Here For You Part 3• Rumours

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It's the next morning, and jonah wakes up.
J- good morning Am-
He remembers amy isn't there, and is at the hospital.
J- Oh.
Jonah opens up his phone to check the time. He sees his wallpaper, which was a picture of him & amy on their honeymoon. He sighs, and gets out of bed. he walks into the Kitchen. He sees Emma is there, and has already gotten Parker some cereal.
J- Hey em.
E- Hi... any word on mom??
J- i texted her.. she must be asleep still.
E- why are you up so early?? you're off work this week...
J- The nurse said it would be a good idea to go to work. to take my mind off everything. Why are you up so early?
E- School.. Duhh!!
J- Oh yeah. Speaking of.. your graduation is soon!
E- Yeah!!
J- i cant believe you're gonna be going to university. I remember the day we met like it was yesterday. you called me incompetent.
E- wow. that was like forever ago.
Jonah smiles.
E- I just hope that mom can make it.
J- I hope so.. she'd be so upset to miss it.
E- Yeah. well i gotta go to school now, good luck at work. text me if you hear from mom.
J- Love you Em.
E- Love you too.
Emma leaves for school, and Jonah smiles after she leaves. She reminded him of Amy.

Jonah is on the way to work, (let's pretend that cloud 9 was still a store and not a warehouse) when his phone rings.
J- Hello??
Phone- Hey, it's Dina.
J- Hey Dins. everything ok?
D- Yeah, just wondering if there was any news on amy. And if you were gonna come in.
J- No news yet... and yes. i'm on the way. actually.. i just pulled up.
D- Talk to you inside??
J- Sure.
Jonah hangs up. he sits in silence for a second. he looks up at the picture of him and amy he has paperclipped by the car mirror. he smiles, then gets out of the car.

Jonah heads inside, and Dina is waiting for him at the front door.
D- Hey.
J- Hey.
D- thanks for coming in. i know it can't be easy.
J- it's not.. but the nurse was right. it's good to get my mind off Amy.  What department should i work in?
D- Nobody's covering housewares. Well, Elias is, but let's be real that doesn't count.
J- On it.
As Jonah heads to housewares, his phone rings.
J- Amy!!
Phone- Hey Jonah.
J- you ok??
A- yeah, just really tired.
J- when can you go home??
A- in a few hours.
J- i'll pick you up at the end of my shift.
A- sounds good. Love you.
J- Love you too. remember, i'm here for you.
Jonah hangs up, and Dina comes over.
D- i saw you on the phone. any word from Amy?
J- Yeah. she's fine, and i'm gonna go pick her up after my shift.
D- you can go now if you need to...
J- she's not ready just yet.
D- i still can't believe she has cancer.
Dina turns around and sees Mateo.
D- Mateo you're supposed to be in Seasonal!! 
Mateo looks at Dina in shock. all he heard was the word cancer, and was trying to figure out what was going on.
M- sorry.
He leaves to go to seasonal, and he runs into cheyenne.
M- you'll never believe what i just heard.
C- what?!
M- well, Dina was talking to Jonah and i heard her say the word cancer.
C- oh my god.. who has cancer-?!
M- is it Jonah?? 
C- Maybe... What else did you hear her say??
M- they were sorta whispering, but i heard her say " i cant believe ___ has cancer". i couldn't hear if it was he or she.
C- well that's not helpful!
M- i really wanna know!! 
C- Me too. we have to get to the bottom of this.
M- what if we start treating Jonah really nicely?? then if he has it, he'll figure out that we know and that's why we're being extra nice.
C- Good Plan. I'll start by getting him a coffee.
Cheyenne goes to get Jonah a coffee.
C- Hey jonah, i brought you a coffee.
J- Ah thanks, i really appreciate it Cheye.
C- Anytime.
Cheyenne looks at jonah to see if she can find any signs of being sick, like scars. Jonah notices something's up.
J- what are you doing?...
C- Oh i'm um- Just looking at your shirt. I like it.
J- i've worn this many times before.
C- Really?? Looks brand new to me!
J- you're acting really odd. is everything ok?
Mateo walks by, noticing what's happening. he butts in.
M- Everything's just fine. Cheyenne didn't sleep well last night, and she's acting a Lil crazy.
J- I didn't sleep either.
Cheyenne looks at Mateo.
C- What a coincidence. Was it the storm?  It was pretty loud.
J- No i like thunderstorms. It wasn't that.
C- Oh. see ya around.
Cheyenne runs to mateo.
M- I THINK SO... WE NEED TO DIG DEEPER. Let me ask Garrett if he knows anything, he's pretty close with him.
Mateo Goes to garrett at the customer service desk.
M- Hey, have you noticed anything off about Jonah??
G- Nah.. Why?
M- Well.. ugh i'm not supposed to tell you but why not. Dina was talking to Jonah, and we heard her say the word cancer. we're trying to figure out who has it and we think it's Jonah.
G- Now that i think of it.. he sent me a picture of some hair that was clogging his shower drain for some reason...
G- it's gotta be him.
M- It HAS to be.

