Chapter 13 - Troublesome News Story

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Apparently, word got out that I was on the set of Elvis's new film. It was a mystery as to how word spread throughout the hotel, mainly with my coworkers, but it was out. It was only a matter of time until it reached outside the hotel.

"I think you're being paranoid about it," said Nay as we got our maid's carts together at the beginning of our 6am shift two days later. The maids and butlers around us were eyeing us, and for an obvious reason.

"I don't think I am. Yeah, our coworkers know about me being on the set, but the set people do as well." I gave her an accusatory side glance. "You didn't say anything, did you?"

"No, I didn't say a word. But that doesn't matter anymore. No one's going to spread the word about you being there. Just relax."

Unfortunately, her words weren't all that comforting or made me relax. The last thing I wanted was to be connected in the press with Elvis and have the whole country know about us. The connection would be that we were put into the same film, but still.

Nay and I finished our carts and made it out of the supply room. As soon as I left it, that was when the maids pounced, and in that instant, I knew how stars felt when they were hounded with people asking them question after mindless question. And it was always the same answer, at least for me...

"No comment! Now let me get to work!"

Not having much of a choice, I plowed through the crowd of maids, Nay's and my carts making them move out of the way. We scurried to the elevators—Nay was assigned to the third floor, and I had my usual one. As soon as we were inside, someone stopped the elevator door from closing. It was Samantha, or Sam, another maid our age, and she had orange curly hair that was pulled back into a bun like the rest of us had. Her cheeks were cherry red as she came in, and she was clutching a newspaper.

"Goodness, Sam, what's the matter?" asked Nay. "Did you run into Elvis?"

"No, but apparently you have more times that we thought, Sarah!" She shoved the newspaper at us, and I was forced to take it. It was folded, so it wasn't on the front page, but the first headline I saw was Hotel Maid Turned Actress in New Elvis Presley Film. It was one of those side headlines, not a main one. My chest tightened, and my lips lowered.

"I told you, Nay." I gave the paper to her. "I told you! I never should've done it! I never should've listened to you and my parents."

Nay let out a gasp. "Oh my, it's actually in the paper! Sam, how come no one else mentioned this?"

"Because we literally just got it. One of the butlers came from the front desk and showed everyone literally right after you two ran for the elevator. I really can't believe it! The article even says that Elvis knows you personally, Sarah! Are you two an item?!"

My heart started racing, and I hated that it did. I gave Sam an appalled look. "Absolutely not! All I did was act in two scenes with him, and I was only an extra for both."

"You still associated with him! Tell me the details!"

The elevator doors opened, and Nay scampered out with her cart after handing me the newspaper, and she wished me good luck. "I'll pass," I said, and the elevator closed. "Could I keep this?"

"Sure thing! But prepare yourself for people asking you more questions. Your name's in the article, too."

"Wait, what?!"

The doors opened for the fifth floor, and I hurried out. Sam disappeared behind them as I stood near my cart and read through the article. It talked all about my time on the set of Jailhouse Rock for both the record store and pool scene. That meant that someone from both sets said something. The article wasn't long, only three paragraphs, but they said enough.

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