Here For You Part 4• Video Message

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It's the next morning after Amy had started loosing her hair. Jonah woke up, and the bed was covered with Amy's hair. He tries to clean it up before Amy sees it, so she doesn't get worried.
A- What's going on?
Amy looks around and sees her hair all over their bed.
J- I'm so sorry Ames.
Amy gets out of bed and looks in the mirror. Her hair thinned out, and she has a few bald spots. Jonah walks up behind her and gives her a hug.
A- i cant believe that this is happening.
J- you've got this. But... i think you know what we need to do.
A- go get the razor. let's get this over with.
Jonah comes back with scissors and a razor blade.
J- You sure you want to do this??
A- We have to.
Jonah kisses amy on the head and he starts to shave. Amy looks down.
A- i can't watch.
Jonah shaves amy's head. After about 5 minutes, all her hair was gone.
A- i'm scared to look...
J- you look gorgeous babe.
Amy looks up.
A- Wow.
Jonah gives amy's head a kiss.
J- I can see myself in the reflection!!
J- sorry. it's just so shiny. and i never knew how sexy your head was...
Amy smiles.
J- so... wanna go wig shopping after?
A- i'd love that.
J- But in the meantime... I got you this.
Jonah gives amy a bag. inside is a beanie.
A- How did you know this was gonna happen?
J- I had a feeling.
Amy gives jonah a hug, and she puts the hat on & goes downstairs.
E- Mom- Whoa! 
A- I know... It's shocking when you first see it.
E- I love it!
A- I love you Emmy.
E- Love you too.
Emma and Jonah give amy a hug, and Jonah heads to work.

At cloud 9~
Jonah walks into the store, clocks in and puts his stuff in his locker, when Glenn walks in.
G- Hi Jonah!
J- Heyy Glenn.
G- are you doing ok?
J- Yeah... i guess so.
G- How's Amy?
J- She's feeling a little better, but she started loosing hair.
G- did you shave it?
J- Yep...
G- i could have done it. The Sturgis men know how to give a good haircut.
J- This was more than a haircut. And she doesn't really wanna see anyone right now. Her parents haven't even visited.
G- Oh i had no idea... I'm sorry. I had an idea...
J- What.
G- well, we could all record a message for Amy & put it into one big video!
J- She'll love it.
G- Okay! do you wanna be the cameraman? Or do you wanna be surprised with the video? I can get someone else.
J- No that's ok.. i wanna see what people say before i show her. this store is unpredictable.
G- Alright. I'll call a meeting now.
Glenn walks out into the hallway and makes an announcement to the store.
Within 5 minutes, all the employees have made it to the break room. Glenn and Jonah are standing at the front with Dina.
G- So we came up with the idea that each of you would record a get well message for Amy, and we would make one big video to show her.
S- I think that's a great idea. When jerry was in the hospital, nobody cared though...
Sandra looks down, very sadly.
G- So while your working me and jonah are gonna come around and record you. Ok?
M- I need at least 30 minutes notice so i can do my hair.
D- You're gonna make amy feel bad about the way she looks if you all spend hours getting ready. it's a 20 second message, you'll be fine.
J- Are you saying Amy doesn't look good?
D- No... well... i mean come on she probably doesn't look the best.
G- You're right. Jonah told me he shaved her head.
J- Because, with the meds she's on makes her hair fall out. She had started loosing it and we just decided to go for it.
M- Yikes, that can't look good.
The room gets silent.
D- Meeting over.
Everyone leaves the break room except Dina, Glenn, and Jonah.
D- look im sorry i said that she doesn't look good. i'm just used to making fun of her, it's so strange to have to be nice to her. She's always been short little rodriguez. now i feel bad calling her that. now she's just- Amy Sosa.
J- Amy Simms, she changed her last name.
G- Aww that's so sweet! so who wants to record their message first?
D- One of you can go, i need to think of what to say.
G- I'll go first.
Jonah hits record, and Glenn starts his message.
Hi Amy, it's Glenn Sturgis here. Do you remember me??
D- CUT! of course she remembers you. try again.
G- Hi Amy, it's- Glenn St
G- Hi Amy it's- Glenn. Manager at cloud 9.
D- i give up.
J- I think we should keep it the way he has it. the video will feel more real if everyone is acting the way they usually act. If we tell him what to say, it won't be coming from him.
D- Damn it you're right.
Jonah hits record again and Glenn starts talking.
G- Hi Amy, it's Glenn Sturgis from cloud 9. Do you remember me? I hope you do. Anyways, I just wanted to say i hope you get well soon, and i'm gonna get everyone at my church to pray for you. Everyone here at Cloud 9 Wishes you a heavenly recovery.
J- Dina, you go next. Remember, be yourself. I think amy would like hearing you tease her a little bit, she probably misses it.
D- Hey Rodriguez, hope you're doing ok. I miss you- i miss seeing you work, i miss seeing your smile, and i miss our weekly coffee dates. I love you Ames, and i hope you get better soon.
Jonah starts to tear up.
J- That was perfect.
G- you're gonna make me cry too! You're up Jonah.
J- Hey Ames, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I love you so so much. I don't really have much to say, because i've already told you everything, but remember. you're not alone... i'm here for you.
The room went silent.
G- (through tears) that was, beautiful.
J- Thank you Glenn.
G- We should go get everybody else's.
J- Hold on.
Jonah takes his phone out of his pocket and facetimes Amy.
J- I want you guys to talk to her.
A- Hey Jonah.
G- AMY!! oh it's so nice to see your face.
Love your hat!
A- Awh thanks Glenn. Jonah got it for me.
D- Hey Ames, you ok?
A- Yeah, just really tired. And i have a huge headache. Carter won't stop looking at my head. it's so cute.
J- Awww. I miss you love.
A- I miss you too.
J- I have a surprise for you when i get home.
A- I cant wait. Love you.
J- Love you too.
Jonah hangs up the phone and starts to tear up again. Dina gives him a hug.
J- Thanks Dins. But you smell like a pet store.
Dina rolls her eyes and smiles.
Her, Glenn and Jonah head out of the break room and continue filming the video.

Meanwhile~ At Home
Amy is at home resting, and Parker, Emma, and Carter were there. Emma had stayed home from school to stay with her mom. Emma walks into Amy's room and finds her asleep. she leaves a waffle and a glass of orange on her nightstand, and kisses her head. Carter starts to cry, and Emma runs downstairs to get him. Amy wakes up and looks at her nightstand. She smiles and grabs the tray, when her phone goes off. It's a text from Jonah.
J- Here's the surprise. Don't click on the link until i get home, so we can watch it together. love you :)
Amy smiles at her phone and texts back.
A- Okay babe. Love you too. 😘

Back at cloud 9~
A few hours have passed, and Jonah and Glenn have finished making their video.
J- she's definitely gonna cry.
G- it might not be perfect.. but it's our cloud 9 family. we definitely aren't perfect.
Jonah smiles at Glenn.
He walks out of the store, and gets in his car, and drives home.

At home~
Jonah walks in the door, and goes straight upstairs to go see amy. He opens the door to her room and gives her a kiss.
J- Ready for the surprise?
A- Yep.
Amy opens the link Jonah sent her, and casts it to the TV in their room.
Text goes across the screen * get well soon amy*
The video plays, and Amy hears all the messages.
A- did you guys make this just to make me cry??
Jonah looks at amy and wipes a tear off her face.
A- I love you Jonah.
J- Love you too. Remember, i'm here for you.

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