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30th September 2017

The research with my primary subject group came to an abrupt end two days ago when, upon returning to the laboratory in the evening, I witnessed the after-effects of what can only be described as a murder-suicide. Alex, the subject I have previously named in my reports, sat in a pool of blood, surrounded by the assorted body parts of his fellows. Due to their weakened state from the near-completed physical experiments, I had allowed the subjects an allotted time period to socialise in a locked room. All had been behaving sedately when I left to run a quick errand. In the span of approximately half an hour, Alex slaughtered his fellows, fuelled by an elevated desire for human blood, and did in fact end up drinking that of the other Infecteds. As this did nothing to satisfy his urges, he promptly destroyed the other subjects.

When I questioned his reasoning, he proclaimed that, "starvation only fuels the desire", a phrase he reportedly learned from an Infected outside the subject group. He did not tell me the name of this acquaintance, but did reveal that he was told the phrase when learning of an incident involving someone he believed to be called Andrew (though he could not be sure), who I deduced had been turned by one of the Infected. Before I could intervene and interrogate him further, Alex snapped his own neck.

I decided to destroy his body with that of the others, as it would be easier to start again with an entirely new subject group than attempt to pry further information from Alex. The remains were cremated and disposed of, and the laboratory has been thoroughly cleaned.

Despite the less than favourable outcome, the research conducted with my primary group has been of great use to Project Epiphany. I have gained valuable insight into the limits of the Infected body, and with this information I should soon be able to reach the physical breaking point necessary.

Once I locate a second subject group of equal size to my first, I plan to divide it into three pairs. My physical experiments will be completed on one pair and the psychological experiments on another. The third pair shall remain unharmed and contained until both breaking points have been reached, when I shall combine the physical and psychological on the remaining subjects. Through this method, I can perfect the balance between physical and mental torture and extract the Infected soul. Only once this equilibrium has been reached can I initiate Phase II.

There is little else to say in this report, other than that I shall learn from this sequence of events and not leave the Infecteds together without supervision in future.

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