two | restless

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"Rise and shine, princess." I swatted away at the all too familiar voice.
"Kiba-Kun. Lee-Kun. Go to your seats." It was Kakashi-Sensei's voice now, ordering Lee and Kiba to leave me alone. I grinned, even though I was still in a dazed and hazy state from falling asleep head-first as soon as I'd gotten to class.
"Thanks.. Sensei.." I mumbled, yawning as I opened my eyes and looked around the classroom. I shouldn't have. I knew all too well who'd be staring right back at me once I turned to face him.
Sasuke Uchiha, a textbook in his hands, staring right into my eyes. I hate him. He hates me. Just the way it's supposed to be.
He looked at someone behind me before sighing, waving once and smiling.
I froze. His smile looked.. genuine. Although I knew it must just mean he's too good of an actor. His pearly white teeth beamed, I was surprised they didn't start shining, considering how perfect he looked in the moment.
"Naruto-Kun, don't be rude, wave back." The slight excitement in Sensei's voice was barely evident, but it was clear once I cared to listen.
It took every last bit of will I had in my bones not to make a mean gesture. Instead, I held up a peace sign, hoping he'd see my grin was really a scowl.
Sensei put his hand on my shoulder and gave Sasuke a thumbs up before walking back to his desk, to read the same book he's read since the beginning of the school year (for such a short book, you think he'd have finished it by now).
I stared him down once more in an intimidating manner before turning back around to focus on my own studies.

"Dude, why were you so out of it this morning? Never seen ya' like that before." Kiba chuckled as he traipsed along behind me, followed by Shikamaru, Gaara, and his older sister, Temari.
"Sorry, guys, I was up late studying. I didn't get a good nights sleep." I tried to laugh it off, hoping my lie wouldn't be caught by Shikamaru or Gaara.
"Ah, that's alright, buddy," Kiba slapped me on the back, "by the way.. uh.. your folks are cool with us coming over, right?"
I shrugged, knowing he would've asked this (as they were all clearly following me home). "Yeah, they're cool with you." Kiba fist bumped Gaara (who did so unwillingly) and whooped a loud cheer.
     "Oh, can it, you dog." We all laughed at Shikamaru's snarky comment, chattering away busily until we got to my porch steps.

     "Aw, man, I haven't seen your parents in so long, what if they hate me?" Kiba asked nervously as he slipped his shoes off and dropping them at random on the porch.
     Shikamaru scoffed, "Oh, give it a rest. Naruto's mom loves yours, I wouldn't be surprised if they were out shopping right now. Let's go in, i'm tired." I rolled my eyes and laughed at his laziness before unlocking the door.
     "Hello? I'm home, Kiba, Shikamaru, Temari and Gaara are here, too!" I called out to no one in particular, waiting for an answer in the empty house.
     "Naruto?" My mother called from the dining room.
     "Yes, I'm home!" She was silent for a moment, hesitating so long it worried me. "Mom?"
     "Yes, yes. Uh.. Naruto, I don't think we're available for company tonight." I heard Kiba scoff under his breath, the others were silent.
     "Oh.. okay." I turned and faced my guests I was now sending away, "You heard her. Sorry, it's nothing against you guys, I don't know what that was about." Gaara smiled and raised his hands in defense.
     "It's alright, Naruto-Kun. We all have tests to study for anyway, and you know we prefer studying alone." Gaara rubbed the back of his neck while Temari-San smiled thoughtfully.
     "We'll see you tomorrow, Naruto-Kun. Bye-bye!" Temari waved off as she all but dragged Kiba out the door by his ear while he wailed like a crying child.
     As soon as I knew they were gone, I twisted through the kitchen into the dining room. The sight to see was an absolute nightmare.
     My heart dropped to my stomach, anxiety pooling at the bottom of my gut. I shoved my hands into my pockets and stared straight ahead at my mother, glaring at her as inconspicuously as manageable.
     "What's he doing here?" I smiled through my teeth, knowing I must look ridiculous.
     "Naruto. That is no way to treat a guest. Sit down and chat for a while." My mother gestured to the seat next to him. I cringed back and wrinkled my nose, as if he had a disease and I didn't want to be near him.
     "Hello, Naruto-Kun. It's.. nice to see you." Sasuke smiled his pearly white smile again, a heat crept onto my face, jealous that he looked so perfect when he smiled. He, of all people, did not deserve that perfect beautiful smile.
     "Hello, Sasuke-Kun. What are you - what are you doing here?" I hesitantly sat down next to him, figuring he wouldn't try anything whilst my mother was sitting right across from us.
"Your parents invited me over. I would have texted you, but I didn't have your number." My mother and Sasuke both shared a laugh, and I tried my hardest not to make a disgusted face at their friendliness.
"Oh. For dinner?"
"Yes." He smiled once again, but not with his teeth. This was the first time I'd ever really focused on his facial features (other than his eyes). He had full, soft pink lips, something I never thought a boy as cold as Sasuke would have. When I didn't focus on his eyes, he looked almost.. handsome.. and sweet. I couldn't blame the girls at school for liking him so much.
"Oh! Yeah, sorry, I was thinking about tomorrow's math test." Which I would (hopefully) pass with ease.
     "Ah, yes, have you gotten all your studying down? I know I have." He grinned, and for once, I couldn't tell whether or not it was genuine.
"Yes.." I lied. The look on Sasuke's face told me he could see right through it, as his lips formed into a straight line while he suppressed a smile. I balled my fist under the table to keep from expressing my anger.
     "Why don't we review everything tonight, after dinner?" He offered. I wanted to shake my head and tell him to leave, but my mother was the one to answer.
     "Oh, he would love that! Wouldn't you, Naruto?" My gaze slowly went back to Sasuke's, glaring him down and smiling (which must have looked extremely creepy).
     "Yes, I would." I hissed through my teeth, smiling the whole time while my nails dug into my palm from squeezing my fist together too tight.
     "Hello, boys." My father greeted us while he made his way downstairs, giving Sasuke a bright smile. Maybe my parents were out to get me too. No. I can't think such things. How embarrassing of me.
"Hello, Mr. Uzumaki. Thank you, really, for inviting me over. This has been nothing short of an amazing experience." Sasuke stood to shake my father's hand. I held back a scoff. I'm surprised the boy didn't get down and start kissing my fathers feet the way he was sucking up. What did he want?
"The pleasure's all ours, my boy." My father told him, sitting down in the seat next to my mother's and kissing her gently on the cheek.
     "Oh, hon, the boys are going to review their math quiz after dinner." My mother replied, a hint of excitement in her voice as well. What is it with all these adults?
     "Excellent!" He clapped his hands together. "Stay as long as you'd like, Sasuke-Kun!"
     Sasuke nodded at my father once, "Thank you, but I do believe I have a few of my duties at home I'll have to attend to tonight. I do hope you understand." He grinned at my father, as did my father smile back at him. I was the only one not smiling.
     "Ah. It's all understood, now, let's eat!"

