Here for you part 6: Emma's Last Day

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Here for you Part 6•
Where part 5 left off•
Amy went in for a routine ultrasound, and found out that she was pregnant.

One Month Later~
Jonah and Amy had adjusted to their new lifestyle. Jonah had been working 2 jobs to keep their income steady because Amy couldn't work.

Amy and Jonah are laying in bed. They had just woken up. Amy is feeling horrible. She has just started her second trimester and is having all the symptoms. She just had a chemo session yesterday, so she's also feeling terrible from that.
J- Morning Ames.
Amy doesn't respond. Jonah looks over at her to see she's fallen asleep again. He turns over to give her a kiss and gets out of bed. He looks at her for a minute. he notices the scars and bruises on her body, and her bald head. He sees her asleep peacefully, and leaves the bedroom shutting the door behind him.
About 5 minutes later, amy wakes up and gets out of bed. she looks down at her belly, and realizes she has a bump. she smiles, and goes down to the living room where she sees Jonah and Emma on the couch.
E- Hi mom.
A- Hey Emmy.
J- Ames, you have a baby bump!!
Jonah gets off the couch and runs to Amy. He kisses her bump, gives her a hug, and wraps his arms around her as he guides her to the couch.
A- I still can't believe i'm pregnant. AND i have cancer. i don't think i'll ever get over this.
J- I know it's hard. But we're here for you.
Jonah hugs Amy.
A- i need some water.
Amy struggles to get up off the couch. She ends up flopping back down, and sighs. She had been struggling to get around. Between pregnancy and being sick, it was very hard to move.
J- I'll get it.
Jonah gets amy the water and sits back down. She kisses the back of his head and takes a sip, when the phone rings.
J- I'll get it.
Jonah runs for the phone and gets it on the last ring.
J- What has wings and is in the sky?  HALO!
E- What are you Phil Dunphy?
Amy smiles at Emma.
Phone- Hey, is Amy Simms there?
J- Yes, one second.
J- It's for you.
A- Helloo.
P- Hi, it's the St. Louis hospital calling with your 3 month progress report.  You're doing fairly well, considering the fact that you're pregnant. We're gonna keep doing treatment, but we are gonna make the schedule more intense. We can't do radiation because it would harm the baby, so we will do weekly chemo instead of monthly. It's gonna be a big change, and you won't feel very well, but it's for the best. It's what we have to do.
Amy looks at Jonah. He doesn't know what she just heard, but he assumes that it's not good. He hugs her and tears stream down her face. Amy talks on the phone for another 2 minutes and hangs up. She looks at Jonah in shock. He goes in to hug her, still clueless. She tells him what happened.
J- Oh Ames... I'm sorry.
A- It's ok. It's what needs to be done. Besides, whenever i'm feeling down, i'll just remember...
Amy looks down at her stomach.
A- I have another little bunch of happiness on the way.
Jonah goes over to Carter, who's sitting on the floor playing.
J- You're gonna be a big brother!
Jonah picks up Carter and brings him over to Amy.
J- And you have the best Momma taking care of you and all your siblings.
Amy smiles at Jonah.
A- How did i get so lucky.
Jonah looks at Amy. He admires her for a second, and then leaves to go get ready.
A- So Emmy, i haven't really gotten a chance to talk to you lately. How's... Life?
E- Well... Tomorrow's my last day of school. Then Saturday's my grad!
A- I can't believe you're graduating. It seems like just yesterday you were shooting out of my lady parts.
Emma laughs.
E- I'm all grown up now. I'm no longer your little girl.
A- And i'll never have another one again.
E- Well maybe this little one will be.
A- But she'll never be the same as you.
E- I really hope you can make it to my grad. if you don't feel up to it, i totally get it.
A- I'll try my best Emmy.
Emma hugs Amy and gets off the couch. She goes to the kitchen to get something to eat, and Jonah is there. Emma grabs a yogurt cup and sits down in silence.
J- You ok Emma?
E- Yeah... Just worried about mom.
J- I know.  It's hard. But we got this. It's our job to take care of her. We just need to let her rest, not stress her out, and comfort her. I really hope she can make it to your grad though.
Jonah looks over at Amy on the couch. He sees her laying there, eyes wide open. she hasn't been able to sleep because she's feeling horrible.
E- I don't think it's gonna happen.
J- I think she will. She wouldn't wanna miss her first baby's grad!
E- I'm scared about leaving for school- i'm gonna miss you and mom so much. and those 2 crazy kids.
Jonah and Emma look over at Amy. she's sitting on the couch, parker sitting next to her and carter across her lap.
J- you're lucky to have grown up with a mom like her.
E- I know.
Emma looks at her phone.
E- Oh god, i gotta go to school now!!
Amy looks over at Jonah and Emma sitting at the table.
A- I can't believe it's your last day of senior year!! come here!!
Emma runs over to amy and gives her a hug.
J- do you- need a ride or anything?
E- Jonah, i'm 17. I can drive there.
J- Ok. Just thought you'd want a personal chauffeur to your last day.
A- Let jonah drive you!!
Emma smiles at her mom.
Jonah looks at emma and takes a big breath in.
E- Oh god, what accent is it gonna be this time?
J-(in british accent) Your taxi is awaiting you outside madam.
Emma goes to hug amy, and walks out the door with Jonah.
A- Bye Emms.
Emma waves at amy and they head out the door.
Jonah is driving with Emma, and emma is just looking out the window when shake it off by taylor swift starts playing.
J- your favourite song!
Emma laughs and looks at Jonah.
That was like, 3 years ago. Not anymore.
Jonah blasts the radio to 50 volume and rolls the window down and start singing, when the person in the truck beside him rolls down their window.
Emma looks out the window, and notices they're at the school.
J- Hey, before you go i just wanted to say i'm proud of you, and so is your mom. Have the best last day kiddo. Love you!!
E- Aww thanks Jonah. Love you. Tell mom i'll be ok at uni- i know she's worried about me.
J- well that's Amy. the number one worrier in the world.
E- she does have a reason to worry this time though... i'm gonna be 4 hours away from her.
J- She'll miss you for sure- but she's got the boys and one more on the way to keep her busy for now.
Emma gets out of the car and says bye to jonah, and he leaves for work. He opens his phone to see a notification for the security camera. The footage showed a man dropping off a package at their front door. He goes onto iMessage, and shoots amy a text.
J- Your wig has arrived!!
A- So that's what that was!! I heard the doorbell, but i couldn't get off the couch. Parker was on top of me and everything is so sore i can't move.
J- don't worry about it. I'll get it after my shift.
Amy sends jonah a pic of carter laying on her bump. He smiles. and sends back a ❤️

