six | sweater weather

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     School is going to be unbearable. I should just talk to him. Why am I torturing myself this way?
     How am I supposed to face him? I won't. That's how. Now, how am I going to do that? Wait, I can just talk to him. He called me 'his love' last night. 
     Don't think about him. Pretend he doesn't exist, ignore his existence to put it simply. This is so stupid, it's not possible.
     I cant ignore him. He's.. he's beautiful. Every time I close my eyes, an image of his smiling face pops into my brain.
     But could you blame me? His eyes, his sharp nose, his spiky black hair, his glossy dark eyes. It made my heart want to leap right out of my chest.
     I scoffed at myself. It hasn't even been a year. Why do I suddenly believe I like him? I mean, what would my friends say? What would my parents say?
     What would his parents say?
     Would they hate me? Easy answer. No. And neither will my parents, because they'll never know about my feelings towards Sasuke.
     Do his parents know about my feelings?
     If I can just stay calm and pretend like nothing ever happened, this will all go by so much easier.
     How am I going to ignore these feelings?

Sasuke's P.O.V

     I forced myself out of bed at a painfully slow rate, attempting to drown out my depressing thoughts.
     This is all a waiting game. I just have to wait until Naruto is ready to talk to me again. I'll take him out to a nice dinner, or breakfast, or wherever we are. I'll ask him out. Everything will work out in the end. I just have to wait.
     Why is waiting so torturing?
     I chuckled to myself while brushing my teeth and staring at the pathetic heavy bags under my eyes. It's only been a few months. Why would he feel the same after how I have for almost two years now?
     "Sasuke, I hope you're getting ready!" My mother yelled from down the hall. I rolled my eyes, spitting the toothpaste out to answer her.
     "Yes, mother, I am!" I tried to keep the acid out of my tone so as not to anger her.
     "Breakfast is on the table when you're finished. Your father and I are leaving for work!" She barked back, slamming the door as she left.
     God, why was she so angry all the time? She has everything she could possibly ever need: Money, a gorgeous house, a husband, two sons. Not to mention Itachi's already stepped up and started working at Uchiha Tech.
     I shuddered at the thought of our family company, one that everyone knew by now. People admired my parents, they praised my older brother for taking the job straight out of college. And what am I? The kid brother that's good for nothing.
     No point in dwelling on it right now. Why add more weight to my shoulders when Naruto's waiting game is already lingering heavily on my heart? Everything's going to be fine in the end. I just have to wait.

     "Are you sure? I can come back and drive you if you need me to." My older brother asked through the phone.
     "No, it's alright. I know you guys are busy with the Nara family right now." I spoke quietly, turning my keys in the ignition to my Volvo.
     "Okay. I'll see you later tonight. Have a good day at school, I love you."
     "I love you too." Itachi ended the call as soon as I told him I love him back, confirming that he was still busy and probably couldn't have driven me even if I wanted him to.
     The silent emptiness of the car was driving me insane. I turned on the radio, tuning into 500-Central.

     Sweater Weather. Did I tune into an American radio station?
     I remembered this song, it came out when I was seven. One of Itachi's old favorites.
     The singer sang strong and fast, chanting out words I could barely make out. It had a gloomy tune to it, but the singer didn't sound sad. It sounded almost as though he were entranced by something. Whatever. I'd search the lyrics up later.

     School went by in a breeze; I stared at Naruto again, hoping he'd turn around and change his mind about the distance bullshit. How long is this going to take?
     I could only hope his parents would force us back together. What had he told his mother?
     I sighed and picked up my phone, knowing it was a sneaky thing to do, snooping around his social media. Maybe I could find one of his friends and contact them instead.
     One lucky event in all the unlucky events in this short amount of time. Shikamaru's socials.
     No. Should I? It would be a rotten thing to do. I know better.
     But I'm desperate.
     I want him. Now.
     'Hello, Shikamaru-Kun. It's Sasuke.'
     I set my phone down immediately after sending my greetings. He won't answer. Naruto's probably already told all his friends about.. well.. never mind, I don't think they knew anything about us anyway.
     Suppose I confront Naruto about the situation. Would he be even angrier? Would he want me to leave him alone? There are endless possibilites.
     'Oh, hey, what's up?'
     I read the message over and over again, making sure it really was him. I couldn't just ask Shikamaru-Kun straightforward about Naruto. It'd be rude. He's lazy. I know that.
     'Are you busy this weekend?'
     'Nah I'm free tomorrow, why?'
     Shit. What do I say?
     'It's about Naruto.' Was telling the truth a bad idea?
     'Oh, alright. Can we just chill at your place then?'
     I chuckled. Maybe Shikamaru and I would be friends.
     'Of course. Would you prefer I pick you up?'
     'Hell yeah! C'ya tomorrow!'
     Our conversation ended just like that. I was so overwhelmed with joy I could cry with relief.
     "Sasuke! Dinner!"
     "I'm on my way, mother."
     I made my way silently down the hall, watching my older brother and I age through our annual family pictures.
     "How was school, son?" My father asked as he listened to my footsteps come down the hall.
     "Good. Kurenai-Sensei is out sick for the week." I told father, waving at Itachi as I sat next to him.
     "How was work?" I asked to no one in particular.
     "Stress inducing. There's a chance the Nara family might cut our company ties." My mother glared at my father as if he were to blame for the company's possible misfortune. (I wouldn't be surprised if he was).
     "Oh. The Nara family? I know the son well, Shikamaru Nara. He's coming over to play chess tomorrow." I lied. My father beamed at me.
     "You know the Nara son! Wonderful! Now, when you two are playing chess, you must mention our ties and make sure to be a good host. You don't want our family company to fail, do you, son?" His poor attempt at persuading me made me want to grit my teeth in anger. I kept a straight face and nodded, knowing well enough that Shikamaru-Kun wouldn't mention his trip over here to his parents.
"Perfect.." My mother grumbled, although we could all tell she was satisfied for the moment. Nothing was ever enough for her.
"Good job, Sasuke, although, I don't want to put too much pressure on you... I can join the two if you, if you'd like." Itachi smiled with a worried expression that made all my stress melt away. I smiled at him, hoping it would ease him up a little.
     "No, it's okay, thank you though."

