one | paranoia

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     I could feel his eyes boring into the back of my skull, as if he were trying to slice me in half just with his stare. It bothered me, but what could I do? Turn around and yell at him, risk getting in trouble with Kakashi-Sensei? Yeah. No.
     I couldn't focus in class like this, not when the staring was so evident. What did he want anyway? He hates me. I hate him. Just the way it's supposed to be.
     "Are you going to give me an answer, Naruto-Kun?"
     "..Huh..?" The class erupted with laughter, making me jump in surprise. I gritted my teeth together, knowing Sasuke was to blame for my daydreaming. No. Not daydreaming. My waking nightmare.
     Kakashi-Sensei sighed, letting his papers fly out of his hands dramatically as he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.
     "Class dismissed. Naruto-Kun, stay here." I felt drowsy at the sound of Kakashi-Sensei's order. This is all that damn Uchiha's fault.

     After everyone had left, I stood and began picking up my Sensei's fallen papers, waiting tentatively for his reprimanding. But it never came.
     "Naruto-Kun, sit down." I obeyed his words, sitting in the chair closest to his desk, the anxiety building up in my stomach while he stared me down, intertwining his fingers in the process.
     "Yes, Kakashi-Sensei?" I managed to croak out in a barely audible whisper. I felt the tears brimming the corners of my eyes, knowing where this conversation was bound to go.
     "Should we contact your pare-"
     "No!" I stood suddenly, surprising myself for than Sensei, my palm facing outward to stop the words coming out of his masked mouth. How embarrassing of me. What's happening? Why am I letting Sasuke get so deep under my skin?
     I took two deep breaths before slowly letting myself fall back into the plastic green seat.
     "No.." I started out, much calmer than before. "My parents aren't needed for this conversation. I know I haven't been the best student recently. I'm sorry, Sensei."
     Kakashi-Sensei closed his eyes, probably taking in my words. I held my breath as I waited for a response.
     "What's been going on with you recently? You used to be top of the class, acing my tests with ease. Not up until recently, you've been wrapped up in your own little world." He clasped his hands together, only halfway through his speech, "I've known your father since we were in high school, Naruto. He's a smart and respected man, and I know you can be just like him. I can help you, I just need to know what's been going on with you and Uchiha." The pitying look in his eyes only made me angrier.
     "There is nothing going on between me and that vermin." I spat out, balling my fists in anger. "Sasuke Uchiha is a burden. He's frustrating, he knows how to get under my skin. He knows what he's doing to me, and yet i'm the one now in trouble." I gasped for air, realizing I was hyperventilating from crying so hard. The worry on Sensei's face made a sob rack through my body, he seated himself into the desk next to mine.
     "Naruto-Kun, Naruto-Kun.. I didn't know your feelings towards him were so strong," Bah. He made it sound like I was in love with him. I was crying too much to be angry. "tell me, how has he been bothering you? Perhaps one day the three of us can talk it through. Sasuke-Kun is a very bright young man, I don't see how he could offend you in any way?" Sensei rubbed my arm reassuringly, I wanted to cry into his shoulder, anyone's shoulder, anyone except my parents' (and Sasuke Uchiha's, of course).
     "He.. he stares at me, all through class. I can - I can feel his eyes on me. It makes it hard to focus, he knows it as well."
     "Naruto-Kun.. it sounds like you're suffering from a bit of paranoia, and taking it out on Sasuke-Kun. I'll tell you what, we'll coordinate, and you and Sasuke-Kun can talk this all through. Alright?" I was stunned to silence. Alright? I just cried to him, opened up to him about this. And it's all going to be 'alright'? He thinks it's just paranoia? Are you kidding me?
     "Excuse me? Naru-"
     "I said no. I don't want to talk to Sasuke, not now, not ever." I wiped the stains of tears from my face, knowing I was definitely red. Of embarrassment or of anger? both.
     I stood to leave, Sensei trailing slowly along behind me before we reached the classroom door.
     "Now, Naruto-Kun, please understand. I know how much this must hurt your father and mother to watch you so.. so not like yourself. We can help, please let us.." Kakashi-Sensei pleaded. I jammed my hands into my back pockets, leaning against the doorframe on my heels.
     "Alright, i'll talk to my parents about it." I lied, "Goodbye, Sensei. I'll see you tomorrow." I spun around, leaving the class and speed walking down the hall, more ready as ever to be home.

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