Chapter 10 - A Little Moment in His Suite

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Thankfully, none of the maids knew that I had a little side job, a side job that many of them would take in an instant. I had begged Nay not to say a word of it, and thankfully, she hadn't said a thing. Yet. Sooner or later, it would come out, the fact that I was and would be up close with Elvis Presley. I would never be left alone since I would be busy telling stories about being on the set to jealous ears.

"I could be on the set again," I mumbled as I vacuumed the hallway on the fifth floor, a hallway that was the one around the corner from the one that Elvis was staying on. I was slowly making my way down the hallway and through the suites of the hallway as well. I was already almost done with the one I was on and would turn the corner soon. I hoped that I would hit my lunch break by the time I would get to Elvis's room. I had to vacuum the suites that were being rented as well, that is, if the guests were out of them.

"Let's hope he doesn't come back on a surprise visit," I said as I turned the corner, and my voice was drowned out by the vacuum cleaner noise. "He most likely would eat lunch out."

I didn't want to see him because, yes, I never wanted to be in his presence, but also because it would just be awkward. He was the only guy who expressed interest in me, aside from my coworker Daniel O'Merty who hinted that it was good he wasn't famous since I wouldn't like him if he was.

Guys just weren't interested in me, so this was strange.

The vacuum continued making its noise as I ran it through the hallway and the three suites before the one I didn't want to go into. I brought up my arm and looked at my watch and groaned. I still had fifteen minutes until my scheduled break. We could get in trouble if we went sooner or later than the scheduled time. I had no choice but to go into the suite and clean it. Knowing that star with sideburns, the room was probably spick and span.

"Well, here we go, I guess," I said and knocked. "Housekeeping!"

No answer. Good. I brought out the master key to all the rooms and opened the door. I brought the vacuum in, along with its cord. It was long enough that I just left the plug in the hallway and the door open. I gazed around the room that smelled of that men's perfume and that had the curtains open to let in the noon light.

"As predicted, clean as a whistle."

I started up the vacuum and moved it along the floor. The scent of the room was playing with my insides, mainly my heart. It was annoying, that I was reacting to the scent. It was the scent, not the person who wore the scent.

"I need to get out of here as soon as possible."

Going as fast as I could, I wheeled the vacuum around the room and noticed little things of his, like clothing hung up in the closet, a comb left out on the bedside table... His luggage was probably under the bed. I came near the bathroom and noticed something in the light coming from the room. Not being able to help myself, I turned off the vacuum and went into the bathroom and took a closer look. There were bottles of hair products and that men's perfume, as well as that same prescription bottle. I took it up and shook it. There was a considerable number of pills missing, and just in a few days' time.

Was he popping sleeping pills?

Memories from my cousin Matilda came to mind and her sudden passing five years ago at the age of nineteen. She had trouble sleeping, so she started taking sleeping pills. One night, she couldn't sleep, and took five at one time just so she could be rested for her college entrance test. Well, she never woke up from that sleep. All the pills she took slowed down her heart enough to stop it. Matilda, Nay and I were close in age, so we had done things together. Before that, I had never lost someone I knew and cared about, so I took it pretty hard, and I even refused to go to her funeral since I didn't want people to see me cry.

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