Chapter 7: The Eevee Siblings

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Tyler POV

"Heh." I walk through the doors for my next Gym Battle. I've been training for this. And like always I'm one step ahead of Jaiden. It did take a week to get to Eterna City

Once inside the referee takes me to the battlefield and I meet the Gym leader, Gardenia.

"Hello! I'm Gardenia! The Gym Leader of Eterna city!" I smirk as I pull out my sunglasses and put them on. "I know who you are Gardenia. You will be the next gym leader defeated by me and my Pokémon."

"My my aren't you cocky." We both walk off the battlefield and to our assigned positions. I look back at her with my Pokéball in hand. "Remember the name well. My name is Tyler. The future winner of the Sinnoh League, and the one who will defeat Cynthia and become champion of the Sinnoh Region!"


Jaiden POV

"Whoa!" I say looking at Geno's Pokémon partner

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"Whoa!" I say looking at Geno's Pokémon partner. "All the way from the Unova Region with me, is Leavanny."

"Leavanny." It walks over and gives me a hug. "Hehe aren't you friendly."

"She really enjoys being around other people and Pokémon. Just be careful around her sharp leaves." Geno warns me but it's fine. She's really gentle.

"Say can you bring out your Pokédex? I don't have mine updated to national." I ask him. "Of course."

He brings out his Pokédex. "Leavanny, the Nurturing Pokémon, and the evolved form of Swadloon. Upon finding a small Pokémon, it weaves clothing for it from leaves by using the sticky silk secreted from its mouth."

I bring out my Pokémon so they can meet Geno's Pokémon. "Hey guys! I want you to meet Geno's Pokémon, Leavanny! Say hi."

Leavanny let's go and says hi to my Pokémon. Chimchar happily walks up with a big smile on his face. Buizel has his arms crossed and simply nods to her. Starly just stares curiously. And Anorith... hey wait. Where is Anorith?

I don't see him with the others. "Wha! Don't scare me like that!" I turn to Geno who screams from the table. "Hey! Don't go in my bag! I have important items in there!"

I laugh and walked to Anorith who is going through Geno's bag. I gently tug his tail. "Hey now, stop scaring Geno before you give him another heart attack."

I pick him up and he starts to squirm as I pull him away. But he eventually stops. I turn him over so I look at him. "You really love going through bags don't you?" He happily closes his eyes at me and I laugh.

I felt a shiny light hit my eye. "Hm?" I look to my left and on the ground I see three stones.

 "Hm?" I look to my left and on the ground I see three stones

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