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Jennie's Pov

Me Rosa and jisoo decided to watch a movie tonight since it's our day off.

I haven't seen Lisa all day, I asked her earlier if she wanted to get lunch with us at the cafe down the street but she said no, she said she ordered Uber eats. Like what who prefers Uber eats over the caffe OUR CAFFE!!!!

Maybe I should talk to her I have a bad feeling and I don't know why. I guess it's just not normal for Lisa to be this quiet she's like our hype man and the active and jumpy one.

But I'll go after the movie.

"Ok so like what movie haven't you watched."
I asked.
"Titanic and I plan not to watch it." Rose said.

"WHATTT!!!! You haven't watched titanic, and you don't want to?" I ask.

"Well it's not that interesting." Rose said.

"You guys are crazy, and you guys chose to live under a rock cus obviously we have all the resources." I said.

"Let's watch the note book." Rose said

"I've never watched that and I don't plan to either." I said.

"Ok now your living under a rock" Jisoo said.

"No I'm not it's just I've heard that is boring, and someone already spoiled the needing for me." I said.

Jisoo sighed.

"Let's watch Harry Potter, or Percy Jackson." I turned around and saw Lisa walk up to us and sat next to me on the couch.

"Look who's alive." Rose said.

"I thought you turned into a vampire or something." Jisoo said.

"Hey," I said looking Lisa in the eyes, trying to read her emotion.

I grabbed her hand and she smiled but it was definitely a fake smile.

"I'm fine" she whispered squeezing my hand and then looked at the screen in front of us.

I just kept looking at her even tho she basically dismissed the conversation she knew I had more questions about.

After the movie rose decided to get drunk, which was crazy because we have dance rehearsal at 8 am in the morning.

I finally got on social media since the last time I went on it wasn't so good.

But I hoped it settled down but it only got worst.

Jennie's Twitter

Jenjen: she's not my bias anymore sorry but no.

Rosejisoolisa: I'm been saying Jennie doesn't deserve to be in the group she should die

Blackpinkoff: good for her I hope she suffers like she made the others miss princess of blackpink finally lost her crown haaaa on her first battle.

I was crying I went to the bathroom and locked the door and sat on the floor.

I hated myself so much, yes everyone messed up but they are right idols aren't suppose to mess up, and I broke the first rule.

I saw my depression pills that I had with me during trainee days and got 6 instead of one.

I'm being over dramatic. People has been through worst. I took 3 instead and put the rest back in the bottle.

I still cried I still was hurt, especially at the fact those were the top trending comments and millions liked.

I said I'd never do it again but I got my razors out of my cabinet and took out the sharpest one.

I stared at it for a while preparing myself for what I was gonna do before I got a knock on the door.

I quickly put the razor in the box, hid the pills and started wiping my tears....
"Yes" I said very convincingly.

"Are you ok you've been in there for two hours And your door is open" Jisoo said.

I looked in shock, was I in here for three hours
I checked my phone and it was already 10 pm.

We didn't even eat dinner

I'm such an idiot.

I stood up very fast and became light headed.

I opened the door to see a concerned Jisoo.

"Jennie your obviously not ok." She said I could barely hear her but I kept walking. My legs got a little weak I dropped a little but caught my self, well Jisoo caught me and sat me in my bed.

My chest started hurting a little and feel my heart slow down but still strong.


Jisoo was calm but you could tell she was freaking out.

"What? Jennie breath tell me what happened." She said more strict. And serious

Jisoo is like the mother of the group our protection, so when she's serious..... she's serious.

"I took three" I said trying not to focus on the pain in my chest.

"YOU TOOK THREE PILLS!" She said getting up.
She left the the room, I thought that was the end, I thought I'd never see the light again, what was I thinking about taking three pills in fact I was gonna take 8.

I looked up to see Jisoo bring in a cup and told me to drink it.

I did as she said and about three minutes later the pain in my chest came down.

Lemon water can make miracles.

Jisoo looked at me with sadness and seriousness
She's the only one who knows about my depression pills.

"So are you gonna explain why and what happened." She said.

I looked down in embarrassment.

"It was an accident."
"How is it an accident to overdose on pills you promised me you would throw out, and almost killed yourself!" Jisoo said not leaving eyes contact not once.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"I don't want to hear sorry I want to know why." Jisoo said.

"It was nothing just forget about it." I said not wanting to tell her I let hate get to me.

"Jennie!" She said.

"I said it was an accident just leave it at that, thank you for helping me but I don't need it, now could you leave." I said regretting I said that. I really care for Jisoo and I really want her help but my ego is saying other wise.

"I'll leave once you give me the pill bottle"

My eyes widened.
I actually use those it was just want time I thought to use them in the wrong way.

"No i-I can't "
"Jennie I really care please under stand that if you don't give me the pills I will tell the manager." She said.

I sighed and went into the bathroom got the pills and handed it to her.

"Thank you, now get some rest we have practice tomorrow, and don't think I will just forget about this, I'm gonna keep an eye on you." Jisoo said closing the door.

"I'm so stupid" I told myself.
I rested my head on my pillow and put my phone on the charger then went straight to sleep.

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