Chapter 22 - Higher on the Famous Meter

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"'Number 47 said to number 3, you're the cutest jailbird I ever did see. I would sure be delighted with you company... C'mon and do the Jailhouse Rock with me, let's rock! Everybody let's rock... Everybody in the whole cell block was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock...'"

My gaze stayed glued to him as he sang and danced with those other sixteen men, and I memorized the words and couldn't help but think of myself as that "number 3." This was their seventh time singing this song, according to Nay, since they had to redo the number because Elvis was having a hard time focusing.

I knew exactly why...

He stole my first kiss from me! My precious first kiss was stolen by that guy with rather suggestive dance moves, sideburns, enchanting blue eyes and incredibly soft lips...

I groaned. Nay looked over at me as we stood behind the cameras. "What?" she asked.

"You know what. You saw the whole thing."

She hooked her left arm with my right. "You bet I did! And it's about time! I kinda knew he would make the first move since you wouldn't do anything about your feelings. Even while he was kissing you, you didn't! You just stood there like a stiff post."

"I didn't know what to do, Nay. I've never kissed a guy before, especially not one who's famous and annoyingly handsome."

She giggled as Rich came onto the set and talked with Elvis, who was looking directly at me as he was being talked to. He was nodding, but was he really listening to what Rich was telling him?

"Alright, back into places!" Rich shouted and got back out of the set, and he stood maybe twelve feet from Nay and me. I noticed that Elvis turned his head as he was walking back to that swirling staircase. He met my gaze and winked.

"Oh my goodness, did you see that?!" Nay squealed. "He winked at you and smirked!"

"Yes, I saw it, Nay, now drop it."

She only grinned at that. I knew she was happy that something happened between Elvis and me. I watched him as the number played out in its entirety, and Nay danced as all the guys did. Heat rushed into my face as Elvis moved his hips around. Would it kill him not to do that?

"Alright, cut!" Rich, shouted when the number was through, and the guys who were a part of it patted each other on the back. Elvis looked my way and gave me a cute smile. I turned and walked off the set. Naturally, Nay followed me.

"Hey, hey, where are you going?" she asked when we were in the hallway leading to the set.

"I can't be here anymore, not with him here."

She noticed the emotion in my voice and brought me into a hug. My throat tightened, and a sob escaped me. "Oh, sweetie... you're just shocked that all this is happening. You've always been a no-nonsense type of person, and then suddenly, you meet a guy who catches you off-guard."

"I don't want to like him..." I whined into her shoulder as I hugged her.

"Sarah, I think you're in love with him."

I thought back to what I said before he kissed me, and what I implied when I said it. "I think I told him the same thing."

She gasped and brought me out to face her, her blue eyes wide. "Wait, what? You told him that you're in love with him?! I just saw him kiss you, I didn't hear anything you two said to each other."

"I told him that I wished I could go back to hating him."

She brought me back into her arms. "And he would naturally think the opposite of hate. Oh, Sarah... this is wonderful. He may be famous, but... you found yourself a great boyfriend."

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