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31st March 2019

At last, after months of preparation, I have created an initial version of the purification drug. It consists of a mixture of the Shadow chemical, LSD and methamphetamine. The latter two drugs both have the ability to induce psychosis in high doses, and were instrumental in reaching the psychological breaking point of the Infecteds in Phase I.

In a few hours, I shall present my creation to the Shadows. If they approve, I can locate a suitable test subject and initiate Phase III.

1st April 2019

It would be dishonest of me to say I am not disheartened by the outcome of my communication with the Shadows. As I have previously suspected, they seem to be consistently monitoring my progress, as they contacted me not long after I had finished the prototype. Whether they performed their own testing on the drug, I cannot be sure.

What I do know is that the concentrations of each chemical are apparently incorrect. I am well aware that nothing of this calibre is ever completed overnight, but it has taken months to reach this stage. My patience is wearing thin under the knowledge that the longer this takes, the more Infecteds will be created, and the more difficult it will be to remove the infection from our world.

I would never say anything against the Shadows, after all, they have opened our eyes to this threat, but at times I wish they were able to provide greater guidance. Particularly regarding the Shadow chemical. I know the symptoms it causes and that it does react with the Infected soul, but nothing of its nature nor its reactions, if any, with the Earth elements. For the drug to be successful, all its components must work together, but this is near impossible if I am unaware of how they interact.

Due to the scale of the operation, I would like for the drug to be able to extract the Infected soul within a month. As such, it is imperative I perfect the balance between its constituents. Too little of one chemical, and the entire process shall take far too long. Too much, and there is a risk of forcing the subject into a constant state of resurrection in which the physical torture will have no impact. It is certainly a frustrating process.

Nevertheless, I cannot complain too much. Despite the work that must still be done, a cure has been born. I will continue my work to reach the ideal equilibrium between the identified components and produce a drug worthy of the Shadows' approval.

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