Meanwhile at home~
Amy is still on the couch, when the doorbell rings. She didn't know what it could've been, since the wig had already arrived. She groans as she picks up carter who had been laying on her, and heads to the door.
D- Hi Ames!! I have the day off so i wanted to come see how you're doing.
A- Awww thanks D.
Dina walks in the doorway, and heads for the couch, when amy realizes something. She hadn't told anyone about her pregnancy yet, and her bump was really showing. She had carter covering it at the doorway, but Dina would notice eventually.
A- I'll be right back i just gotta call Jonah real quick.
Amy heads up to her room and shuts the door. Jonah answers.
J- What's up Ames?
A- Dina just showed up her unannounced to see what was going on and she doesn't know about the baby yet!
J- Oh shit. Has she seen the bump?
A- I was holding carter when she came to the door but i can't hold him the whole time Jonah!!
J- Just tell her, she's gonna notice anyways.
A- Remember what happened last time we only told dina something? It went around the store like wildfire!!
J- It'll be fine Ames. You're 4 months now, i think it's safe to tell everyone.
A- Okay babe.
J- Love you Amy.
A- Love you too.
Amy heads downstairs and sits next to dina. she's wearing a big sweater, so the bump isnt very visible, but her stomach is bigger than usual.
D- So, what's up with you? How you feeling?
A- I'm feeling ok... you really wanna know what's been happening?
Amy lifts up her shirt revealing her belly.
A- I'm having a baby!
D- Oh my god!! So happy for you!!
A- Thanks D.
D- How far along?
A- 4 months.
D- Wow.
A- It's totally safe and everything- I've just been feeling wayyy worse.
D- I can imagine. Being sick is hard enough, and then you've got a baby in you? Damn.
Amy laughs at Dina, but she can tell that she's worried inside.
D- you'll be ok ames. you've got the best husband and daughter to help you.
She hugs amy, and smiles at her.
D- So, do you know if it's a girl or a boy?
A- Not yet. we don't know if we wanna know or keep it a surprise.
D- I'm so happy for you two.
A- It's been a good distraction from everything, but more painful. i just want this baby OUT. I don't know how i'm gonna take care of 3 kids, with jonah working.
D-Don't you have a daughter too?
A- Emma's going to university.
D- Oh man, that sucks. your first baby is LEAVING YOU!
Dina looks at amy and laughs, they hang out for a while before dina is on her way.
D- Remember, i'm always here for you. Love you Amy.
A- Love you too D.

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