four | flustered

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     Every time Sasuke answered a question, he'd receive a chorus of praise from the girls.
     Was the clock moving slower than usual today? Why was class lasting so long? Normally I could bear Kakashi-Sensei's classes. Today, I was more than ready to leave as soon as class had started.

     Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Sensei closed his book, groaned when he saw Kiba and Lee goofing off, and dismissed us.
     I almost tripped over myself with how abruptly I'd stood, swiping my textbooks into my bag with one swift motion before heading to the door.
     "Naruto, wait up, man, you know I don't wanna chase after you.." A husky voice groaned from behind me. Shikamaru. He must've slept through the entire class, I don't blame him, I would've too if Sasuke hadn't been staring at me the whole period.
     "Hey, Shikamaru."
     "Hey there, can I come over today? I have some homework I need you to check for me." I chuckled. Knowing Shikamaru, it probably meant he had no intention of doing the work.
     "Yeah, sure. You're coming over now? My apologies in advance.  I don't have a fancy car to drive us there like someone." I hissed through my teeth, the sour tone in my voice surprising even me.
     "But I do. Shiny and new." Sasuke stood right behind us, his car keys clinking as they bumped into one another from where he held them on the tip of his finger. I groaned and rolled my eyes, trying not cause a commotion towards us, potentially catching the attention of the girls.
     "Congratulations, maybe Kiba can go admire it. C'ya, Uchiha." I pushed Shikamaru out the door, dragging him along behind me like a lost puppy, Sasuke trailing behind us. How rude of someone with as much common sense like him has. I finally groaned and faced him, irritated out of my mind once again.
     "By nine tails! What could you possibly need now?" He smiled again, as if my anger amused him, (which, judging by the fact that it's Sasuke, probably did). His pearly white smile made me freeze and stare for half a second before I composed myself and went back to the stone face he must now know so well.
     "To give you two a ride, of course. You don't want your parents to worry, do you? They'd think something happened to us. I forgot to mention it, but your mother wants me over tonight." He smiled again and nodded once towards Shikamaru as a hello.
     I scoffed, "There is no 'us'. Let's go, Shika, he's just wasting our time. And for the record, it's weird you're texting my mom. Bye." Shikamaru suppressed a smile as he stood behind me and watched the whole ordeal.
     "Come on, Naruto. Sasuke's never been so nice.. plus I wanna catch a ride in his car and brag about it to Kiba later tonight. Please?" Shikamaru pleaded. I groaned and rolled my eyes, disbelief washing over me.
     "Oh come on, not you too! You're supposed to be on my side!" I rubbed the back of my neck uncomfortably, silently hoping Shikamaru would confess he was just messing around.
     "Naruto-Kun. Come now, be reasonable. I could help Shikamaru with his studies once we made it to your house. Plus, your mother did invite me over to dinner again." Sasuke purred in a convincing tone. Shikamaru nodded eagerly, although I knew he was just ready to snap thousands of pictures in Sasuke's Volvo.
     "Yeah, yeah, yeah! C'mon, man! You live close by anyway!" Shikamaru would have been bouncing with joy if he had any energy left over from class in him.
     "Close enough that we can walk, it's nice out. Let's just take a nice stroll, don't make this harder for me!" I tugged on his sleeve, but he turned to stone under my grasp, standing right beside Sasuke as if he'd known him forever. I gritted my teeth together, knowing I'd practically just lost this argument.
     "Why can't we just take a ride in Sasuke's car. I'm getting tired of standing!" I cracked a smile at his complaining.
     "You just don't want to walk."
     "Yup." He emphasized the 'p' and started walking away with Sasuke. I rolled my eyes, hung my bag over my shoulder, and traipsed off after them.
     They stopped while I trudged unwillingly at a painfully slow pace. I know I must have looked silly, but it was either this, or going straight into Sasuke's stupid expensive car.
     Sasuke rolled his eyes and smiled his perfect smile. No. Perfect smile, what the hell? What the hell. No.
     "Come now, Naru - to." He added quickly, taking my hand in his. My face went red at the interaction. Of anger or of embarrassment? No idea, sometimes I don't know how to explain my own feelings, but it sure as hell made my stomach feel all hot and weird.
     Sasuke noticed my immediate reaction and smirked, but instead of letting go, he intertwined our fingers. I gasped in shock and he just smiled, red creeping onto his face as well.
     His touch made me feel like nobody else in the world was watching. He rubbed his thumb along the back of my hand while I watched in surprise.
     "Weird, isn't it? How just the simplest of gestures makes you feel so.. satisfied, yeah? Yet you'll always want more, how greedy us humans are." I pulled my hand away at his words, feeling oddly.. lonely.. without his touch, although Sasuke was standing right there, staring right at me.
     "Hey, love-birds! Come on!" Shikamaru's comment pulled me out of Sasuke's trance. I was stunned to silence. What just happened? Why did I let him do that? My heart was thrumming in my ears, could Sasuke and Shikamaru hear it as well? No. Don't be silly, of course they couldn't. I'm just not thinking straight.

