honey," she greeted me with a smile. She was basically the older version of me, only she had longer hair that was turning gray at her temples. "How was work?"

I came in and plopped myself down next to her on the sofa, on her left. "It was fine, aside from the fact that Elvis Presley is staying at our hotel."

Her dark brows rose. "Really? That new, young star Elvis Presley is staying at your hotel? Did you run into him?"

"Thankfully, no. This morning, we were told about him staying in the hotel while he does his new film. Since my manager knows that I don't like him, she assigned me to the floor that he's staying on and until further notice."

Mom folded the paper and set it aside on the little table to the right of the sofa, one with a lamp on it. "I think she did that on purpose. She needs someone who will not go crazy at the sight of him."

"Yes, that's what I think, but also because she's punishing me."

She smiled lovingly at me and put an arm around my shoulders. "I doubt it. You are a good worker and have even gotten a raise once since you started there a year ago. You know, working on the same floor as the one that a star is staying on is a huge complement. It shows that she trusts you."

I never thought about that way. "Maybe, I don't know. I just know that I don't like it, and I will have to hold my tongue when I come across him eventually. Nay's afraid that I'll hurt his feelings or something."

"Then don't do that. Be professional."

She was known to be straightforward. "I know. I will. It's just... I don't like him."

"I think you just need to wait until you meet him in person. From what I've read from the paper, he's a decent and kind young man."

"It doesn't matter how nice he is, I still don't like him."

She chuckled and hugged me to her. "Okay, okay. How about you help me make dinner, okay? We can have it ready for when Dad gets home in an hour."

"Sounds like a plan."

We got to that. I was thankful that I had my great mother to come home to every day. She, along with my dad, had always been a source of comfort for me, no matter how badly behaved I was growing up. I would need their comfort if I ever had to deal with the unfortunate opportunity of meeting the most famous young man in America.

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