Chapter 11: A Day With The Pokémon

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No One POV

It's a brand new day for the three Pokémon Trainers as they continue on their journey and for Jaiden to get her next badge.

It's been a week since Jaiden took on Gardenia and won her second Gym Badge. Now the gang are hanging out in the forest. Geno and Natasha preparing food for themselves and for their Pokémon.

"Alright, come out everyone!" Jaiden says and let out all her Pokémon.

"Come out too Charizard." Natasha says bringing out her partner.

"You as well Leavanny." Geno says and joins the others.

All their Pokémon come out. "Alright guys the food is almost done so get ready!" Jaiden tells them and they all nod.

"Just a little problem..." Jaiden and Natasha look at Geno. "We're out of water. I'll go to the lake and get more."

"I'll come too." Jaiden says and Natasha says the same.

"We'll be back everyone." Natasha says and walks over to Charizard. "I got your bowl ready. Enjoy." Charizard rubs her head against Natasha happily. She then joins the others and gets water.

Once they leave, the Pokémon happily begin to talk amongst themselves.

"Man I'm so hungry! I wanna eat now!" Monferno says as his belly starts to growl in hunger.

Buizel sighs shaking his head. "Whining like that will only make you hungrier."

"Oh you poor thing." Leavanny says patting Monferno on the head.

"Well this is certainly new wouldn't you say Sis?" Jolteon says looking at the others. "I know but now I have an audience!"

Jolteon looks at Eevee and tilts his head. "A what now?"

Eevee runs up front and center. "Hey everyone! Until they come back, I shall dance for you all!"

"A dance?" Jolteon tilts his head as he watches his sister begin.

"Wow so cool!" Monferno says completely impressed by Eevee's jumping

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"Wow so cool!" Monferno says completely impressed by Eevee's jumping.

"She's just jumping around. I wouldn't call it dancing." Buizel says.

As this goes on, Anorith makes his way over to the table. Smelling the delicious food. "So hungry..." Unfortunately for Anorith, he's too small to reach the table so he can only look. "Oh man... please hurry back Jaiden."

"Hm." Charizard looks over at the others. "Hmph." She lowers her head and begins to eat her food.

"You're already eating?" Charizard looks over to see Staraiva by her side.

Charizard gave a small nod. "I am hungry. I wish not to waste it now." Staraiva gave a nod and looked at the others. "I'm gonna go rest up top in the trees." Staraiva flys up to one of the tree branches and rests.

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