Chapter 11 - You're So Square

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After three days, and at around eight in the evening, I got a call from Rich. He wanted me on the set the next morning. Mrs. Brunster already knew that I would be out of the hotel periodically due to me being on the set. She told me to just give her a call when Rich asked me to come in for filming and to bring a note from him saying that I was on the set.

"I really can't believe that I'm actually going to be a reoccurring extra for this movie," I said as Nay sat with me on my bed. She had come back after her shift just so we could chill and talk. When Rich called, she was right next to me.

"I know, it's unbelievable!" she squealed, and she grabbed my left arm as we sat on my purple blanket, and her perfume filled the room. "Do you think the director would mind it is I come along, too?"

"He probably wouldn't mind. You just wouldn't be in the shot."

"Maybe he would make me an extra, too! Yeah! Instead of your mom going, we can go together!"

I rolled my eyes at her idea. "You just want to meet Elvis again."

"So? I also want to see what a film set looks like in person."

"But this one is different. It's going to be outside and by a pool, and it's going to be on someone's private property."

"That doesn't matter. It's still a film set."

She batted her blue eyes and puckered her pink lips, something she always did when she really wanted to do something, and she was begging my permission or waiting for me to agree with her idea. I chuckled. "Nay, you can do what you want. I just don't know what Rich will think."

She sat normally. "Well, then, I will just go with you. Maybe I should sleep over and we can both go tomorrow. You have to be there early, don't you?" She gasped. "Wait, they want you to wear something you would wear at a beach party. We have to pick something out for you!"

"I'm just going to wear my trousers and blouse."

Her eyes widened, appalled. "Oh, no you're not! You're wearing a swimsuit. What do you have here?"

She went to my dresser, and I got up and joined her as she opened up the first drawer. "Nay, you know where I keep my swimsuit, and it's not in there. I'm not even going to wear it."

"You are!" She opened the bottom drawer and pulled out my plain one-piece black suit. Her features twisted. "This is all you have? Really?"

"You know I don't like anything too flashy."

She threw the swimsuit back in the drawer and planted her hands on her hips, over her dress that matched her lips. "Well, then, it looks like I have to go home and get my suit."

I let out a gasp, recalling her red two-piece. "No way! I'm not wearing that. I was told to wear something conservative."

"You can make it conservative. Just wear one of those cover shirts over it. I have one of those."

"Yeah, that one is see-through. It looks like I'm wearing underwear underneath a long sheer shirt. It looks like lingerie."

"But it's not. I have something that looks like a robe, only you wear it open, and it doesn't tie."

I grimaced. "That looks even more like lingerie. I'll just wear my normal swimsuit, but then wear one of your shirts with it. And maybe shorts."

"No way! You have to show off your cute little curvy body. But I think no matter what you wear, Elvis will notice you." She winked. "That guy is so loony about you."

I paused, thinking about that and my and Elvis's past encounters. "Yeah, I'm just going to wear my blouse and trousers."

"No, you don't! Trust me. In the morning, we're getting my suit. Good thing we're the same size."

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