     "Thank you, it was delicious." Sasuke handed his empty bowl to my mother. I'd spaced out most of the time, hearing snippets of conversations shared between my parents and Sasuke, I have no clue what I'd eaten, but Sasuke thought whatever my mother cooked was amazing.
"Naruto-Kun, should we head up to your room?" Sasuke asked me, tilting his head to the side and smiling sheepishly.
This action caught me off guard, I almost lost my balance staring at his smile. "Oh - uh - yeah, let's go." I muttered while he followed behind me as we ascended the stairs.
The new white carpet was still there, and when we entered my room everything was still the same: The pale walls, the bookshelf and the books, the carnation from my mother, my school work. All still here, open and inviting for Sasuke to take in.
"Nice room. Although I must say I was expecting it to be more.."
"Orderly?" I scoffed. He pretended not to hear the hatred in my voice.
"No, just more.. mature. I didn't expect you to be so.. colorful with your options." He chuckled. "May I sit down?"
"Sure, you can sit on the floor, dog." I spat at him, not daring to turn around and meet his gaze. What a pathetic chicken I was being.
"I was thinking more along the lines of sitting in your desk chair, but I suppose this is fine too." When I took a peak from behind me, sure enough Sasuke was sitting, cross legged on the floor against the wall, staring right at me.
"Why the hell do you do that?"
"Do what?" He asked with clear surprise lacing his voice.
"Stare at me all the time! Are you trying to piss me off?!" I whispered, acid in my tone.
     "Oh," Sasuke looked down in his lap, as if he were embarrassed. "You noticed?" He was grinning when he looked back up at me. I found this annoying and decided to sit down on the floor across from him.
     "Wh - yes, I noticed! Who wouldn't notice Sasuke Uchiha staring at them from across the room?" His face was red of embarrassment. How silly, honestly. Did he expect me not to call him out? This is what he was here for in the first place.
     "I'm sorry if I irked you."
     "The hell you are," I rolled my eyes and let it go. "so why are you staring at me all the time anyway?" I didn't sound as mad as I hoped I would, curiosity lacing my tone instead.
"Just interested." He shrugged, not meeting my gaze no longer.
"In what? What could possibly be so in -"
"Sasuke-Kun! Your mother called! She needs you home soon!" I rolled my eyes. How convenient as soon as we'd finally started a conversation he had to go. Oh well. The less I see of him is better for me.
"Goodbye, Naruto-Kun." Sasuke stood, smiling down at me like I were his prey. The thought made me red of embarrassment. Sheesh. Could this guy cool it?
"Yeah. Bye, Sasuke." He was already heading downstairs by the time I answered. I waited and listened until the door opened and shut for him to leave.
I got up, showered, changed clothes, my normal nighttime routine. Of course, my mother had to walk in as soon as I lay down in my bed.
"How was it..?" She asked hopefully.
"Fine. He wasn't as irritating as usual." I replied. My mother giggled, told me goodnight, and traipsed back downstairs.
     Damn. I should have gotten his number to harass him on there instead. No, what the hell am I thinking? It would only grant him permission to text me whenever he needed. Plus, why would I need his number anyway, I would never stoop down that low.
Not being able to sleep, I opened the window and took a breath of the fresh cold night air. The rice grains from the night before were gone. Great. I was thinking about Sasuke all over again.
Another restless night.

My Sudden First Kiss | Sasuke x Naruto [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now