seven | desperate

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     "So, why are ya' so obsessed with him all of a sudden? Is it like.. cus of his parents? His moms hot, I know." Shikamaru grinned, moving a pawn two spaces forward. I sighed and shook my head.
     "No.." Should I just tell him? "well, the thing is.. well.. you see.. I.. well.." I stammered, Shikamaru took his eyes off the board and squinted at me in confusion.
     "Dude, just spit it out." He flattened his lips into a line, suppressing a smile at my nervousness before it finally clicked in his head. He gasped and his muscles tensed, we stared at each other for a long moment before he relaxed and beamed from ear to ear at my embarrassed expression.
     "Ooh! Looks like Sasuke's got a little crushhh.." He teased, snickering under his breath as I flushed and tore my eyes away from his.
     "You're not mad?" I whispered. He snorted, making me meet his gaze.
     "Dude. Half the people at Konoha are gay. You ever wonder why Obito-Sensei and Kakashi-Sensei are always hangin' around each other?" A smile spread across his face again. He was getting a kick out of this. I choked on the black coffee we'd both been drinking and held my mouth back from coughing up any more. Once my fit was over, my eyes darted over to Shikamaru's grinning face.
     "The teachers?" I asked, feeling slightly better.
     "Yeah, but I think it's only those two." He shrugged, crossing his arms behind his head and leaning back onto my mattress. I chuckled. No wonder Kakashi-Sensei was so intent on getting Naruto and I to bond. He knows how the both of us feel towards each other, no doubt in my mind.
     "So.. anyways," Shikamaru drawled on, "what's up with you and Naruto? And why isn't he here now?" He asked. I sighed and moved a pawn forward one grid.
     "Nothing. That's the problem. He won't talk to me, because he needs his space." I huffed and watched his eyes as the gears turned in his head before he slid his rook a grid forward where his pawn used to be.
     "Hm. And you haven't like.. tried to call him or anything?" He stared into my eyes. I flushed and looked down, embarrassed and angry at myself.
     "I never got his number.." I mumbled in shame, wishing desperately Shikamaru didn't hear me.
     Shikamaru processed this with his mouth wide open before throwing himself into a fit of laughter. I glared and threw a pawn at him, making him laugh even harder.
     "Oh - oh, man!" A tear rolled down his left eye, and he wiped it away dramatically before snorting in laughter. "Come on, Sasuke! How did you - how did you never ask for his number?!"
     I shrugged, "It's only been a few weeks..."
     "Yeah! Exactly! Come on, I'm smoother with the ladies than you are! And the only chic I've ever gone after is Temari!" He shook his head, still laughing before pulling his phone out, "Whatever, I'll text you his number." My phone dinged as soon as he started putting his phone away.
     My heart froze. It took every ounce of self control I had not to pull it out and call Naruto immediately. I sat there rigidly while Shikamaru and I stared at each other, waiting for the other to say something. He sighed and rested his head against my bed once more.
     "Never even got the guy's number.." A smile shadowed his lips before it burst into a grin. "Oh, damn! Come on, man!" He chuckled, pinching the bridge of his nose.
     "I was nervous! How long did it take you to ask for Temari-San's number?" He stopped laughing. He rolled his eyes and tore his gaze away from mine.
     "Uh, well, she asked for my number, I guess.." He muttered under his breath. Now it was my turn to laugh at him. Shikamaru rolled his eyes and grinned while I chuckled to myself over his hypocrisy.
     "Oh, how the tables have turned.." We both smiled at each other before he stood and stretched.
     "Is your mom cooking anything? I'm hungry." I snorted at his question and stood alongside with him.
     "No," I scoffed. "my mother's never even worked the oven. What makes you think she'd cook something just because you're here?" Speak of the goddamn Devil. As soon as we walked out to the hallway, a mouth watering scent wafted into both our noses. Shikamaru's eyes widened as he realized the smell was coming from the kitchen.
     "Oh my god your moms cooking shrimp tempura.." He muttered as if he were caught in a trance. I unwillingly followed him, although I was curious as to what I'd see before me.
     "Hi, Mrs. Uchiha! Hey, mom!" Shikamaru beamed at my mother and sat down at the table with me right behind him.
     What did I expect? Of course it wasn't my mother cooking. Shikamaru's mother waved at me excitedly before turning her back and conversing loudly with my mother once more.
     "Hello, Shikamaru. We've made tempura." She gestured to the plates on the table and the two cups of soy sauce poured for the each of us. Shikamaru dove right in, stuffing his mouth as politely as he could. (If you could even consider stuffing your face eagerly, polite.)
     "Hello, Mrs. Nara." I greeted awkwardly, grinning as her son grinned back at me.
     "Hello, Sasuke-Kun. How was chess?"
     "Oh," Shikamaru shot me a wink after swallowing some of his food. "it was pretty chill. We both won a few games. Pretty even, I'd say. Sasuke's a good chess player. " He answered for me, wiping his hands as he finished his snack.
     I only now realized I hadn't taken a single bite of my food. Shikamaru stared hungrily at my still full plate before I rolled my eyes and slid it over to him. He thanked me by punching me lightly in the arm and dug into the food once more.
     Our mothers sat down across from us. Smiling brightly at the sight of their sons bonding. (Though the smile plastered on my mothers face was so phony it was painful making eye contact with her during the entire ordeal.)
     "Let's eat." My mother demanded more than suggested.
     Shikamaru shot me a harried look and held his head down, trying to ignore the fact that both our plates were already empty.

     "Thank you for having me." Shikamaru gritted his teeth as I suppressed a smile. His back was turned towards our mothers and they couldn't see his face as he muttered out a thank you that was much too polite for someone as lazy as Shikamaru.
     "Of course. Please, come again sometime." I know I sounded awful, but I was itching to get back upstairs and text Naruto. Would he hate me for that? Would he go to the extent to block me over this?
     I couldn't hope for too much. I was already lucky enough Naruto hadn't told Shikamaru about anything, not to mention he didn't care about my preference towards men, which made everything much easier.
     "I will." He answered, turning on his heel and facing his mother. She blew me a kiss and ushered Shikamaru out the door.
     My mothers face fell as soon as they were gone. She stalked over to the couch and slumped down, rubbing her temples with a scowl etched onto her face.
     "Oh, dear gods, that woman is a nightmare.." She groaned and fell back against the cushions. "..She's so fake. Lord, that Yoshino.. Sasuke, aren't you so glad you'll never have to undergo this stress?" She asked me. I sighed and nodded reluctantly, pretending to agree with her.
     "Yes, mother."
     "I'm tired. Go to your room. I'll make Itachi make dinner in a few hours." She replied coldly, the irritation clearly evident in her tone.
     "Yes, mother." I repeated, trying to keep the excitement out of my voice as I made my way back to the privacy of my room.
     Opening up Shikamaru's message, my heart started beating faster as I copied Naruto's number into my phone.
     I set it back down on my bed. Is this a good idea? No, no it's not. Why am I doing it then? Am I that desperate for Naruto, that I can't wait a mere few days?
     Yes. Yes I am.

My Sudden First Kiss | Sasuke x Naruto [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now