Here For You Part 1• Diagnosis

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Superstore Fan Fic• Here for you
When Amy gets a call that a family member has died from a serious health condition, she's told to go get tested for it. When the results come in... it's definitely not what they were hoping for.

It's a normal day in the Simms house. Jonah is getting back from his shift at the cloud 9 warehouse and amy is at home with Carter, Parker & Emma.
Jonah walks in the door to see Amy playing on the floor with the boys. emma is on the couch.

J- Hi Babe!!
A- Hi! How was work?
J- ah, same old.
A- any stories?? i miss that place. always so entertaining.
J- Well a bunch of boxes fell on Justine, and she screamed so loud. It was so funny, Dina was on the ground laughing!!
Amy & Emma start to laugh.
Jonah gets settled in for the night, When Amy's phone rings.
A- who would be calling me at this time? i'm on maternity leave, nobody should be asking me about work.
She reaches for the phone and answers it.
A- Amy Simms!
Phone• Hi Amy.. it's mom.
A- mom?? why do you have your caller id off??
C• that's not important. Your great grandma just died.
A- What?? How?? 
C- she had cancer.
A- how did i not know this??
C- nobody did... she doesn't live here and never communicated with us. the hospital just called me. The nurse said that everybody in the family should go get tested immediately to see if they have it too. Early detection is best.
A- Ok i'm leaving right now. Emma can watch the kids.
Amy hangs up the phone in shock.
A- My mom's grandma died. she had cancer.
J- Oh no.. I'm sorry Ames.
A- it's fine i barely knew her.. but the nurse said everybody in the family should get a test to see if they have it instantly.
E- Does that mean me too??
A- No... there's no test for kids.
E- I'm a TEEN
J- NOT THE TIME EMMA!  there should be a test for "teens". How will they know if they have it??
A- Not sure. let's just go. Emma, you watch the kids.
E- Ok.. can i have a hug??
Amy goes to give Emma a long hug. Jonah joins in. They walk out the door. And get in the car. they drive in silence for a few minutes, until jonah speaks up.
J- Ames... i'm sure everything will be fine. We're all here for you, and it's gonna be ok.
A- Thanks Jonah... i love you.
J- Love you too.
They stop at a red light, and Jonah glances over at amy, who's looking out the window. he could tell that she was stressed, and he kisses the back of her head.
They arrive at the hospital and walk in the front doors.
J- Hi.. Amy Sosa and Jonah Simms.
A- I'm here to get a CT scan. someone in my family died from cancer, and you guys reccomended I come in to get a test.
Nurse- Ah yes. You can head to room 102 and someone should be waiting there. And i know this is a super scary thing, but it's gonna be ok.
The nurse smiles at amy, and she tries to  smile back but she can't bring herself to do it.
They head into the elevator and stand in silence. Jonah is hugging amy, when the doors open and Dina is outside the doors.
A- DINA?? what are you doing here?
D- one of my birds lost a wing and the vet was closed. So i came here. why are you here?
A- It's kind of a personal thing... I don't wanna share it with anyone yet.
D- No worries. See you around!
Amy waves at Dina.
J- Her and those damn birds.
They walk down a long hallway and eventually find the nurse sitting next to the CT scan machine.
N- Hi, i'm Gina. you can hop up on this bed for me and i'll explain what's gonna happen.
Jonah hugs amy again, and she hops up on the bed.
G- So, this bed backs into the machine. and it will take pictures of inside your body to see if there are any cancerous cells anywhere. It won't hurt, and will only take about 5 minutes.
A- Ok.
Amy wipes a tear from her face.
A- sorry i'm just worried about the results...
G- I understand.
Jonah leans over amy, who's Laying down on the bed, and gives her a kiss.
He and Gina head out of the room and the machine starts. All amy can think about is how different her life would be if she had cancer. The machine stops, and
Gina and Jonah run back into the room. Amy gets up off the bed and hugs Jonah.
G- so you two can wait in room 308, and i'll be back in about 30 minutes with the results.
Gina hands Jonah the key to the room.
J- Thank you.
They head to the room. and you can tell that Amy is feeling terrible.
A- I never thought that i'd have to worry about this. never.
J- me either...
J- it's just as scary for me.. i don't want anything to happen to you babe.
Jonah's phone rings.
J- Emma's facetiming.
Jonah answers the call
J- Hi Emma.
E- Ugh i'm so glad you answered. i'm so worried.. is Mom ok??
J- she just had the scan. We're just waiting for results now.
Jonah spins the phone towards amy.
A- Hi em.
E- Hi mom... you ok?
A- Yeah, just really really nervous.
E- Let's say something bad does happen, and you do have cancer, you got this. You're the strongest person i know. I love you mom, and we're all here for you.
A- I love you Em... tell the boys i love them too.
E- I love you too.
Jonah says bye to Emma and hangs up.
J- She's so sweet.
A- Yep...
There's a knock at the door.
A- come in.
Gina walks in the door.
G- I have the results here. Just have to download the file to find out.
Amy starts to cry again.
J- just think of boxes falling on Justine. doesn't it make everything better?? 
A- i know you're trying to make me feel better, but nothing will work.
J- I know...
G- Alright. Here we go.
Jonah hugs amy. They hold hands. Jonah notices Amy's hands are shaking, so he puts his on top of hers.
G- I hate to say this, but you have breast cancer. it's only stage 2 right now, but if we don't treat this fast it could get bad.
Jonah hugs amy and they both start to cry. He strokes her hair gently and whispers into her ear.
J- I'm so sorry babe. i know this isn't what you wanted, but it's gonna be ok. i'm here for you, and so is everybody else. i love you, Amy.
Amy tries to respond to Jonah, but she's crying too hard. instead she just hugs him even harder.
G- I'm so sorry, i hate telling people.
Before i go ill just tell you that we need to start treatment right away. Can you come in tomorrow morning??
J- Yes, that will work. i'll book off work for the week.
G- Ok. and Amy's not gonna be able to go back for at least a year. if you give me her insurance number, i can talk to them about paid leave.
J- she's on maternity leave, so no worries for right now.
G- oh wow. When did she have her baby?
J- 2 months ago.
G- oh my. this is gonna be so hard on her body, especially since she just had it recently.
Jonah sighs. He looks at Amy, who is still crying.
J- I'm gonna do everything i can to make this easier for you, Amy. I love you so much.
Amy still doesn't respond.
J- is she... ok?
G- it's a lot to handle. she's just in shock. she'll speak up eventually.
Jonah and amy stand up & get ready to leave. He thanks the nurse, and walks out the door with his arms around Amy.
When they get to the car, amy finally talks. she's still crying.
A- I cant believe that just happened.
J- me either babe. i have no words. you were feeling fine today...
A- it doesn't make any sense.
J- I cant believe that people have to go through this. it's horrible.
Amy doesn't respond. Jonah looks at her, and she looks back. he can see the pain in her eyes.
J- i know you're scared. I am too my love. but we're gonna get through this together. Remember... we're here for you.
The end.

Here For You• A Simmosa StoryWhere stories live. Discover now