Chapter 27 - That Same Look

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So, I don't know the exact details of Judy's and Greg's funeral. I just know that Judy was buried in New York, north of Manhattan about fifteen miles. Also, I'm not sure if Greg was buried there, too, or if they had a double funeral. They both were from New York, so I suspect they had a funeral for Greg there, too.

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"You can't see the beauty of the country when you're up in the air."

That same phrase Judy made that night ran through my mind every few seconds as we flew over state after state. She wanted to see the beauty of the country from the ground, but she lost her life in the process. My lips lowered as I sat there in my window seat, and Nay sat next to me. We had maybe an hour left of the six-hour flight.

"We were supposed to get together after they came back..." I muttered, and Nay looked over at me.

"What was that?" she asked as she put her book down, and she looked over at me. My chin started trembling.

"We were supposed to do something fun after they got back from New York. She didn't get to see the country... They could've had kids..."

Nay's eyes turned sad, and she put a comforting hand on my arm. She heard the emotion in my voice. "I know, Sarah, but... it was their time to go. It's like I said before—only the good die young. Those two were saints."

"Then I'm gonna live to be a hundred..." I grumbled.

"Hey that's not what a mean. You're a good person. If you weren't, you wouldn't be so torn up."

"I'm torn up because they were my good friends," I snapped, and a tear escaped. "I'm sorry, Nay, I'm just feeling really bitter right now. They were so young, they could've done so much more in their lives..."

She squeezed my arm. "I know, honey, I know. They're in a better place now, out of this crazy world."

"At least there's that." I took in and let out a deep breath to alleviate my emotions. "I'm just going to try and get through this trip. I'm going to cry like a baby at the funeral."

"We all are. It's a joint one, right? For the both of them?"

"I think so. Well... I guess they were able to come home to New York, but not in the way anyone planned."

That was a bit morbid, I could admit. My eyes stung at the thought. I really didn't want to cry again. Nay held my arm with both hands and leaned her head on my left shoulder, her book forgotten in her lap. I stared out the window again at the clouds below us as I heard my parents talking behind me, and Scotty was sitting next to Nay on her other side, but he was sound asleep, making little snores. Elvis wasn't on the flight, unfortunately, but on a different flight that left before us. I would have sat next to him. Maybe. I wasn't ready to talk about what happened between us in his bedroom.

This flight was a commercial flight and was full of other passengers, so I heard them as well. We were in first class, of course. Elvis made it that way. They guy was so sinking rich, it was ridiculous. I thought about it, and the only time he used his money on me was for this flight. Nothing else. I read that he bought gifts for people. I smirked, somewhat amused. He was probably scared to buy anything for me, afraid that I would throw the item in his face. If it was a car... well, I probably would have taken it. He had nice cars, and a good taste in them, too. I wasn't a pink type of girl, but that pink Cadillac of his was drool-worthy. At least, before it was burned in 1955. Nay had shown me a picture.

The pilot told us over a com that we were descending. I felt my ears pop. Scotty woke up probably for the same reason. Nay noticed and leaned off of me and leaned against her boyfriend. I glanced over at the two of them, both smiling and content, and Scotty was giving her such a loving look.

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