     "Perhaps you should think about what you're going to say to the Nara son tomorrow!" My father called as I trudged down the hall after dinner.
     "I will." I muttered back. He watched me the whole way until I turned the corner and closed the door. I do suppose I should tell Shikamaru-Kun about this.
     'I'm sorry for bothering you, Shikamaru-Kun.'
'     Dude. We're friends. Just call me Shikamaru.'
     'Right. I'm sorry for bothering you at this hour, Shikamaru, but it's about our family businesses.'
     'Aw man, I thought this was just about Naruto. Look, bro, I don't know anything about the business.'
     'I figured as much. However, this is about my father. He's going to want me to talk to you about the business, so if any of the sort may happen to come up, I truly am sorry.'
     'Dude, you're fine lmao, I'm gonna take a nap or whatever, c'ya.'
     'Bye, then.'
     He was so easy to talk to, it took almost as minimal effort as it did Naruto, once he actually cared enough to listen.
     I showered as slowly as I could, but it only ended up being about 30 minutes. Not long enough. All I could think about was what I'd say to Shikamaru tomorrow. How he'd take my information. Do I admit my feelings about Naruto? How would I admit my feelings?
     A knock on the door came as I set my phone down to sleep. I heaved myself out of bed and walked over to open the door, Itachi standing in the way.
     "Sasuke," He greeted. "I'm.. sorry.. about all the pressure mother and father are putting on you. And I'm sorry I didn't stop them." He rubbed the back of his neck and leaned against the frame of the door.
     "It's not your fault. You have a lot of pressure on your shoulders, too. The heir to an entire company. You're.. the future king of.. Uchiha Tech..?" He laughed at my attempt to brighten the mood.
      "The future king of Uchiha Tech? Sasuke.. maybe that Uzumaki kid has gotten to your head." He joked.
     Oh. Like hell he got to my head. He's been in my head the moment I laid my eyes on him.
     "Maybe. But he won't talk to me right now." I told him. He shot me a puzzled expression, more concern on his face than before.
     "What? Why? What happened?" He asked.
     "He... he told me he liked me the other night. And I like him back. He said he needs his distance for now. I don't know how long it's going to be, I just want him back." I'm so relieved I can talk to Itachi without him reprimanding me or scolding me for every little thing I did or said.
     "Have you tried talking to him since then?" I could tell he was in work mode now, his face was serious and he was looking off into the distance as if he were solving a complex math problem.
     "No. His friend is coming over tomorrow, though. Is that petty? I feel like I'm using Shikamaru-Kun." I ran my hands through my still wet hair and traipsed back to my bed, Itachi following behind me and sitting on the edge.
     "Well, are you and Shikamaru-Kun friends? If so, I wouldn't consider it as using him, per say. It's more or less just.. discussing.. drama.." He shuddered at the word drama. I held back my laughter, remembering how popular Itachi was with the ladies back in high school, and how many fights boys would try to start with him. (He never fought with anyone purposely. And if they swung first, obviously the other party got their asses beat almost immediately.)
     "Huh. Okay, then, thank you."
     "Of course. I need to discuss advertising with mother. Goodnight, Sasuke. Sweet dreams." He stood and closed the door silently, leaving me to think about our conversation for the rest of the night.
     Before I'd gone off to bed I searched up the lyrics to that song I'd heard in the car.
     Sweater Weather.

My Sudden First Kiss | Sasuke x Naruto [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now