Here For You Part 2• Shock

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It's the morning after Amy's diagnosis, and she and jonah are sleeping. Jonah wakes up first, and amy does shortly after.
J- Morning ames. you ok?
A- yeah... just still shocked and worried. how am i gonna tell Emma? How do i explain this to my 3 year old son??
J- ames don't worry, we will figure this out together.
A- i sorta don't wanna tell her. I don't want her to get worried. she shouldn't have to deal with this. Nobody should.
She has a big exam coming up & i don't wanna throw her off her game.
J- you're gonna have to tell her Amy. she's gonna ask you about the results... what are you just gonna say it's fine?
A- you have a point. She should be up any minute now...
Jonah leans over to hug amy, when Emma walks in.
J- Morning emma!
E- Hey... is everything ok with mom?
J- Come sit, Emma.
Emma has a worried look on her face. Jonah wraps her arm around Emma. He looks at amy, and he can tell she's not gonna be able to tell her.
J- so last night didn't really go the way we had hoped... your mom does have cancer.
Emma looks at her mom in shock. she goes in to hug her. they both start to cry.
E- I'm so sorry mom. It's gonna get better. I promise. Me and Jonah are here for you. don't worry about taking care of Parker & Carter, i've got it handled.
A- I love you Emmy.
They stop hugging, and jonah reaches for Amy's hand. She whispers in his ear.
A- I know that couldnt be easy to tell her, but i just couldn't do it myself. Thank you.
J- No problem. Remember... we're here for you.
A- well, we have to go to the hospital to start treatment now. I love you Emma.
E- Love you too.
Jonah and Amy get out of bed, get dressed and head to the hospital.

in the car~
A- again, thank you so much for telling her.
J- of course. I can tell you're really nervous right now, don't worry Ames.
A- how can you not be nervous?? i have cancer, jonah. has that not registered with you yet? 
J- yes it has....
they arrive at the hospital. they check in at the front desk & head to the room.
When they walk in, the nurse is in there.
N- Hi, i'm Phoebe! i'll be giving you your chemo today.
J- nice to meet you.
P- so how chemo works is we deliver medicine through a needle in your veins. It will take about 6 hours, so you'll be here for most of the day. the actual needle will hurt, but the rest won't. you will develop some side effects about an hour in. it's hard to say what, everyone is different. the most common ones are nausea, aches & headaches. So, you ready?
A- i guess...
J- she's um- really nervous. Amy hates needles, and she's probably freaking out at the fact that this one stays in your arm.
P- I understand, that's super scary for sure. i will put some tape over it so you won't see it.
A- ah great thank you.
P- so i'm gonna put it in now... don't look at it.
Amy turns her head away from her arm and looks at jonah, who has tears welling up in his eyes. Amy is squeezing Jonah's hand very hard, but he doesn't care.
P- 3..2...1...
The shot goes in. Amy screams a little bit, and jonah smiles.
A- are you happy about this??
J- No, just you're so cute when you scream. and you look very hot right now.
Amy smiles at jonah. She knows she doesn't look hot- in fact she looks like a mess.
P- And you're all done. Was it as bad as you thought? 
A- Yes... it hurt really bad.
J- it hurt for me too... my god you're strong.
Amy laughs. She wasn't in a good mood, and she wasn't feeling great, but Jonah made everything better.
J- i'm gonna go to the cafe downstairs and get a coffee. want one?
A- Sure.
Jonah hugs amy.
A- Watch my arm! 
Jonah leaves and heads downstairs. He is in line at Starbucks, when he runs into Dina again.
D- Jonah?? Why are you here again?
J- Hey Dina. it's kind of a personal thing... We're not ready to share it just yet. but if you really wanna know, thats fine. We trust you.
D- Is it you or Amy who's sick?? If it's you, you'll be fine because your tough. but if it's amy? game over.
J- Amy. She's here now, i'll take you to go see her. Then i'll explain what's happening.
Dina and Jonah head to Amy's room. They knock on the door.
A- Come in.
Jonah walks in with Dina.
A- Dina??
it takes Dina a few seconds to realize what's happening. She looks around the room to see the chemo machine, and she figures it out.
D- Oh Amy.. i'm so sorry.
Dina runs over to amy. she gives her a tight hug.
D- i totally get why you didn't wanna share this.
J- Yeah. She's doing ok right now, but it's probably gonna get worse.
D- when did you find out?
A- Just yesterday....
D- Oh my.
Dina pulls up a chair next to Amy's bed. Jonah gets in with her & they cuddle.
Time passes, and amy begins to feel worse.
A- i cant move. Everything hurts. i've never been this tired.
Amy lists more things, when phoebe walks in.
P- How are we doing in here??
J- Not the best.
Phoebe takes a look at Amy.
P- we're gonna take you off the meds now and keep you overnight. Jonah can stay if he wants to. I know you booked off work for the week, but it might be a good idea to go to work tomorrow, Jonah. being with your coworkers might distract you. It'll take your mind off Amy. don't worry about her... she'll be ok.
Jonah hugs amy.
J- Bye ames... Love you.
A- Love you Jonah.
Jonah heads out the door. Dina follows him, but she stops. She looks at amy, who had already fallen asleep. She sighs, and leaves. She catches up with Jonah by the elevator.
D- I'm so sorry, that can't be easy for you. And i'm sorry i was so curious.
I just wanted to make sure everything was ok.
J- it's ok. i get it, i'd hate knowing one of my friends wasn't doing well, but not knowing what they had.
D- Yeah. See you at work tomorrow, Jonah. if you decide not to come in, don't worry about it.
J- Thanks Dina. Before you go, please don't tell anyone. do it for me. for amy.
D- Of course.
They go their seperate ways. Jonah goes home, and emma is waiting at the door.
J- Hey Em.
E- Jonah!! is mom ok?
J- she's gotta stay overnight. they're watching her to make sure she has a positive response to the meds.
E- makes sense... how does she feel??
J- not good. she's tired, achey, she has a huge headache & was throwing up a lot.
Emma looks at the picture of her & amy when she was little.
E- I hope she's ok.
J- she will be, she's the toughest person i know. And.. We're there for her.

Here For You• A Simmosa StoryWhere stories live. Discover now