five | distance

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     "Ugh!" Shikamaru groaned and threw his book down on the floor after scribbling who knows what all over it. "I bet Sensei doesn't even know this shit himself! Why do we have to learn it? It's not like we're gonna use it in the future!" He fell back onto my bed and buried his head under my pillow, grunting in frustration.
     "Shikamaru," Sasuke laughed, "Konoha high is one of the most prestigious schools around for miles. You got admitted into it because you're smart. Smarter than me, that's for sure."
     Shikamaru scoffed and laughed unamusingly, "Oh, please. Kiba goes to our school, remind me again how pristine it is?" The three of us couldn't hold back our laughs this time. I could imagine Kiba sitting right here next to us, gritting his teeth in anger and lunging at Shikamaru for his snarky remarks.
     "Whatever," Shikamaru shrugged, "might as well get this bullshit over with. Sasuke, why don't ya' just check that for me?" A grin spread to Shikamaru's face as he pointed to the book that was at my feet from when he'd thrown it during his mini meltdown.
     Sasuke scooted right up next to me, taking the book in his hands and flipping it open to the corresponding page. He blinked rapidly, looked up at Shikamaru, sighed, and then looked over at me.
     "What?" I asked Sasuke. Shikamaru is smart, smarter than me anyway, (he's just too lazy to do anything) no way he his answers were that absurd.
     I leaned into Sasuke's shoulder. Shit. I'm so close to him, I can smell the shampoo in his hair: minty, his hair smelled like peppermint. I smiled at this surprising yet sweet discovery and set my head on Sasuke's shoulder, he relaxed into me until he was leaning against my body. Eventually I just focused my attention to whatever disappointed Sasuke.
     I gasped in shock and glared at the lazy boy, who was howling in laughter as he wiped tears from his eyes.
     "Oh - oh, shit! You shoulda' seen your reaction, Naruto!" He snorted, and I couldn't help but smile. "Fuck, the look on your face was priceless!"
     Dead in the center of Shikamaru's math page, open for the world to see was a large drawing of a.. well.. something too inappropriate to really put into words.
     "You're so immature, honestly." I felt like I was talking to a brick wall with the way Shikamaru was wheezing and gasping for air, completely ignoring the words coming out of my mouth.
     Sasuke sighed and closed the book, an uncomfortable smiling plastered on his face. I only now realized I was still leaning against his shoulder. While Shika was still hooting with laughter, Sasuke slowly and inconspicuously slipped his arm through mine.
     "It's time for you to go now..." I shook myself off Sasuke and stood up, dragging Shikamaru (who was now recovering from his laugh attack) out of my bed. He grabbed his textbook and bag and waved me off before I could through him out of my room. He trudged downstairs, snickering to himself all the way.
     I looked back to see Sasuke still sitting on the floor smiling to himself awkwardly.
     His question took me by surprise.
     "Should I - uh - leave?" He stiffened, reaching for his book bag.
     Is he uncomfortable now? I feel like we're finally starting to get along. I don't want him to leave. As much as I hate to admit it, I kind of like hanging out with him.
     I slowly walked over to the door - meeting his gaze the whole time - and locked it with a quick click.  His eyes widened and his lips parted ever so slightly before he swallowed and stood up.
     "Naruto?" As if on cue, he slowly started taking his cardigan off and letting it fall to the floor.
     "Revenge, raven. Revenge." Was all I said before making my way towards him.
     I gripped Sasuke by the waist and - in a moment of surprise - his hands flew up to lock around my shoulders. He gasped at my sudden touchiness before I stroked his cheek with my thumb, repeating his action from hours earlier. I, of course, did it better. I could tell he thought so too by how red his face was.
     "What do you .. what do you mean 'revenge'?" Sasuke asked, slowly gaining his confidence back. He cocked an eyebrow and smirked at me, intertwining his fingers around my neck.
     If I'm about to make out with him, I might as well make it good, otherwise he'll tease me for being a bad kisser later.
     "You should've told me you felt this way, Naru, I would've pulled you into a private room so much earlier. Just for the two of us." He whispered huskily into my ear and backed me into the wall.
     A shiver went down my spine, but I sure as hell wasn't cold with the warmth of his body pressed flush against mine.
     "Don't do something you'll regret, Uchiha." I peppered light kisses on his neck.
     He chuckled and put a leg between mine. "I don't think either of us will regret this... not for a long time, my darling boy."

My Sudden First Kiss | Sasuke x Naruto [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now