Here for you part 7: Pregnancy Announcement

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Here for you part 7:
Where part 6 left off:
Dina has found out that Amy is having a baby, and Emma had her last day of grade 12.
At Cloud 9~
Jonah is clocking in for his first shift of the week, when dina walks by.
D- Hey!! Congrats mr soon to be dad to 2!!
J- Thanks Dina.
D- Why aren't you more excited?!
J- I am excited, but i feel horrible for Amy. She's feeling terrible, and i feel like i'm responsible for it. She was screaming in pain this morning.
D- Poor girl. It's ok, you can't control things like that. Were you planning on having another one?
J- Honestly? We were before all this happened. If i would've known that she was sick, we definitely wouldn't have started trying. It's all my fault.
D- No it's not. You had no idea that this was gonna happen, you did this 2 months before she found out she was sick. Besides, it's better that you do it now in a way, because who knows if she's gonna be able to have any more kids after this? She's like what, 40?
J- She's 37.
D- That's still old. I popped out glenn's at 32.
Jonah glares at Dina.
J- you're OLDER THAN HER!!
D-All jokes. She's gonna be alright Jonah.
J- I know. I just want her to be happy again.
D- She seemed happy when i was there. I think parker & carter are keeping her distracted.
J- She did say that she liked being able to be with them without having to worry too much about work... Thanks D.
D- No prob.
Jonah heads off to start his shift working the register, when he decides to call Amy. He hadn't seen her yet today, because his shift started at 5am.
J- Hey beautiful!
A- Hi babe.
J- Everything ok? Sounds a little crazy in there!
A- Carter was up all night crying... which means parker was up all night... which means momma was up all night.
J- Why didn't you wake me up? You need to rest ames!
A- I felt bad. If you didn't hear what was going on, you must've been having one hell of a sleep.
J- Wake me up next time & i'll deal with it.
A- Well i couldn't really do that in this exact scenario- Parker was calling for momma.
J- Nothing like being your kids' favourite parent.
Jonah smiles at Amy.
A- I can barely handle 2, how am I gonna deal with 3? Jonah i don't know if i can do this.
J- You can do this. I'll be here to help you.
A- How babe? How? You'll be working & i'll most likely still be sick by the time the baby comes around, and then there's the worry of will i even be here to take care of them? You can't raise 3 kids by yourself Jonah.
J- We'll figure this out one step at a time, Ames. You're spiraling a little bit. I can promise you everything's gonna work out.
A- Promise?
J- Promise.
J- Before you go, what are your thoughts on this whole baby thing? Do we tell everyone?
A- I'd say go for it... Dina already knows. My parents and Eric & Mateo are coming over today, so i'm gonna tell them.
J- Okay babe. I love you.
A- Love you too!!
Amy scoops up parker and holds him up to the phone.
A- Say bye to Dada!!
Jonah smiles as parker doesn't respond.
J- Bye ames.
Jonah hangs up, and he looks behind him to see Glenn standing behind him.
G- She's such a good mom.
J- Glenn! How long have you been standing there?
G- I was trying to figure out how to fix my scanner and i sorta overheard what was happening.
J- Glenn...
Sandra turns around, smiling.
Everyone looks at Jonah.
Sayid- Is it Kelly's?
G- What, No!! He's been with Amy for like 3 years now Sayid!
S- Guess i missed a couple of chapters.
J- Uh, Yeah.
Marcus- You can't just leave something like that up in the air! My best friend is having a baby!! Give us details! 
J- Fine. Amy's pregnant.
C- That's awesome!! 
D- I knew first!!
G- Me second!!
Sandra- When is she due?
J- In 5 months.
Garrett- Is she ok?
J-she feels like shit right now but it'll all be worth it.
Justine- Damn, cancer and pregnancy? That woman is a badass bitch!
J- Please don't call my sick wife a bitch thank you very much. And for the love of god don't ask invading questions about her pregnancy. Respect her privacy please.
Justine- So that means no deets on how the baby was conceived? Dammit!

Meanwhile at Home, Amy is sitting on the ground playing with her kids, when the doorbell rings. She scoops up parker to hide her bump until she can formally tell them, and opens the door.
Connie- Hi my beautiful girl!!
Connie goes in for a hug, but Amy steps back still trying to hide her belly which was rather big for 4 months.
Ron- Hi Amy. You ok?
A- Hi dad. I'm fine.
C- There's my grandson!!
Connie goes in to grab Parker, but amy hugs him tight.
Eric- You can see him later if amy's ok with it mom. At least get in the house first. Hi Amy.
A- Hi guys.
Everyone gets in the house, and they sit on the couch.
A- I made coffee, they're on the counter you can grab them whenever you want. I can't get off the couch today.
R- So what's new Amy?
A- Well... i'm gonna tell you something pretty huge. I don't want you to panic because it's totally healthy, and even though i'm in a world of pain right now i'm happy about it.
Amy takes parker off of her lap and grabs her stomach.
A- I'm having another baby!
C- Oh Amy!!!
R- Congrats!
Connie goes to hug Amy.
A- I'm 4 months right now & i'm feeling absolutely horrible, so I thought it was finally time to tell everyone just in case.  It'll all be worth it when i have another kiddo running around here.
E- I'm so proud of you Amy!! Look at you. Your kids absolutely love you & you're doing awesome.
A- Awhh thank you Eric.
M- Is it just me or is your bump bigger than it was for Emma, Parker & Carter?
E- Mateo!! You don't mention stuff like that!!
Amy laughs.
A- No, it's ok! I gained some weight because of the meds i'm on which made my stomach bigger, and now that i'm pregnant it looks a lot bigger.
R- I can't believe our baby girl is gonna have 4 kids.
C- I know!!

3 hours later: Jonah is about to leave for his shift, when amy sends him a text.
A- How'd it go at the store? How judgey were they?
J- Honestly? Better than i expected. Glenn overheard me on facetime with you, and of course he had to shout it out loud when everyone was around.
A- Well at least you didn't have to say much. I'm guessing they wanted to know about the yk...
J- Justine straight up asked me! And then she called you a badass bitch😭
A- Dear God.
A- Hospital called a few mins ago & they're rescheduling treatment for tonight at 8 instead of tmr at 12
J- Need a ride?
A- Yes pleeeeaaase... i can't move
J- Ok. Who's gonna watch the kids?
A- Emma, duh
J- Emma's going dress shopping with her friends for grad at 7:30... she told you this morning. You ok Ames?
A- Just a bit out of it today. I'll call my mom & see if i can drop them off with her.
J- Sounds good. Love u 😘
A- ❤️
10 minutes later, jonah pulls up in the driveway and texts amy again.
J- Here. Need me to help with anything?
A- Can you go get my hospital bag? It's on our bed
Jonah goes to get the bag, and sees amy on the way down the stairs. He runs to give her a hug, and helps her out the door.
They get in the car, and amy stares out the window.
J- How'd telling your parents and eric & mateo go?
A- Not as bad as i thought. Mom & dad were super sweet but of course eric had to mention how i put on weight.
J- I'd like to see him pop out 4 kids.
Amy laughs and looks at Jonah.
J- i'll love you no matter what you look like ames. Remember, I'm always here for you.

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