three | jealousy

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"Naruto, wake up!" I groaned and stretched like a cat, tossing the covers off my overheated body after a (somewhat) good nights sleep.
"I'm up, mom.." I muttered, although I knew she couldn't hear me. My hair stuck to my face from the sweat. Did I dream about something unnerving?
I got ready as quickly as possible while still half-asleep, slumping my book bag over my shoulder and making my way downstairs after a quick cold shower.
"Morning, mo-" I was surprised my bag hadn't fallen off when I stopped dead in my tracks in the middle of the kitchen. Honestly, should I even be surprised? It's like he was trying to invade my life, he surely seemed to enjoy my parents attention enough to do so.
"Naruto, I figured you wouldn't want to walk to school alone. Isn't Sasuke-Kun so sweet for agreeing accompanying you?" I gritted my teeth, rubbing the strap of my book bag violently. Suddenly, I was fully awake. "Thank you again, Sasuke-Kun, for coming at such an early hour."
"Yes," I had to stay as composed as possible in front of my mother as not to drag attention towards myself, "thank you.. Sasuke-Kun.." I mumbled. He smiled his oddly enticing smile and set his hand on my shoulder. I didn't know if I should be happy to see his smile, or angry that he dared to smirk at me.
"Anything for a friend, let's go, we don't want to be late." He pulled me by the wrist. I waved goodbye to my mother as Sasuke dragged me out the door.
I heaved and rolled my eyes, gasping as I saw the shiny black Volvo in my parents driveway. What the hell? No way in hell this is Sasuke's, we're the same age.
"Well, hop in then." He motioned to the passenger seat calmly as I still marveled at the vehicle. I nodded once to his request and climbed in silently, waiting awkwardly as Sasuke moved to the drivers side.
"How?" I asked. He chuckled once, it was clear he knew exactly what I was asking.
"I turned 16 three months ago and took the drivers test shortly after. My father bought me this car, as a gift I suppose." He suppressed a grin and looked out the side window. I scowled. Damn rich Uchiha. I ignored him and pulled my phone out of my pocket, texting my friends as an excuse (Gaara in particular).
'Gaara, I'm driving to school with a friend today, I'll be earlier than expected.'
'Alright. I'll see you soon :)'
That was it? Conversation over? Damn. I looked out the window and pretended to be paying mind to the cars driving opposite our direction. I'd kill to be in any of those cars right now.
Reluctantly, I turned my attention towards Sasuke, who was silently driving down the road.
"So, why don't we finish the conversation from last night?" I was demanding more than asking, and he knows that, he just didn't care. I figured if I have to make small talk I might as well make it interesting.
"Oh.." Sasuke seemed to shy away from the topic. "I really am sorry for making you uncomfortable." His knuckles turned white as his hands tightened around the steering wheel.
     "Yeah, yeah, I don't care how sorry you are. Why are you staring at me?" I demanded coldly.
     "Like I said. I was just interested." Sasuke replied in a meek voice.
     "Interested in what?!" I urged.
     "You, of course. What else?" He grew stiff as he spoke the words, his spine straightening out and his knuckles turning white once again. His words made me tense up. How did he expect I was going to take that? What's up with him today? Cant he dial it back?
     "Wh - huh..?" I stuttered out. He laughed humorlessly before groaning and sighing.
     "You! I said you. That's what you wanted to hear. Why can't we talk about a conversation that doesn't cause tension, Naru?!" His outburst not only silenced me but surprised me as well.
     Naru. When did he come up with that? Why would he even have the time to think about it? His thoughts seemed to mimic mine as he stuttered through his words.
     "Oh - Naru just - came to mind.. sorry, that was embarrassing." I couldn't hold back my smile at his nervousness, it was funny, I won't lie.
"Whatever. Drop me off here." Sasuke must've thought our conversation was too awkward to handle, as he pulled over on the campus curb immediately to let me walk the rest of the way.

     "Who's the hot chic with the pretty car.." Kiba was basically drooling as he watched Sasuke pull into a parking space. The realization hit me that he must've though Sasuke was a girl behind the darkened glass. I couldn't help it. I busted out laughing, leaning on Shikamaru's shoulder while they all shot me a confused look. Kiba especially.
     "Kiba, oh god, Kiba," I gasped for air, "Kiba.. Sas - Sasuke's not a - girl.." I heaved, my whole body shaking with laughter. I know I must've been causing a scene as we walked in the school building, people giving my friend group concerned looks.
     "WHAT!" He yelled, making me laugh harder when a teacher scolded his actions. At this point everyone was chuckling except Kiba.
     "Wait, Naruto, why were you with Sasuke?!" Shikamaru manage to gasp out, still laughing at Kiba unconsciously hitting on the boy we hate.
     "Oh," Suddenly I was the one not laughing. I composed myself, let go of Shikamaru's shoulder, and walked on straight ahead. "my parents are making me hang out with him. They don't like the tension between us, I wasn't expecting him this morning." They all gave each other wary glances, this information a new surprise to all of them.
     "Oh, okay. Well, I better get to class, bye, boys." Temari waved off, I could only assume she was more than grateful that she was a grade ahead and in totally different classes than the rest of us.
     "Man, I didn't think they'd go this far.. I mean, I know you and Uchiha hate each other, but damn," Kiba let out a low whistle, "you're gonna be busy then?"
     "Uh, hopefully not much." I replied as we made it to Kakashi-Sensei's class, grateful the conversation would soon be over. "Morning, Sensei."
"Good morning, boys. Have a seat, and Kiba, no unnecessary noises today, please?" We snickered under our breaths while Kiba grimaced at Sensei.
"Whatever ya' say, teach." He grumbled all the way to his seat, I was surprised there wasn't a dark, ominous, cartoon cloud lingering above his head.
Damn myself, why did I look back? Of course he'd be there.
"Good morning, Naruto-Kun." Sasuke smiled, but this time there was a chorus of sighs from across the room. We both looked toward the interruption. Unsurprisingly, a group of girls in our class were staring right at him.
Sakura-San, Ino-San, and a few others were crowded around a desk far from us, giddy that Sasuke'd looked in their direction.
This irritated me. A lot more than I'd like to admit. No. Why did they irritate me? It got under my skin worse than Sasuke does. What the hell? Maybe I'm jealous he's getting more attention from them than I do, although that makes me sound petty. If anything, I should be happy they're pulling Sasuke's focus away from me, right?
It made me angriest not knowing why the girls made me so upset. I was jealous, yes, but of what? I think I'm happy the girls stole my spotlight from Sasuke. Right? I should be able to identify my own feelings towards him.
Spotlight. As if I wanted any attention from him in the first place. Damn Uchiha ruining my high school experience yet again.
I scowled at the girls, (although I was positive they weren't watching me) and turned my back on them and Sasuke. I tapped my pencil repeatedly on my desk, staring straight ahead at nothing in particular while I waited for Kakashi-Sensei to start the lesson.
Sure enough, a pair of eyes burned into the back of my head.

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