     We got into the car, Sasuke in the drivers seat while I sat shotgun, Shikamaru staring lazily out the window in the back.
     "Ah, man, I could really get used to this.." Shikamaru sighed out of exhaustion.
     Sasuke chuckled and turned the key in the ignition. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Shikamaru-Kun." Shikamaru laughed after groaning dramatically.
     "Ah, drop the formality, man. Just call me by my name, okay, Sasuke?" Sasuke nodded at Shikamaru's request and smiled to himself.
     "Naruto, man, I don't understand why you didn't let Sasuke drive you around before. It's so nice in here!" Shikamaru sighed once again, but this time in happiness. "Man, Sasuke, this is awesome, thanks, really."
     "Of course.. Shikamaru.." Sasuke hesitated after using only his name, although Shika and I weren't phased by it in the slightest.

     I chuckled to myself after a few minutes of driving in silence as I thought to myself. Sasuke was more flustered over names and formalities than holding my hand.
     "What's got you laughing, hm?" Sasuke questioned, grinning at my laughter. I shook my head before looking back at Shikamaru, who was already fast asleep. Damn, how did he do it?
     "Holding my hand didn't weird you out at all?" I blurted out. He seemed almost surprised at my question, his eyebrows raising as he stared ahead at the road.
     "No? Did it weird you out?" Genuine curiosity laced his voice. I scoffed at his question, lying horribly.
     "Psht, of course not, what a dumb question! Why would something like hand holding weird me out?" He seemed to see right through my lies, I winced at how silly this conversation was.
     "Really now?" Sasuke sounded like he was interrogating me; it made me nervous.
     "Yes, really now." A grin crept onto my face.
     "Naruto-Kun, lying isn't a good habit..."
     "I'm not lying, Sasuke. You're the one that seems like he's bluffing." I shot back.
     He scoffed and smiled skeptically, "Okay, then. How about this?" He ran his hand down my arm. I only now realized we were parked in my driveway. I glanced back towards Shikamaru one more time. He was still asleep.
     "What are you doing?" I hissed. What am I doing? Why am I not pushing him away? To prove a point. That's all.
     "Are you uncomfortable yet?" He asked, grasping my fingers on top of his snuggly.
     "No." Blush crept to my cheeks while I kept my lips in a flat line in an attempt to keep my composure.
     "What about now?" He let go now, sliding his hand lower to my forearm. What was he getting at?
     "What about... now?" Lower Sasuke went, taking my hand and intertwining our fingers together at a painstakingly slow rate, probably to irritate me. He stared at me with this... this look in his eyes. I don't know what it was but it drove me crazy. Nobody's ever looked at me like that before.
     "We... we should go inside... before Shikamaru wakes up and - sees this." I untwined our fingers as gently as I could, so as not to hurt his hand, and glanced back at Shikamaru one last time, miraculously he was still sleeping.
     "Okay, okay," He smiled at me. "let's awake Shikamaru and head upstairs to study, yes?"
     "A - alright.." My face was red of embarrassment once again. I've only been forced to hang out with Sasuke for a few weeks, it just seems like the more I'm around him, the more flustered I get.
     Maybe I'm starting to enjoy hanging out with Sasuke Uchiha. As much as I hate to admit it.

My Sudden First Kiss | Sasuke x Naruto [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now