One hour later, in the break room~
everyone is in the break room having lunch.
Sandra walks up to Jonah.
S- Hey Jonah, how are you feeling? I got you this card.
J- What??
Mateo and Garrett realize what's happening. mateo whispers to Garrett.
M- you told SANDRA??
G- I had to!! she saw i was acting suspicious and offered to buy me a new game controller if i told her.
G- I DID!!
J- I'm not sick...
S- But Garrett told me y-
S- I could've swore you said Jonah...
J- What's going on...
M- Fine. I heard you talking to Dina and i heard her say cancer... we guessed that you had it.
J- why would you even THINK that??
Everyone looks around.
J- Fine i'll tell you. It's not me. It's... It's Amy.
Everyone gasps.
J- we were keeping it private, because we just found out 2 days ago. I told Dina because she saw us at the hospital. I should've known to keep it to myself. Secrets spread like wildfire in this store.
C- is she ok?
J- She's not feeling good. i'm not gonna get into any detail, this is our private life and you don't need to know what happens.
Glenn- We're just worried about her Jonah. now i'm not gonna sleep tonight. great.
J- fine. she started her treatment yesterday, and it's starting to get to her. she's got a terrible headache, she can't move, she keeps throwing up and is in the worst mood. It's stage 2, and they said it's probably gonna get worse. Happy now? you know everything. she's gonna be so angry with me.
Jonah storms out of the break room and leaves to go to the hospital. He gets to her room & knocks on the door.
A- Come in!
J- Amy, i've been so worried about you...
Jonah runs over to amy & gives her a huge hug.
A- i'm fine. i feel terrible though.
J- I know... i'm so sorry babe.
Amy smiles at Jonah.
J- now don't be mad at me, but everyone at the store knows.
A- What?? how?? i'd yell at you but i'm too tired.
J- well Mateo heard me talking to Dina... and it just got out of control from there. everyone thought I was the one who had it. i thought about it for a second and was gonna go along with it to give you your privacy, but then i thought about what you would want me to do. you wouldn't want me to do that, because you hate lying. so, i told them it was you.
A- You did the right thing. but now everyone knows...
J- I'm so sorry Ames.
A- don't worry about it. i just wanna get home, take a shower and go to bed.
J- Okay babe. i missed having you in bed with me. it's not the same without you.
A- I missed you too.
Jonah helps amy out the door and they head to the car.

At home~
Amy and Jonah had just gotten home. it was pretty late, and the kids were already asleep.
A- i'm gonna go take a shower.
J- Okay hon.
Amy went in the shower. she washed her body, then her hair. As she was washing her hair, strands were starting to fall out. As she washed more, more came out.
She tries to shove it in the drain so that
Jonah doesn't find out, but it didn't work. eventually she just gave up and turned the shower off. she went to the bedroom to find jonah.
J- i'm gonna shower now.
Amy panics inside. she hoped that Jonah wouldn't see the hair in the drain.
Jonah came back 30 minutes later. he got into bed with Amy.
J- i saw the hair in the drain, Ames.
Amy sighs.
J- why didn't you tell me?
A- i don't know.. i guess saying it out loud to someone would make it feel more real.
Jonah hugs amy.
J- it's gonna be ok. remember... i'm here for you.

Here For You• A Simmosa StoryWhere stories live. Discover now