Here for You part 5: Unexpected

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Here for you part 5• Unexpected
Where part 4 left off•
Jonah shaved Amy's head after she started loosing her hair. Everyone at cloud 9 came together to make a video message for Amy.

Amy and Jonah had a rough night. Amy had been throwing up all night, she had a huge headache, and could barely move. Jonah didn't sleep because he was up taking care of her.
J- are you feeling ok now?
A- not really...
J- i guess we can't go wig shopping then.
A- Jonah, it's 2021. we can shop ONLINE.
J- Smart. I know i married you for a reason.
before Amy can say anything, Jonah goes to get the computer and sits in bed with Amy.  They look through wigs for a while, until she finds the perfect one.
A- This one.
J- I love it. But i'm gonna miss your bald head.
A- I won't...
Jonah adds the wig to his cart and checks out.
J- in 2 days.. you will have hair.
A- You paid for 2 day shipping??
J- Of course. I know how much you want this.
A- I love you.
Jonah gives amy a hug.
J- What??
Jonah gets out of bed and helps amy up.
They're walking out the door, when they see emma.
E- Hey guys!
E- Ok... Bye.
Jonah runs out the door, with his arms around Amy. They get in the car.
A- i'm so tired i can't even keep track.. what's this appointment for?
J- just to make sure you're doing ok & to see how much progress you're making.
A- I'm scared...
J- i'm sure everything's gonna be just fine. remember... i'm here for you.
They get out of the car and go into the doctors office. They check in at the front desk, and they meet up with a doctor.
D- Hi, I'm Dr. Rachel green.
J- Like rachel from friends! imagine being named after jennifer aniston? goals.
R- I get that quite a lot.
Jonah smiles.
R- So, we're gonna start with  an ultrasound. we do it to see inside your stomach to make sure everything is ok and nothing is irritated in there.
Amy & Dr. Green head  to the ultrasound room, and Jonah follows.
R- Hop up on this table for me.
Jonah gives amy a kiss, and she follows the doctor's instructions.
R- you'll be able to see inside your stomach on this tv screen here.
The Dr puts the gel on Amy's stomach, and spreads it around. she looks at the screen, and her mouth drops open.
R- I'm gonna go get another doctor, because i'm not 100% sure what's going on here.
Amy looks at Jonah.
J- i'm sure whatever it is is fine. this girl seems young anyways, she might not know what she's doing. everything looks fine to me...
A- you're not a doctor, you don't know.
A few minutes later Rachel & another doctor come in the room.
Rachel points to the monitor and whispers something in the other dr's ear.
D- Yep, definitely.
The doctors turn around.
R- dont panic amy, but you're pregnant.
R- it's totally safe, and it's nothing to worry about. you're just gonna feel worse because you're gonna have the side effects from the treatment and from pregnancy. again, it's totally safe and the meds won't harm your baby.
J- I... cant believe this.
A- When did we...
J- I cant remember...
R- You're 2 months.
J- I remember now.
A- Me too.
A & J at the same time: VALENTINE'S DAY.
D- The reason you cant make out that there's a baby in there through the monitor is because you're too early on. Don't tell anyone until next month, just to be safe. there's always a chance of you losing the baby.
J- Thank you.
The doctors walk out of the room, and amy stares at jonah in shock.
A- Well... i wasn't expecting that.
J- Me either.
A- How am i gonna take care of 4 KIDS?? even if i wasn't sick, that's hard. And how are we gonna pay for all the expenses?? i'm not working and you get minimum wage. and i'm not gonna be able to spend quality time with them because i'll be at the hospital. AND WE NEED TO GET BABY STUFF! 
J- ames, you're spiraling. we've got this.  Remember.. i'm here for you.
Amy and Jonah leave the office and head home.

At home~
Amy and Jonah are sitting on the couch.
A- How should we tell Emma??
J- I think we should do something fun.
Amy opens up pinterest on her phone and searches " pregnancy announcement ideas"
J- Ooh, what about that one?
A- it's literally just a shirt that says big sister. we can do better then that.
They scroll through for a while, until they find one they both liked.
J- this is AWESOME.
A- yeah, but who's gonna do it?
J- I can.
A- you can barely draw on paper, how are you gonna draw on my belly??
J- it can't be that hard. All i have to do is write " baby loading~ november 2022 and draw a progress bar.
A-  a progress bar?
Amy laughs at jonah. He gets up to go get markers.
J- Where are they again?
A- In the playroom.
Jonah comes back 10 minutes later.
A- What took so long?
J- Parker forced me to play hide and seek. when you play with a toddler... they are NOT good seekers.
Amy lifts up her shirt and jonah opens up a marker. He writes on her stomach.
Amy laughs.
J- what's so funny?
A- It tickles! 
About 5 minutes later, Jonah finished writing. Amy closed her eyes as jonah guided her to the mirror, so it would be a surprise.
A- I love it! 
J- Emma's gonna freak. she should be here any second now.
Jonah kisses amy's belly.
J- i cant wait to meet you little baby. You're so lucky to have such an amazing mom and siblings. I love you already.
Amy kisses Jonah's head, when Emma walks in.
J- Hey Emma. How was school?
E- Awesome. because it's getting so close to Grad, we aren't doing much work.
J- Thats great.
Emma goes over to amy and kisses her.
A- We have a surprise for you.
Jonah signals for Emma to sit beside Amy. Amy lifts up her shirt, revealing the message.
A- Yes!
Emma gives amy a hug.
E- Thats Awesome!! is it safe though? with you know...
J- The doctors said it's totally safe, but she's gonna feel worse from having side effects from both the meds and the baby.
E- You've got this. You're gonna be a momma of 4!
A- just thinking about that scares me...
Emma pauses and looks at them confused.
E- Wait- when did you guys...
J- It was on-
A- JONAH!! she doesn't need to know.
Emma runs over to Jonah and gives him a hug.
E- so how many months are you?
A- 2. I'm not supposed to tell anyone until i'm 3 months.
E- i think you should tell everyone the way you told me. That was awesome.
A- Thanks Emmy. Love you.
E- Love you too.
They go in for a group hug.

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